Warren H. Hunt, Jr. is president of the
Aluminum Consultants Group and adjunct
associate professor at Case Western Reserve
University. Previously, Hunt worked at the Alcoa
Technical Center, first in various engineering
positions and then as core competency leader
in materials design. Hunt earned a materials
science and engineering degree from Vanderbilt
University, an M.S. in metallurgical engineering and materials science
from Carnegie Mellon University, and a Ph.D. in materials science
and engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.
Hunt recently served as chair of the TMS Structural Materials
Division and has served as chair of the ASM/TMS Composite
Materials Committee. He currently serves as the Director of Public &
Governmental Affairs for TMS. He is a member of ASTM, Society of
Automotive Engineers, American Powder Metallurgy Institute, Society
for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, North
American Die Casting Association, and International Microelectronics
and Packaging.
Sunday, March 14, 2004 8:30am-5:00pm
Presented by:
Dr. Warren Hunt, Aluminum Consultants Group
Members $475, Non-members $560
Sponsored by: TMS Structural Materials Division
Who Should Attend:
This one-day course is intended for engineers, scientists, designers,
managers, and technical marketing personnel who are involved
in the development, production, and application of metal matrix
composite materials. This short course is highly recommended not
only for those seeking a first introduction to MMCs but also those with
prior but perhaps dated or limited experience.
Course Overview:
Metal matrix composites have been under development for nearly
four decades and are now seeing commercial application in a
range of applications in the automotive, aerospace and defense,
electronics, and consumer and industrial products markets. This
course provides both broad background as well as in-depth coverage
of metal matrix composite technology. An introduction on MMCs
is presented, with a focus on the types of MMCs, characteristics
of constituent materials utilized, nomenclature, and comparison to
competing materials. This is followed by an extensive review of the
processing methods for MMCs. Included are the primary processing
routes including liquid metal mixing, liquid metal infiltration, and solid
state processes, along with downstream manufacturing processes
such as extrusion, forging, joining, and machining. Both current and
emerging processing methods will be covered. With an understanding
of the constituent materials and processing methods for MMCs, their
properties can be discussed and understood. Mechanical and physical
properties for both continuous fiber and discontinuously reinforced
materials are reviewed, including properties for commercially
available MMC products. The course will conclude with a review of
past, present, and future applications of MMCs that utilize the wide
range of properties possible with these materials. While the course
will have a primary emphasis on aluminum-based MMCs, materials
with other metal matrices will be discussed as well.
Other Short Courses:
Below is a list of the other short courses that are scheduled for the
TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition: