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1997 TMS Annual Meeting: Exhibitor

February 9-13 · 1997 TMS ANNUAL MEETING · Orlando, Florida


Booth #540     Hamilton, Ohio

ESM Software, a developer and distributor of materials science software, will demonstrate version 3.0 of TAPP, a database of thermophysical properties of materials and a collection of 2000 phase diagrams. Properties include density, expansion coefficients, elastic moduli, thermal and electrical conductivities, diffusivities, vapor pressure and thermodynamic properties.

A companion product, MAPP, is a database access program to the ASM International Mat.DB databases of engineering alloys and polymers.

Other products include ChemSage, ChemGeo, and HSC Chemistry - for calculations of complex phase equilibria, phase diagram CD-ROM's, SciGlass and SciPolymer are materials property databases with predictive algorithms.

MDAT - a mineralogical database, X-ray - for attenuation, transmission and spectra calculation, plus CaRIne, ATOMS, CrystalDesigner, and Crystal Office for display and analysis of crystalline structures.

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