Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

Topic Title: WEB RESOURCE: Accelerated Reliability Testing and Analysis of Lead-Free Interconnects
Topic Summary: An interim status report of the HDPug GPLF project on Pb-free solder interconnects
Created On: 2/12/2007 10:31 AM

 2/12/2007 10:31 AM

Todd Osman

Posts: 219
Joined: 2/2/2007

This paper comprises an interim status report of the HDPug GPLF project. The Pb-free solder interconnect reliability performance of a wide variety of common SMT component types was measured in an IPC-9701 TCI thermal cycle (0-100 degrees C/40 min cycle.) Seventeen different Pb-free SMT components were evaluated, including PBGAs, CBGAs, CCGAs, power modules, QFPS, PLCCs, CSPs, chip capacitors and resistors. All were attached to a six layer PCB using SAC387 solder paste according to the HDPug GPLF defined assembly process. This study specifically compares the reliability behavior of these various component types when subjected to expected Pb-free assembly process extremes, such as minimum peak reflow temperature and extended reflow soak times. Microstructural features of as-assembled SAC solder connections are first explored. Failure data is reported for the various component types and assembly conditions. All SAC solder thermal ciycling data were collected, along with eutectic SnPb solder controls. The full text of the paper is provided in PDF format.

LAST UPDATE: 2/12/2007

SOUREC: Wilcox, James. "Accelerated Reliability Testing and Analysis of Lead-Free Interconnects." IPC/APEX 2006. Anaheim, CA. 8-10 February 2006.

LINK: Accelerated Reliability Testing and Analysis of Lead-Free Interconnects

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