Sudipta Seal received his Ph.D. degree in 1996 from the University
of Wisconsin followed by an MS from University of Sheffield UK. He
finished his undergraduate from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT– India) in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering – 1990. He also worked
in the TATA Iron Steel Co (TISCO) sector.
After his Ph.D. he joined Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley as a post
doctoral fellow in Materials science and synchrotron radiation X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy of advanced materials. In 1997 fall, he
joined the faculty in AMPAC and the Department of Mechanical,
Materials, and Aerospace Engineering, UCF and became an Associate
Professor in 2002. He is also an adjunct faculty member in Biomolecular
Science Department and serving as a nanoinitiative Coordinator for
UCF. Professor Seal’s work has been recognized through various
awards. He is in the editorial board of nanoscience and nanotechnology,
Reviews in Advanced Materials, Chair of the Surface Engineering
sector for JOM, in the Review Board of Metallurgical Transactions. In
the field of nanoscience and materials processing, he has collaborations
with university of New South Wales, Sydney, Queensland, Australia,
NIMS – Japan, IIT – India, Polish Academy of Sciences – Poland,
University of Groningen – Netherlands.
Professor Seal has six years of teaching and research experience in
the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology and almost ten years in the area of materials processing and surface engineering. His projects
are funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), National
Institute of Health (NIH), Office of Naval Research (ONR), NASA and
many Industries.
Dr. Seal has published over 135 research papers, books and book
chapters in the area of surface science and engineering and
nanotechnology. He has also delivered more than 150 invited lectures
and research presentations in USA and abroad and is the recipient of
the 2002 ONR Young Investigator Award (ONR-YIP) and Distinguished
ASM-IIM lecturer Award from ASM 2003. He has received the
Exemplary Service Award from the TMS Materials Processing and
Manufacturing Division as a Surface Engineering Committee chair
and received the best student Research Paper Award from Applied
Surface Science Division of AVS- 1996. He is an active member of
ASM, TMS, MRS, ECS, and AVS societies.
Arvind Agarwal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the Florida International
University, Miami. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur and Ph.D. degree from University
of Tennessee, Knoxville. Dr. Agarwal has 10 years of experience in the
academic and industrial research environment. His current research
interests include: processing of bulk nanostructured materials, near
net shape processing and rapid prototyping, thermal Spray techniques
and ultrahigh temperature ceramic coatings and composites. His
earlier research was focused on laser materials processing and
synthesis and pulsed electrode surfacing.
Dr. Agarwal has published more than 40 research papers and
co-edited 1 book. He has been very active professionally in
organizing TMS and ASM symposium on surface engineering. He
is the co-organizer for “Surfaces and Interfaces in Nanostructured
Materials” symposium to be held at Annual TMS Meeting, Charlotte,
2004. Also, Dr. Agarwal is the primary organizer and editor of“
Surface Engineering in Materials Science-III” during Annual TMS
Meeting, San Francisco, February 2005.
Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:30am-5:00pm
Presented by:
Dr. Arvind Agarwal, Florida International University
Dr. Sudipta Seal, University of Central Florida
Members $475, Non-members $560
Sponsored by: TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
Who Should Attend:
To understand the science at nanoscale, it requires merging of
sciences from atomic levels (including physicist, chemists and
biologists) to micro and macro level (engineers). Nanotechnology is
the prominent example of being an interdisciplinary science, which is
of great importance to scientific as well as industrial community. This
course is designed to supplement the learning needs of engineers,
technologists, managers, and technicians from all backgrounds
to keep them update about the current advances in the field
of Nanomanufacturing. Graduate students and other budding
professionals in the field of Nanomanufacturing will also benefit
greatly from this course by honing their current skills. This course will
also assist in developing acumen for the future challenges offered in
the burgeoning Nanotechnology area.
Course Overview:
Nanotechnology is the science to engineer next generation materials,
smart functional devices and structures at a nanometer scale,
which is a billionth of a meter. Nanosized particles can be arranged
in a variety of configuration to obtain extremely useful materials
properties. Some of the key applications of nanomaterials include;
cosmetics, pigments for paints, cellular antennas, brazing alloys,
filters and membranes, magnetic devices, biomedical sensors and
drug delivery systems, nanoelectronics – (MEMS/flat panels) and
optics, nozzles, wear resistant coatings, weapons, battery and fuel
cell electrodes, thermal management, automotive, and aerospace
components. The economic impact as estimated by the National
Science Foundation is over $900 billion for different industries
in next 10-15 years.
In an effort to harness the advantages offered by nanosize particles,
it is extremely essential to understand the assembly or manufacturing
techniques at nanoscale. The technology for Nanomanufacturing
can be easily termed as adolescent, if not mature. There is
a lack of manpower knowledgeable in nanotechnology and
Nanomanufacturing. Knowledge in the Universities is also in its
fledgling stages as the new courses are being designed and intensive
research is being conducted only in last 5 year. Hence, there is
an urgent need to fill the vacuum created due to such lack of
knowledge. This one-day short course will provide an overview of the
nanotechnology and its societal impact, the major Nanomanufacturing
processes, and focus on the selection of a suitable manufacturing
processes and materials for specific design and applications.
This course will brings an understanding of engineering the
nanomaterials with an application oriented philosophy without
going deep into mathematical and analytical complexities
of Nanomanufacturing.
Learning Objectives:
Nanotechnology and its societal impact through biomedical,
electronic and structural applications.
How to synthesize nano particles?
A host of Nanoassembly and Nanomanufacturing techniques,
their merits, limitations and selection criterion for different
Nanoscale Characterization.
Understanding of future challenges.
Course Contents:
- Nanotechnology: What and Why?
- Problems associated with Nanomanufacturing
- Nanomaterials:
- Some important nanomaterials e.g. Carbon Nanotubes,
ZnO etc.
- Nano particles synthesis techniques
- Consolidation of Bulk Nanostructured Materials,
Coatings and Composites
- Sintering
- Plasma based techniques
- Laser based techniques
- Sol-Gel based process
- Cold spray
- High rate deformation
- Fabrication of Devices and Nanoarchitecture
- Electron beam technique
- Focused Ion beam (FIB)
- Biotemplating
- Near net shape manufacturing/Rapid Prototyping
- Nano Characterization techniques and issues
- Some case studies and future insight
Other Short Courses:
Below is a list of the other short courses that are scheduled for the 2004
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition: