Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

New Messages Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.
 A Trade Organization representing companies that process, broker and industrially consume scrap commodities.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 10:33 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Scrap Specifications Circular 2009
 Specifications to assist members in buying and selling of scrap. Internationally accepted for trading.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:57 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Recycling Opportunities, Technical Challenges and Illusions
 A business and technology perspective on recycling, partiularly recycling of household waste, metals and plastics.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:55 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Nickel-base superalloys; physical metallurgy of recycling
 This paper provides an overview of the current use of scrap in the industry and procedures for recycling.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:50 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Flow Studies for Recycling Metal Commodities in the United States
 Circular presents the results of flow studies for recycling of 26 metal commodities.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:42 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Recycling Metals for the Environment
 Article that describes metal production from primary and secondary resources.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:41 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Recycling - Metals
 A 1997 report providing some basic information on recycling.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:39 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Life Cycle Assessment of Nickel Products
 Prepared by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP/Ecobalance for Nickel Industry LCA Group.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:37 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Sustainability and Nickel
 Wepage that describes the sustainability challenges for nickel and nickel-containing materials.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:23 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Declaration by the Metals Industry on Recycling Principles
 A Declaration, created by a metal industry coalition, focusing on end-of-life approaches and flows of material.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:20 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Health and Environment
 The Essentiality of Nickel describes the role of Ni in humans, mammals, plants and microorganisms.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:14 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Sustainability: The Materials Role
 This lecture series began in 1971 focused on links between materials, energy, and the environment.
0 Diana Grady 7/2/2008 9:08 AM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Superalloy Recycling 1976-1986
 Article focusing on superalloy recycling between 1976-1986.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 2:30 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Tantalum Recycling in the United States in 1998
 Report that describes flow of tantalum in the US in 1998.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 2:27 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Recycling of Iron, Steel, and Superalloys
 Article that focuses primarily on methods and technology used by scrap dealers to recycle purchased scrap.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 2:25 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Recycling of Superalloy Scrap through Electro Slag Remelting
 Abstract: ESR with a water cooled copper electrode has been used for recycling machined superalloy scrap.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 2:07 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Strategic Materials: Technologies to Reduce U. S. Import Vulnerability
 Presents findings of the Office of Technology Assessment published in 1985.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 2:02 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Metals Handbook Desk Edition, 2nd. Edition
 Latest Edition, on recycling and life-cycle anaylsis.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 2:00 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Caledonian Alloys
 World leader in nickel and cobalt base superalloy and titanium alloy recycling .
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 1:58 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages Monico Alloys
 Specializes in collecting and preparing superalloys for recycling.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 1:56 PM
by Diana Grady
New Messages United/Unico Alloys and Metals
 A world leader in processing of titanium and super alloy scrap.
0 Diana Grady 7/1/2008 1:50 PM
by Diana Grady

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