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Volume 26, Number 3, March 1997 This Month Featuring: Special Issue Papers on III-V Nitrides and Silicon Carbide from the 1996 Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, California, June 26-28. View March 1997 Abstracts.
Residual Damage Effects on Gate Contacts Formed on SiC Surfaces Etched by Using the Amorphization Technique [pp. 108-112]
Dev Alok, K. Makeshwar, and B. Jayant Baliga
Hopping Conduction in Heavily Doped Bulk n-Type SiC [pp. 113-118]
W.C. Mitchel, A.O. Evwaraye, S.R. Smith, and M.D. Roth
Improved Ni Ohmic Contact on n-Type 4H-SiC [pp. 119-122]
C. Hallin, R. Yakimova B. Pécz, A. Georgieva, Ts. Marinova, L. Kasamakova, R. Kakanakov, and E. Janzén
Doping of 3C-SiC by Implantation of Nitrogen at High Temperatures [pp. 123-127]
R. Lossy, W. Reichert, E. Obermeier, and W. Skorupa
Hollow-Core Screw Dislocations in 6H-SiC Single Crystals: A Test of Frank's Theory [pp. 128-133]
Weimin Si, Michael Dudley, Robert Glass, Valeri Tsvetkov, and Calvin Carter, Jr.
A Silicon Carbide LOCOS Process Using Enhanced Thermal Oxidation by Argon Implantation [pp. 134-136]
Dev Alok and B.J. Baliga
An EPR Study of Defects Induced in 6H-SiC by Ion Implantation [pp. 137-143]
R.C. Barklie, M. Collins, B. Holm, Y. Pacaud, and W. Skorupa
Rapid Thermal Annealing of Ion Implanted 6H-SiC by Microwave Processing [pp. 144-150]
Jason A. Gardner, Mulpuri V. Rao, Y.L. Tian, O.W. Holland, E.G. Roth, P.H. Chi, and I. Ahmad
Investigations of 3C-SiC Inclusions in 4H-SiC Epilayers on 4H-SiC Single Crystal Substrates [pp. 151-159]
Weimin Si, Michael Dudley, Hua-Shuang Kong, Joe Sumakeris, and Calvin Carter, Jr.
Low-Temperature Interface Modification by Hydrocarbon Radicals in
Heteroepitaxy of 3C-SiC on Si Clean Surface [pp. 160-164]
Tomoaki Hatayama, Norihiro Tanaka, Takashi Fuyuki, and Hiroyuki Matsunami
Hot-Implantation of Nitrogen Donors into p-Type -SiC and Characterization of n+-p Junction [pp. 165-171]
N. Inoue, A. Itoh, T. Kimoto, H. Matsunami, T. Nakata, and M. Inoue
Investigation of Co/SiC Interface Reaction [pp. 172-177]
S.W. Park, Y.I. Kim, J.S. Kwak, and H.K. Baik
Improvement of the Crystallinity of 3C-SiC Films by Lowering the Electron Temperatures in the Afterglow Plasma Region Using Triode Plasma CVD [pp. 178-182]
K. Yasui, N. Ninagawa, and T. Akahane
Free Electron Laser Annealing of Silicon Carbide [pp. 183-186]
Hideaki Ohyama, Toshiji Suzuki, Kazuhisa Nishi, Tsuneo Mitsuyu, and Takio Tomimasu
Control of Al and B Doping Transients in 6H and 4H SiC Grown by Vapor Phase Epitaxy [pp. 187-192]
N. Nordell, A. Schöner, and M.K. Linnarsson
Electrical Properties of Metal-Diamond-Like-Nanocomposite (Me-DLN)
Contacts to 6H SiC [pp.193-197]
K.J. Schoen, J.M. Woodall, A. Goel, and C. Venkatraman
Hydrogen Passivation in n- and p-Type 6H-SiC [pp. 198-202]
F. Ren, J.M. Grow, M. Bhaskaran, R.G. Wilson, and S.J. Pearton
Electron Transport Properties of Quantized Silicon Carbide Inversion Layers [pp. 203-207]
J.B. Roldán, F. Gámiz, J.A. López-Villanueva, and P. Cartujo
Activation of Nitrogen Implants in 6H-SiC [pp. 208-211]
J.N. Pan, J.A. Cooper, Jr., and M.R. Melloch
Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown AlN on 6H-SiC for
Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Device Applications [pp. 212-216]
C.C. Tin, Y. Song, T. Isaacs-Smith, V. Madangarli, and T.S. Sudarshan
Growth and Characterization of GaN Thin Films on SiC SOI Substrates [pp. 217-223]
A.J. Steckl, J. Devrajan, C. Tran and R.A. Stall
Correlation of Biaxial Strains, Bound Exciton Energies, and Defect Microstructures in GaN Films Grown on AlN/6H-SiC(001) Substrates [pp. 224-231]
William G. Perry. T. Zheleva, M.D. Bremser, R.F. Davis, W. Shan, and J.J. Song
Hot Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition of GaN on GaAs(100) Substrate [pp. 232-236]
J. Wang, Z. Zhu, K.T. Park, K. Hiraga, and T. Yao
Growth of GaBN Ternary Solutions by Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy [pp. 237-242]
A.Y. Polyakov, M. Shin, M. Skowronski, D.W. Greve, R.G. Wilson, A.V. Govorkov, and R.M. Desrosiers
Effect of Structural Defects and Chemical Impurities on Hall Mobilities in Low Pressure MOCVD Grown GaN [pp. 243-251]
C.-Y. Hwang, M.J. Schurman, W.E. Mayo, Y.-C. Lu, R.A. Stall, and T. Salagaj
Gas-Source Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth and Characterization of InNxP1-x on InP [pp. 252-256]
W.G. Bi and C.W. Tu
The Effect of Substrate Misorientation on the Optical, Structural, and Electrical Properties of GaN Grown on Sapphire by MOCVD [pp. 257-261]
P.A. Grudowski, A.L. Holmes, C.J. Eiting, and R.D. Dupuis
Low Resistance Bilayer Nd/Al Ohmic Contacts on n-Type GaN [pp. 262-265]
Ching-Ting Lee, Ming-Yuan Yeh, and Yen-Tang Lyu
Characterization of Reactive Ion Etching-Induced Damage to n-GaN
Surfaces Using Schottky Diodes [pp. 266-271]
A.T. Ping, A.C. Schmitz, I. Adesida, M. Asif Khan, Q. Chen, and J.W. Yang
In Situ Control of GaN Growth by Molecular Beam Epitaxy [pp. 272-280]
R. Held, D.E. Crawford, A.M. Johnston, A.M. Dabiran, and P.I. Cohen
Study of Indium Droplets Formation on the InxGa1-xN Films by Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction [pp. 281-284]
Hongqiang Lu, Malathi Thothathiri, Ziming Wu, and Ishawara Bhat
Structure of GaN Films Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on (001) Sapphire [pp. 285-289]
L.T. Romano, B.S. Krusor, R.J. Singh, and T.D. Moustakas
Formation of Dry Etched Gratings in GaN and InGaN [pp. 290-293]
J.W. Lee, J. Hong, J.D. MacKenzie, C.R. Abernathy, S.J. Pearton, F. Ren, and
P.F. Sciortino, Jr.
MOVPE Growth and Optical Properties of GaN Deposited on c-Plane Sapphire [pp. 294-300]
O. Briot, B. Gil, M. Tchounkeu, R.L. Aulombard, F. Demangeot, J. Frandon, and M. Renucci
Highly Anisotropic, Ultra-Smooth Patterning of GaN/SiC by Low Energy Electron Enhanced Etching in DC Plasma [pp. 301-305]
H.P. Gillis, D.A. Choutov, K.P. Martin, M.D. Bremser, and R.F. Davis
Characteristics of GaN Stripes Grown by Selective-Area Metalorganic
Chemical Vapor Deposition [pp. 306-310]
X. Li, A.M. Jones, S.D. Roh, D.A. Turnbull, S.G. Bishop, and J.J. Coleman
Tunneling Current and Electroluminescence in InGaN:Zn,Si/AlGaN/GaN Blue Light Emitting Diodes [pp. 311-319]
Petr G. Eliseev, Piotr Perlin, Julien Furioli, Philippe Sartori, Jian Mu, and Marek Osinski
Growth of Zinc-Blende GaN on GaAs (100) Substrates at High Temperature Using Low-Pressure MOVPE with a Low V/III Molar Ratio [pp. 320-324]
Atsushi Nakadaira and Hidenao Tanaka
Photoluminescence Characteristics of GaN/InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells [pp. 325-329]
I.K. Shmagin, J.F. Muth, R.M. Kolbas, S. Krishnankutty, S. Keller, A.C. Abare, L.A. Coldren, U.K. Mishra, and S.P. DenBaars
Improvement of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal GaN Photoconductors [pp. 330-333]
Z.C. Huang, D.B. Mott, P.K. Shu, J.C. Chen, and D.K. Wickenden
Ion Implantation Doping of OMCVD Grown GaN [pp. 334-339]
A. Edwards, Mulpuri V. Rao, B. Molnar, A.E. Wickenden, O.W. Holland, and P.H. Chi
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