Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

FORUMS > WEB RESOURCES Replies Originator Last Post
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Waste Storage
 CC Technologies. Nuclear waste segment of corrosion cost study funded by the US Federal Highway Administration
0 Lynne Robinson 7/6/2007 4:57 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: The Information Bridge
 DOE. Access to full-text documents and bibliographic citations of DOE research report literature
0 Lynne Robinson 6/25/2007 2:16 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS)
 US NRC. Provides Web-based access to all public NRC documents
0 Lynne Robinson 6/25/2007 2:00 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
 Agency regulating commercial nuclear power plants and other uses of nuclear materials
0 Lynne Robinson 6/25/2007 9:31 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE. Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)
 DOE. Detailed information on the GNEP's implementing elements
0 Lynne Robinson 6/22/2007 1:39 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Energy and Global Security Technologies Center
 Sandia National Laboratories. Access to information on Yucca Mountain, WIPP and legacy waste management
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 2:43 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Waste Scientific Program
 Berkeley National Laboratory. Research summaries and laboratory test results
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 2:21 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
 DOE. World's first underground repository licensed to dispose of radioactive waste associated with nuclear weapons
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 2:13 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Storage options and regulations
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 1:57 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
 Southwest Research Institute. Technical and regulatory issues related to a US geologic high-level waste repository
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 1:51 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Office of Environmental Management
 DOE. Risk reduction and cleanup of the environmental legacy of the US nuclear weapons program
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 1:40 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: National Spent Nuclear Fuel Program
 DOE. Program documents, fact sheets and "Lessons Learned"
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 1:32 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Central Internet Database
 DOE. Integrates waste management and cleanup data from multiple sources into a single database
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 12:04 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: High-Level Waste Disposal
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Links to the Yucca Mountain plan and other regulatory initiatives
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 11:53 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste: Production, Storage, Disposal (NUREG/BR-0216, Rev. 2)
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Interactive brochure
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 11:46 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Backgrounder on Radioactive Waste
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Overview of types of waste, storage and disposal
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 11:39 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
 Web site of independent board providing oversight of the DOE nuclear weapons complex
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 11:32 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Yucca Mountain Standards
 EPA. Proposed radiation protection standards
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 11:24 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Licensing Support Network
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Searchable online repository of documents related to Yucca Mountain Project licensing
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 11:07 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Meeting transcripts and reports
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:58 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: US Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
 Web site of agency providing independent oversight of DOE radioactive waste management program
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:51 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste
 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Online index to regulated waste disposal information
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:44 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
 DOE. Access to laws, regulations and Yucca Mountain updates
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:33 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Waste Technology Section
 International Atomic Energy Agency. Extensive resource of technical and scientific information
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:25 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste Management Information Systems
 International Atomic Energy Agency. Access to databases related to radioactive waste management
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:21 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering
 SKB. Swedish nuclear waste management technology
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:13 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Transmutation of Radioactive Waste
 Nuclear Energy Agency (France). Links to related documents and nuclear data
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 10:05 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste Management
 Uranium Information Centre (Australia). Very basic overview
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 9:57 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Waste Management Reference Documents
 World Nuclear Association. Reports on the handling and eventual disposal of radioactive wastes
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 8:40 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: How Nuclear Works
 World Nuclear Association. Concise guide on the fuel cycle
0 Lynne Robinson 5/15/2007 8:31 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: World Nuclear Association
 Access to information papers, policy documents and treaties
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 4:51 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
 Specialist in decommissioning and regenerating nuclear sites
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 4:41 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Directorate
 Health and Safety Commission. The primary nuclear industry regulatory body in the UK
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 4:16 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste
 DEFRA (UK). Index of current policy actions and supplementary resources
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 4:04 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland)
 Updates on running experiments and access to technical reports
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 3:46 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos, S.A. (Spain)
 Current projects and research
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 3:25 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Back-End of the Fuel Cycle
 Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. Spent nuclear fuel research
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 3:18 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Chromium Speciation and Mobility in a High Level Nuclear Waste Vadose Zone Plume
 Standford. Overview of study
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 2:17 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Fuel Cycles and Radioactive Waste
 University of California, Berkeley. Annotated directory of current research projects
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 2:08 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Professor R.C. Newman
 University of Toronto. Research in corrosion performance of alloys
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:58 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Materials
 MIT. Brief description of nuclear waste media research
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:45 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Engineering Research Projects 2005-2006
 North Carolina State. Project description
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:35 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Research and Service Laboratories and Facilities
 Texas A&M. Brief description of Fuel Cycle and Materials Laboratory
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:28 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board
 National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) Updates on projects and studies
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:20 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Waste Disposal
 Nuclear Energy Institute (U.S.) Position papers and other public policy resources
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:12 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive High-Level Waste & Spent Fuel Management
 Electric Power Research Institute. Access to 2007 action plan
0 Lynne Robinson 5/10/2007 1:00 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Research on Nuclear Wastes
 French Atomic Energy Commission. Strategies for radioactive waste management
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 7:24 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Reprocessing
 AREVA (France). Overview of reprocessing capabilities
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 4:57 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Central Organisation for Radioactive Waste (Netherlands)
 Introduction to processes, capabilities and facilities
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 4:34 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Waste Management Organization (Japan)
 Technical reports, public information packages, bibliographies and more
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 3:38 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center (Japan)
 Broad descriptions of current research projects
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 2:49 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Public Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (Hungary)
 Thorough introduction to current projects and repositories.
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 1:46 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Germany)
 Overview of agency activities in managing the final disposal of radioactive waste
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 1:34 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Posiva (Finland)
 Detailed information on nuclear waste management capabilities
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 1:21 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: BelgoProcess (Belgium)
 Specialist in the processing of radioactive waste
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 1:07 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste
 ONDRAF/NIRAS. Broad overview of Belgian radioactive waste management
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 12:57 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste Management in Australia
 Department of Education, Science and Training. Detailed information written for the general public
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 12:24 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Wastes
 Uranium Information Centre (Australia). Online briefing papers
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 12:11 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (France)
 Detailed information on the Agency's projects, processes and research
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 10:27 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Waste
 Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland). Overview of radioactive waste disposal processes
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 10:16 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
 Overview of operations and research projects
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 9:45 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Swedish National Council for Nuclear Waste (KASAM)
 Provides access to reports and independent reviews
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 9:12 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Switzerland)
 Overview of research programs and access to technical reports
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 8:50 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (UK)
 Extensive information on strategies, projects and contracting processes
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 8:29 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Nuclear Waste in Sweden
 Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate. Overview of nuclear waste disposal issues
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 8:16 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management
 Managing and disposing of radioactive waste from Swedish nuclear power plants
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 7:37 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Waste Management and Decommissioning
 Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Information related to decommissioning nuclear facilities
0 Lynne Robinson 5/8/2007 7:25 AM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Materials Research Society
 Professional society for materials researchers
0 Lynne Robinson 5/7/2007 9:29 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Waste Management
 Congressional Research Service. Detailed reports prepared for the U.S. Congress
0 Lynne Robinson 5/7/2007 9:12 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: WasteLink Exhaustive online reference tool
0 Lynne Robinson 5/7/2007 8:42 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: The Virtual Repository
 Enviros. Link library of organizations involved in the nucelar energy industry
0 Lynne Robinson 5/7/2007 8:35 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Radioactive Waste Management
 NEA. Project updates, publications and other resources
0 Lynne Robinson 5/7/2007 5:01 PM
by Lynne Robinson
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: International Atomic Energy Agency
 Numerous resources on nuclear waste disposal issues and projects
0 Lynne Robinson 5/7/2007 3:04 PM
by Lynne Robinson

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