In addition to the nearly 4,000 technical papers to be presented throughout the week at TMS2014, the following spotlight sessions will provide broad appeal to a wide audience of meeting attendees:
Innovation in the Aluminum Industry Supply Chain – How Will We Move on to the Next S Curve? |
 More Information |
Date: | Monday, February 17, 8:30 a.m. to Noon |
Location: | San Diego Convention Center – Room 6A |
Organized by: | Barry Sadler, Net Carbon Consulting |
Over several decades, research and development within the aluminum
industry has suffered from factors such as cost cutting and "rationalization" following company mergers and take-overs. This leads to a question: How will
the industry support the work required to move on to the next innovation S curve? In other words, how do we get to the critical mass of R&D required to
achieve the breakthroughs that can lift industry environmental and energy efficiency performance to that required to maximize future growth potential?
Relevant to this are issues such as: Who will do the work? What are the possible funding models? What are the roles for international cooperation and
government funding? In the keynote session, senior speakers from industry and academia will:
- Explore these topics from the perspectives of smelting and alumina production
- Look at the role of external research providers
- Present a case study from one integrated aluminum company
- Look at innovation in the industry from a North American perspective
- Examine innovation within the broader mining industry
These presentations will be followed by a panel discussion.
Keynote speakers will include:
- Barry Welch, Universities of New South Wales (Australia) & Auckland (New Zealand)
- Gerald I.D. Roach, Alcoa World Alumina Australia
- Mark P. Taylor, University of Auckland
- Martin Segatz, Hydro Aluminum Deutschland GmbH
- Alton Tabereaux, Alcoa (retired)
- Geoff Bearne, Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation
World Views on Materials and Manufacturing Innovation: Regional Perspectives from Government Organizations |
 More Information |
Organized by Charles Ward, Air Force Research Laboratory; Hani Henein, University of Alberta; and Kevin Hemker, Johns Hopkins University and Sponsored by the TMS Materials Innovation Committee |
Date: | Tuesday, February 18, 8:30am - 12:20pm |
Location: | San Diego Convention Center - 6A |
Combining recent emphases on manufacturing
advances and acceleration of materials innovations, this special keynote session will focus on the current state of the art and
future international landscape of integrated materials and manufacturing innovations. In particular, it will examine regional
perspectives from leading government organizations around the world. Esteemed speakers will present overviews of their current
activity areas, as well as previews of what is on the horizon for materials science and engineering innovations, especially as
they relate to manufacturing.
The session will close with an interactive, moderated panel discussion immediately following the individual presentations in which the audience may ask questions of the keynote speaker panel.
Keynote Speakers will include:
- Jian-Feng Nie, Professor, Monash University, Australia
- Han Dong, Vice Chief Engineer of China Iron & Steel Research Institute Group (CISRI Group), Vice President of Central Iron & Steel Research Institute (CISRI), Director of National Engineering Research Center of Advanced Steel Technology (NERCAST), China
- G. Sundararajan, Director, ARCI, Hyderabad & Professor, IIT Madras, India
- Yoshio Akimune, General Manager Technical Planning Division Innovative Structural Materials Association, Japan
- Laurie Locascio, Director, Material Measurement Laboratory, The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
A Lifetime of Experience with Titanium Alloys: A Structural Materials Division
Symposium in Honor of Jim Williams, Mike Loretto and Rod Boyer |
Date: | Monday, February 17 to Thursday, February 20 |
Location: | San Diego Convention Center – Room 1A |
 Jim Williams |
 Mike Loretto |
 Rod Boyer |
The successful and widespread industrial use of titanium
alloys may be traced in large part to the significant contributions these three gentlemen have made to the field of titanium metallurgy. Their careers
spanned several decades in academia and industry where they served as mentors, organizers, advisors, managers, distinguished fellows, directors, and
presidents. The first talk of each morning in this three-day, six-session symposium will feature an invited speaker highlighting the lifetime and achievements
of each honoree. |
Celebrating the Megascale: An Extraction & Processing
Division Symposium in Honor of David G.C. Robertson |
Date: | Monday, February 17 to Thursday, February 20 |
Location: | San Diego Convention Center – Room 16A (Room 3 and 16A used for Thursday afternoon sessions |
 David G.C. Robertson |
At a time when maintaining
metals production is increasingly important to modern society, producers face the challenge of remaining profitable
within an unpredictable global economy, while minimizing environmental impact and energy consumption. Economies of
scale are becoming increasingly important in this setting, leading to larger and larger plants – some reaching the
megascale – and requiring the support of highly skilled professionals. Professor David G.C. Robertson has devoted his
career to the education of highly skilled metallurgical professionals and to the engineering of all types and sizes of
metallurgical processes, particularly those involving molten metals. His research has focused on transport phenomena of
smelting, refining, and solidification processes, particularly mass transfer, kinetics, and fluid dynamics. |
Robertson Honorary Dinner
Date: Monday, February 17, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cost: $130
Held in conjunction with the "Celebrate the Megascale" symposium, this event will honor the career and contributions to the field of extraction
and processing technology (specifically pyrometallurgy) of David Robertson. Join us for a social, three-hour dinner cruise. The evening’s itinerary
will be as follows:
5:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.: Boarding at Marriott Marina
6:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.: Social and Dinner
8:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: Dock and Disembark at Marriott Marina
To participate, sign up for this event through the TMS2014 registration form.
Dynamic Behavior of Materials VI – A Structural
Materials Division Symposium in Honor of Professor Marc Meyers |
Date: | Monday, February 17 to Thursday, February 20 |
Location: | San Diego Convention Center – Room 3 |
 Marc Meyers |
The dynamic behavior of materials
encompasses a broad range of phenomena associated with extreme environment and with relevance to technological applications
in military and civilian sectors. The field of dynamic behavior of materials comprises diverse phenomena such as
deformation, fracture, fragmentation, shear localization, damage dissipation, chemical reactions under extreme conditions,
and processing (combustion synthesis; shock compaction; explosive welding and fabrication; shock and shear synthesis of
novel materials). It has evolved considerably in the past twenty years and is now at a stage where its significance to
all classes of materials including metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites is becoming relevant. |
Progress Towards Rational Materials Design in the
Three Decades Since the Invention of the Embedded Atom Method: A Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Symposium
in Honor of Dr. Michael I. Baskes |
Date: | Monday, February 17 to Wednesday, February 19 |
Location: | San Diego Convention Center – Room 30E |
 Michael I. Baskes |
This symposium will honor the
remarkable contributions of Michael I. Baskes to the field of computational materials science. Along his career Baskes
has pioneered the theoretical and numerical development of models of materials behavior, with emphasis on the role played
by atomistic defects on the anisotropic behavior of engineering materials. His many contributions have been critical to
establishing a strong connection between models and experiments, and to bridging different scales in the pursuit of
robust multiscale models with experimental integration. |