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MAP An Article from the October 2004 JOM: A Hypertext-Enhanced Article |
Warren H. Hunt, Jr. is a technical consultant with TMS in Warrendale, PA. |
Exploring traditional, innovative, and revolutionary issues in the minerals, metals, and materials fields.
Nanomaterials: Nomenclature, Novelty, and NecessityWarren H. Hunt, Jr. |
Nanomaterials are an enabling component of the popularly labeled area of "nanotechnology," but are generally not well understood in the materials community at large. The purpose of this article is to narrow this gap by framing nanomaterials in the traditional materials science and engineering context as well as discussing some potential implications to the materials enterprise.
To understand and discuss nanomaterials, it is perhaps best to start with the broad area that is known as nanotechnology. Identification of the concept of nanotechnology has been attributed to Richard Feynman, who presented a speech in 1959 titled “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” In his speech, Feynman described manipulating atoms to make materials many decades before it became possible to do so.1 The term “nanotechnology” was not used until 1974 by Taniguchi at the University of Tokyo, Japan, to refer to the ability to engineer materials precisely at the nanometer level, driven by electronics industry needs.2 In 1981, the advent of the scanning tunneling microscope enabled atom clusters to be seen, while in 1991 IBM demonstrated the ability to arrange individual xenon atoms using an atomic force instrument.
"The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of moving things atom by atom. It is not an attempt to violate any laws; it is something, in principle, that can be done; but in practice, it hasn’t been done because we are too big." 1 --Richard Feynman, 1960 |
Atomic-Force Microscope: A scanning-probe instrument that maps the surface topography by measuring the force acting on a tip as it slides along a surface or moves perpendicular to it. |
"Commercial nanotechnology is at a nascent stage. Large-scale production challenges, high production cost, the public’s general reluctance to embrace innovative technology without real safety data or products, and a well-established micron-scale industry are just a few of the bottlenecks facing early-stage nanotechnology commercialization." 14 --Raj Bawa, 2004 |
Many of the greatly enhanced properties of nanomaterials, and in particular nanoparticles, are derived from their very small size and very large surface area. These properties can also present challenges in the environmental, health, and safety (EHS) realm. Two issues identified in a recent report by insurance company Swiss Re26 are the mobility of nanoparticles in the environment and their unrestricted access to the human body. Coated nanoparticles, once airborne, will not settle on surfaces as larger particles would, and may be difficult or impossible to filter. Entry of nanoparticles into the body through inhalation, possibly through the skin, and via the digestive tract are all considered options. Once in the body, nanoparticles may be able to migrate freely, even scaling the blood-brain barrier. Whether nanoparticles, with their changed chemical properties, are a threat has not been determined and toxicological studies are recommended. Such studies are under way in the United States as part of the National Nanotechnology Initiative20 as well as in Europe. Some initial viewpoints have been expressed in reviews such as that carried out by The Royal Society and The Royal Academy of Engineering.3 While only scant evidence is currently available, it suggests that at least some manufactured nanoparticles will be more toxic per unit of mass than larger particles of the same chemical. Also, there is concern about the potential effects of the physical characteristics of nanomaterials. For example, carbon and other nanotubes may have toxic properties similar to asbestos fibers, although preliminary studies suggest that they may not escape into the air as individual fibers. Recent research has been published in which carbon nanotubes and related carbon nanocrystal aggregates present in the atmosphere were analyzed via transmission electron microscopy.27 These nanoparticles occur naturally and have been created for many millennia as a result of combustion and food cooking. While qualitative in nature, this type of work indicates increasing attention to environmental and health considerations. These sorts of concerns have resulted in recommendations that the release of nanoparticles and nanotubes into the environment be avoided as far as possible and treatment of these nanomaterials as though they were hazardous until proven otherwise. These concerns have even caused Prince Charles of Britain to weigh in. The Prince of Wales has called for greater consideration of the social, environmental, and ethical implications of nanotechnology, saying that at this early stage of research, risk assessment must keep pace with commercial development.28 One of the challenges for the EHS area comes back to nomenclature. Regulators at agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration need a systematic taxonomy so they can tell from a molecule’s name what it looks like and how it behaves. The naming of nanoproducts poses novel challenges. Because they are so small they behave very differently than macrosized substances of similar chemical composition. Groups are beginning to address this issue, and Vicki Colvin, director of the Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology at Rice University, is seeking funding for a series of nanonomenclature meetings in the near future, with the expectation that it could take as long as two years to get a solid framework. |
"Once poorly understood as an ill-defined amalgamation of disparate atomic level sciences, nanotechnology is now coming of age as sophisticated investors and corporate executives grasp that this is no passing fad." 18 -- Lux Research, 2004 |
What is nanotechnology? A variety of definitions for nanotechnology have been presented. By the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) standards, nanotechnology involves all of the following:
- Research and technology development at the atomic, molecular, or macromolecular levels, approximately 1–100 nanometers in length.
- Creation and use of structures, devices, and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.
- Ability to control or manipulate on the atomic scale.
Not unlike the situation in conventional
technology, materials are a critical
if sometimes underappreciated component
in achieving the goals of nanotechnology.
A central construct of materials
science and engineering is that the
structure and processing of a material
give rise to its properties, which in turn
determine its performance in use. This
certainly applies to nanomaterials as well
and provides a useful framework for
understanding in a familiar context.
Nanomaterials have been important
in the materials field for quite a long
time. An early example was the incorporation of gold nanoparticles in stained
glass in 10 A.D. At sizes in the nanorange,
gold can exhibit a range of colors.3 Also, nano-sized carbon black particles
have been used to reinforce tires for 100
Perhaps one manifestation of the
concept of nanomaterials familiar to
traditional metallurgists is precipitation
hardening. As discussed by Hornbogen,5 the accidental discovery of precipitation
hardening in 1906 by Wilm in Duralumin
alloys opened the way to significant
improvements in strength properties for
aluminum. Although researchers were
unable to image the precipitates with the
instruments available at the time, it was
subsequently discovered that nanometer sized
precipitates were the source of
hardening. Through the advent of
electron microscopy came a better
understanding of the structure of
precipitates, including aspects such as
size and coherency with the metal matrix.
This allowed further improvement in
nanoscale structures through composition
selection and knowledgeable
processing, resulting in further gains in
a variety of materials systems. It is
interesting to note that the ability to
image precipitates was critical to
optimizing processing and properties,
much as the invention of scanning-probe
instruments enabling the imaging of
nanostructures has accelerated progress
in nanotechnology.
What then are the nanomaterials of
today and tomorrow? As a framework
for this discussion, the approach of Jones6 for organizing nanotechnology into three
categories can be applied to nanomaterials.
The categories are:
Incremental nanomaterials are materials
that have improved properties at the
nanoscale, typically as a result of their
greatly increased surface area, but do
not typically take advantage of the
quantum effects.
Nanoparticles are already seeing
application, taking advantage primarily
of the high surface area of these fine
powders. Nanoceramic powders, the
most commercially important of which
are simple metal oxides, constitute
almost 90% of the total market.7 For
example, nano-sized zinc oxide particles
are in use in sunscreen. Nanostructured
ceramic coatings are adding durability
and toughness to hulls of U.S. Navy
ships. Metal powders are important, as
well. Iron nanoparticles have been used
to treat groundwater contaminated with
trichloroethylene while aluminum
nanoparticles have been developed that,
due to their increased surface area, have
substantially greater “bang for the buck” as solid rocket propellant.
Incremental nanomaterials also
include polymer nanocomposites in
which clay nanoparticles are incorporated
to increase the hardness and reduce
the permeability of the polymer. These
have seen application in automotive
panels and step assists in vans. Other
examples of these types of applications
are nanoparticles in tennis balls and carbon nanotubes in tennis racquets.
Incremental nanotechnology can also
be found in the development of nanostructured
materials by techniques such
as equal channel angular extrusion and
accumulative roll bonding, which fall in
the category of severe plastic deformation
processes. Articles by Semiatin et
al.8 and Zhu9 elsewhere in this issue
discuss these concepts in more depth.
The primary benefit of these processes is
to produce ultrafine-grained structures
with dimensions in the sub-micrometer
range, resulting in increased strengthening
along with other enhanced properties.
Note again that the benefits obtained in
these nanostructured materials come
primarily from the increase in surface
area (in this case the surface area of
grain boundaries) and the impact of the
small scale of the structure on dislocation
motion rather than quantum effects. Also
note that the inherent coupling of the
ability to image these structures and
their behavior is inextricably linked to
their optimization. For example, recent
work has described changes in deformation
mode from dislocation-slip to grain
boundary sliding as a function of grain
size for nanocrystalline nickel using the
in-situ microscope at the National Center
for Electron Microscopy at the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory.10
Evolutionary nanotechnology takes
advantage of the changes that can occur
in materials at the nanoscale related both
to increased chemical reactivity and the
increasing importance of quantum
effects. Examples include nanoscale
sensors that exploit the large surface
area of nanotubes and semiconductor
nanostructures such as quantum dots
and quantum wells. For example,
silica-based nanomaterials, molecular
imprinted polymers, and silicon platforms
are envisioned for collection,
concentration, and detection of chemical
weapons and other related compounds
in security and defense applications.11 The biggest steps are being made in
evolutionary nanotechnology, with more
and more products expected to appear in
the market in the next five years.
A material that has generated substantial
interest is the class of molecularly
perfect carbon structures called fullerenes.
The creation of a 60 carbon atom molecule in the form of a geodesic
sphere, termed the buckyball by Smalley
in 1985, has lead to other fullerenes
containing many more atoms of carbon
and taking different shapes. One such
shape is the carbon nanotube (CNT),
which has a range of unique properties.
These materials can act as either highly
conductive nanowires or as semiconductors,
depending on the specific arrangement
of the carbon atoms. The perfection
of the CNT creates a material with a
strength reported to be 30 times that of
steel at 1/6 the density. The thermal
conductivity of CNTs is 50% higher
than that of diamond. These unique
properties have already led to the use of
CNTs in specialty applications such as
high-performance tennis racquets and
selected electronics. Longer term, CNTs
are seen as key components in fuel cells,
electrical transmission lines, and
thermoelectric conversion devices. (The
area will be the subject of its own short
course at the upcoming 2005 TMS
Annual Meeting. See details in News
and Update in this issue.)
Carbon nanotubes are by no means
the sole materials focus of evolutionary
nanotechnology. Other materials are in
development that will generate immediate
interest and impact on the electronic
materials field. As described in an earlier
JOM paper by Rittner, these include semiconductor nanowires, quantum
dots, semiconductor nanocrystals,
nanoscale thin films, and organic
molecules.12 It is anticipated that there
will be significant impact in the energy
area, including high-efficiency solar
energy conversion as well as advanced
fuel cells and batteries. Medical applications
enabled by nanomaterials including
diagnosis and treatment, along with markedly different approaches to
pharmaceuticals, are also predicted to
be on the horizon in the next decade.
Radical nanotechnology is viewed as having an impact much farther into the future. Examples include next-generation military uniforms being developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Institute for Soldiering Nanotechnology. The uniforms are designed to defend against chemical and biological weapons, provide ballistic protection, monitor health, administer medical aid, and provide communication capabilities.13 Much farther in the future are concepts in which nanotechnology converges with biology, information technology, and cognition. Novelist Michael Crichton seized upon this convergence as the technological engine for his 2002 novel Prey. Based on a hypothetical future in which so-called nanobots develop evolutionary capability and self-replicate, becoming an out-of-control, dangerous force, the book paints a scary picture. Although the book is fiction, it does raise the question of responsibility—a question is being taken sufficiently seriously that there exists a Center for Responsible Nanotechnology Development. While interesting (for cocktail parties and novels), radical nanotechnology is viewed as being decades away if at all.
Since nanomaterials have little mass
and are dominated by surface area and
size effects, the processes and equipment
for nanotechnology-based manufacturing
are expected to differ significantly
from those currently used. One of the
key differences is the concept of
manufacturing on an atom-by-atom
basis, which has been labeled bottom-up
processing. Conventional methods,
called top-down techniques, start with a
block of material, etching or milling it
down to the desired shape. The main
challenge for top-down manufacture is
the creation of increasingly small
structures with sufficient accuracy,
whereas for bottom-up manufacture, the
challenge is to make structures large
enough, and of sufficient quality, for use
as materials. These two methods have
evolved separately and have now reached
the point where the best achievable
feature size for each technique is
approximately the same.3
Most of the current nanomaterials with
potential for structural use are powder
based, produced from processes such as
inert-gas condensation, electrodeposition,
atomization, and mechanical
alloying. They need to be consolidated
into shapes with minimal porosity
without creating significant structural
coarsening and loss of the desirable
nanostructural properties. This requires
a balance of minimal high-temperature
exposure and adequate pressure, and
innovative methods of consolidation
need to be developed to produce successful materials.15
While nanotubes have incredible
strength, capturing this strength in a
structural component is no small
challenge. This challenge is analogous
to the challenges faced by early metal matrix
composite materials engineers
who sought to capture the ultrahigh
strength of ceramic whiskers in structural
materials. Incorporating these expensive
reinforcement materials cost-effectively
in large-volume operations was difficult,
often resulting in damage to the whiskers
and loss of much of their property
Billions of dollars are being invested in opportunities centered around materials that exist on the scale of a billionth of a meter. The National Science Foundation has made the bold prediction that the business impact of nanotechnology will be $1 trillion by 2015. Some 800,000 to 2 million new jobs, in a field where the estimates of current number of workers range from 20,000 to 40,000, will be required to reach this level.16 Pundits claim that within the next decade, nanotech will have huge effects on many practical industries, including manufacturing, health care, energy, agriculture, communication, transportation, and electronics.17 Just issued, The Nanotech Report 2004 produced by Lux Research18 highlights the magnitude of financial resources being put into nanotechnology. Specifically, the report notes:
It is not an exaggeration to say that
nanotechnology is the biggest thing to
happen to the physical sciences for quite
some time. It is estimated that worldwide government funding in nanotechnology
increased by seven times from 1997 to
2003, exceeding $3 billion in 2003.19 In the United States, the 21st Century
Nanotechnology Research and Development
Act, signed in December 2003,
will provide $3.7 billion for four years
beginning in 2005. The funding request
for $982 million in 2005 is an increase of
more than 500% compared to 2001. A
key component of this funding is for five
user facilities, called the Nanoscale
Science Research Centers, which are
now under construction at Department
of Energy laboratory sites. These
research facilities will focus on synthesis,
processing, and fabrication of nanoscale
materials. They will be co-located with
existing user facilities to provide
sophisticated characterization and
analysis capabilities. Also included is
funding for addressing so-called grand challenge areas. Three of these areas,
Nanostructured Materials by Design,
Manufacturing at the Nanoscale, and
Nano-Electronics, -Photonics, and
-Magnetics, have a materials focus.20
Another indicator of the potential
in nanotechnology is indicated by the
growth in patent activity. In the United
States, for example, the number of
patents issued in areas such as atomic
force microscopy and quantum dots
increased ten-fold from 1994–2003. The
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has
been prompted to create a classification
system for nanotechnology (as the
Japanese Patent Office has already) so
that it can track the number, pendency,
and assignment of nanotechnology
patent applications. While at present
there is a classification for fullerene-related
patent applications there are
no separate classes for areas such as
nanotubes or nanowires.21
Also harkening the transition
from laboratory to commercialization
is the presence of organizations
such as the NanoBusiness Alliance, which claims
to be the first industry association
founded to advance the emerging
business of nanotechnology and microsystems.
The NanoBusiness Alliance’s
mission is to create a collective voice for
the emerging small-tech industry and
develop a range of initiatives to support
and strengthen the nanotechnology
business community.
The business prospects of nanotechnology
have caught the attention of Wall
Street, where brokerage firm Merrill
Lynch has been promoting a nanotech
stock index. A nanotechnology company,
Nanosys, contemplated an initial public
offering of stock but withdrew it, which
was viewed in a Wall Street Journal
article as “less an indictment of nanotechnology
than a sign of how tough it is for
any company in an early stage of
development right now.” The article goes
on to note, however, that “nanotechnology
remains difficult to define, causing
additional uncertainties for investors. . . Some companies have used the nanotechnology
label to hype unrelated
products, while many real advances are
occurring inside big companies such as
Intel, where the developments have only
a modest impact on stock prices.”22
Nanomaterials are one area where real revenues are being realized currently.
It is estimated that sales of
nanomaterials were $1.5 million in 1999
and grew to $430 million by the end of
2003. With this annual growth rate of
300%, the market size would be projected
to be $1.3 billion in 2004 and $5
billion in 2005.16 A more conservative
estimate of $1 billion in revenue in 2007
is provided buy a recent study by the
Freedonia Group.23
Nanotechnology is already having an
impact on the structure of the scientific
community. The intersection of physics,
chemistry, and materials science at the
nanoscale has required a broadening of
the educational process, which will be
required to meet the need for future
nanotechnologists. More than 300
academic programs in nanotechnology
exist today, with at least 200 in the
United States and 100 internationally.18 There are implications for professional
societies as well, and it has been noted
that the scientific and engineering
communities should create new means
of interdisciplinary training and communication,
reduce the barriers that
inhibit individuals from working across
disciplines, develop links to a variety of
other technical and medical organizations,
and address ethical issues related
to technological developments.24
Nanotechnology is gaining awareness
beyond the scientific community. The
number of times terms related to “nano” appeared in the popular press has risen
from 190 in 1995 to a projection of more
than 12,000 in 2004.17 Recent studies
carried out both in the United States25 and United Kingdom3 indicated that the
public is not as aware yet of nanotechnology.
Of those polled in the United States,
71% had heard “little” or “nothing” about
nanotechnology while only 29% in the
United Kingdom had heard of it. Of that
29%, only 19% were able to offer some
sort of definition. These same studies
indicated that a majority of those polled
in both countries are encouraged by the
prospects of nanotechnology to improve
life in the future.
As nanotechnology grows into the
public consciousness, its potential
societal implications are beginning to be seriously addressed. On one level,
attention is being directed to the
environmental, safety, and health issues
that may develop (see the sidebar “The
Double-Edged Sword of Nanomaterials”).
In addition, the potentially
disruptive nature of nanotechnology,
particularly if visions of the radical
technology are realized, is beginning to
be addressed by groups such as the
Foresight Institute.
Nanomaterials are here now—in some cases as incremental but significant improvements of development efforts before the nanotechnology label was applied—and are finding application in a wide range of markets. Substantial funding along with intense government, business, and media attention promises to accelerate R&D and implementation, although significant challenges exist for large-scale nanomaterials for structural applications. While the emergence of nanotechnologies has greatly broadened the disciplines involved, the structure-processing-property framework that materials science and engineering brings will be a vital component in ultimate technical and commercial success.
1. R.P. Feynman, “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom,” Engineering and Science (Caltech, 1960),
2. N. Taniguchi, “On the Basic Concept of ‘NanoTechnology’,”
Proc. Intl. Conf. Prod. Eng. Tokyo, Part II (Tokyo:
Japan Society of Precision Engineering, 1974).
3. “Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities
and Uncertainties,” The Royal Society and The Royal
Academy of Engineering (July 29, 2004),
4. G. Stix, “Little Big Science,” ScientificAmerican.com (September 16, 2001), www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa002&articleID=00018E72-2E88- 1C6F-84A9809EC588EF21&catID=7.
5. E. Hornbogen, “Precipitation Hardening—The Oldest
Nanotechnology,” Lightweight Alloys for Aerospace
Application, ed. K. Jata et al. (Warrendale, PA: TMS,
2001), pp. 2–11.
6. R. Jones, “The Future of Nanotechnology” (August
2004), www.nanotechweb.org/articles/feature/3/8/1/1.
7. T. Abraham, “Nanoceramics, Nanotubes and
Nanocomposites Paving the Way for Nanotechnology
Revolution—A Review of the Industry and Markets,” Surfaces and Interfaces in Nanostructured Materials
and Trends in LIGA, Miniaturization, and Nanoscale
Materials, Materials Processing and Manufacturing
Division Fifth Global Symposium, ed. M. Mukhopadhyay
et al. (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2004), pp. 247–269.
8. S.L. Semiatin, A.A. Salem, and M.J. Saran, “Models for Severe Plastic Deformation by Equal-Channel
Angular Extrusion,” in this issue.
9. Y. Zhu and T.G. Langdon, “The Fundamentals of
Nanostructured Materials Processed by Severe Plastic
Deformation,” in this issue.
10. “New Light on How Metals Change Shape at the
Nanoscale,” Berkeley Lab Research News (August 2,
2004), http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/NCEM-nanoscale-metals.html.
11. J.G. Reynolds and B.R Hart, “Nanomaterials and
Their Application to Defense and Homeland Security,”
JOM, 56 (1) (2004), pp. 36–39.
12. M.N. Rittner, “Nanomaterials in Nanoelectronics:
Who’s Who and What’s Next,” JOM, 56 (6) (2004), pp.
13. K. Roncone, “Nanotechnology: What Next-Generation Warriors Will Wear,” JOM, 56 (1) (2004), pp.
14. R. Bawa, “Nanotechnology Patenting in the U.S.,”
Nanotechnology Law and Business, 1 (1) (2004),
15. C. Suryanarayana, “The Structure and Properties of
Nanocrystalline Materials: Issues and Concerns,” JOM,
54 (9) (2002), pp. 24–27.
16. M. Roco, “Government Nanotechnology Funding:
An International Outlook,” JOM, 54 (9) (2002), pp. 22–23.
17. J. Uldrich with D. Newberry, The Next Big Thing is
Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the
Future of Your Business (New York: Crown Business,
18. The Nanotech Report 2004, Lux Research,
19. M.C. Roco, “Government Nanotechnology Funding:
An International Outlook,” (June 30, 2003),
20. “National Nanotechnology Initiative; Research and
Development Supporting the Next Industrial Revolution,”
Supplement to President’s FY 2004 Budget (October
2003), www.nano.gov/html/res/fy04-pdf/fy04-main.html.
21. V. Koppikar, S.B. Maebius, and J.S. Rutt, “Current
Trends in Nanotech Patents: A View from Inside the
Patent Office,” Nanotechnology Law and Business, 1
(1) (2004), Article 5, pubs.nanolabweb.com/nlb/vol1/
22. A. Regalado and R. Hennessey, “Nanosys Pulls IPO,
Putting Nanotech Revolution on Hold,” Wall Street
Journal (August 5, 2004).
23. Nanomaterials to 2007—Market Size, Market Share,
Demand Forecast, and Sales (July 2003),
24. M.C. Roco and W.S. Bainbridge, Converging
Technologies for Improving Human Performance, (June
2002), www.wtec.org/ConvergingTechnologies/..
25. “Study Shows Americans Encouraged by Prospects
of Nanotechnology,” (July 14, 2004), www.ncsu.edu/news/press_releases/04_07/211.htm.
26. “Nanotechnology: Small Matter, Many Unknowns,”
(May 10, 2004), www.swissre.com/INTERNET/pwswpspr.nsf/fmBookMarkFrameSet?ReadForm&BM=../vwAllbyIDKeyLu/YHAN-5YUCVT?OpenDocument.
27. L.E. Murr et al., “Carbon Nanotubes and Other
Fullerene-Related Nanocrystals in the Environment: A
TEM Study,” JOM, 56 (6) (2004), pp. 28–31.
28. Lucy Sherriff, “Prince Charles Gives Forth
on Nanotech,” The Register (July 12, 2004),
For more information, contact W.H. Hunt, Jr., TMS, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, PA 15086; e-mail whunt@tms.org.
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