Thermodynamic modeling of precious-metal-modified Ni-based superalloys
(PMMS) was performed in this
study using the CALPHAD approach.
With this approach, the effects of platinum-group metals (PGMs) such as
platinum, iridium, and ruthenium on
the properties of nickel-based superalloys
and their interplay with other alloying
elements were understood from a
thermodynamic and phase equilibrium
point of view. Thermodynamic database
containing PGMs was developed on the
basis of the PanNi1 database for multicomponent
nickel alloys. The database
was first validated with available experimental
data. It was then used to
understand phase stability and phase
transformation temperatures, such as
liquidus, solidus, and γ' precipitation
temperature, of PGM modified nickelbased
superalloys. The effects of alloying
elements on the formation of
strengthening γ' precipitate and their
partitioning in γ and γ' were also discussed.
…describe the overall significance
of this paper?
This paper discusses for the first time
the effects of precious metals—Pt,
Ir, and Ru—on the properties of
multicomponent nickel alloys from
a thermodynamic point of view. The
phase equilibrium related properties
calculated in this paper, such as
phase transformation temperatures
and phase fractions, provide
guidance for the selection of alloy
chemistry to develop materials with
desired properties.
…describe this work to a
materials science and engineering
professional with no experience in
your technical specialty?
It was found that platinum and
precious group metals can be used
as major alloying elements for Nibased
superalloys to promote their
oxidation and corrosion resistance.
On the other hand, the platinum
group metals are also very effective
solid solution strengtheners to Nibased
superalloys, which allows for
the development of inherently strong
superalloys. This paper discusses the
effects of this group of elements on
the phase equilibrium properties of
nickel alloys using the CALPHAD
…describe this work to a
Platinum and precious group
metals are found to have the
abilities to improve the properties
of nickel-based superalloys from
several different aspects. In order
to understand this, it is important
to know how they change phase
equilibria of multicomponent nickel
alloys. Phase diagrams are road
maps for materials scientists to
understand this issue. In this study,
the CALPHAD approach is used
to calculate phase equilibrium and
related properties of nickel alloys
when precious group metals are
added to nickel alloy systems.
As structural materials, nickel-based
superalloys possess outstanding properties
at elevated temperatures and play
an important role for high-temperature
applications, especially in the development
of gas turbine engine components.
The continual demand for improved
performance of jet engines has pushed
the usage of these alloys to even higher
temperatures, which requires better mechanical properties, such as creep
strength. The high-temperature strength
of modern superalloys depends heavily
on the use of refractory alloying elements.
However, the composition of superalloys
must be carefully controlled
since the refractory alloying elements
promote the formation of topological
closed packed (TCP) phases which are
detrimental to the mechanical properties.
On the other hand, while focusing
on the superior mechanical properties,
the environmental stability of these alloys,
such as oxidation and corrosion
resistance, must be addressed due to
the harsh operating environment of gas
turbine engines. It is therefore desirable
to develop nickel-based superalloys,
which are inherently strong, and at the
same time possess good oxidation and
corrosion properties. This is challenging
since optimal alloying compositions for
strength often contradict those needed
for oxidation and corrosion resistance.
This leads to the inevitable use of environmental
barrier coatings (EBCs)
and thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) for
high-temperature applications.
It was found in the 1970s that platinum
and the other platinum-group
metals (PGMs) can be used as major
alloying constituents in nickel-based
superalloys to promote enhanced resistance
to both oxidation and corrosion at
elevated temperature in various aggressive
environments, especially the cyclic
oxidation resistance.2 This makes them
attractive for the development of innovative
TBCs for nickel-based superalloys.
In recent years, the technology of
depositing platinum onto nickel-based
superalloys followed by treatments to
produce an aluminum-rich layer has
been used to produce improved protection
at elevated temperature as compared
to the conventional aluminide coating. Gleeson et al.3 showed that platinum
plus hafnium modified γ+γ' coatings
may be viable superior alternatives to
current B2 type bond coatings. On the
other hand, the PGMs are also very effective
solid solution strengtheners to
nickel-based superalloys comparable to
the refractory metals,2 which allows for
the development of inherently strong
nickel-based superalloys.
The purpose of this paper is to understand
the properties of PGM-modified
nickel-based superalloys from a thermodynamic
point of view. Phase diagrams,
which provide insight into phase
stability, are road maps for alloy design
and development. Traditionally, phase
diagrams have been determined purely
by experimentation, which is costly and
time consuming. While an experimental
approach is feasible for the determination
of binary and simple ternary
phase diagrams, it is less efficient for
the complicated ternaries, and becomes
practically impossible for higher order
systems over a wide range of composition
and temperature. On the other
hand, commercial nickel-based superalloys
are mostly multi-components in
nature, and a more efficient approach
is therefore needed to understand the
phase equilibria when PGMs are used
as alloying elements. The CALPHAD
(i.e., CALculation of PHAse Diagram)
approach will be adopted in this study.
This approach has been used to understand
binary, ternary, and even quaternary
phase equilibria of nickel-based
superalloys including PGMs.4–7 In this
study, it will be used to understand the
thermodynamics and phase equilibria
of PGM-modified multi-component
nickel-based superalloys.
In this paper, we will first give a brief
introduction to the CALPHAD approach
and the use of this approach in
the development of a multi-component
thermodynamic database for nickel alloys
containing PGMs. The developed
database will then be used to calculate
phase transformation temperatures,
phase fractions, and other properties
for the multi-component nickel alloys
containing PGMs and will be validated
by the experimental data. Finally, the
validated database is used to understand
the effects of alloying elements,
such as Al, Cr, Pt, Ir, and Ta, and their
interplay on the properties of nickelbased
The CALPHAD approach, which
has been discussed a great deal in the
past several decades,8–11 is a phenomenological
approach. The essence of
this approach is to obtain self-consistent
thermodynamic descriptions of
the lower order systems—binaries and
ternaries—in terms of known thermodynamic
data measured experimentally
and/or calculated theoretically, as well
as the measured phase equilibria. The
advantage of this method is that the
separately measured phase diagrams
and thermodynamic properties can be
represented by the same “thermodynamic
description” of a materials system
in question. More importantly, on
the basis of the known descriptions of
the constituent lower order systems, a
reliable description of a higher order
system can be obtained via an extrapolation
method.12 This description enables
us to calculate phase diagrams of
the multi-component systems that are
experimentally unavailable. Development
of a thermodynamic description
(usually called “thermodynamic database”
or “database) of a multi-component
system therefore starts with the
development of the descriptions for all
the constituent binaries and ternaries.
For example, a quaternary system consists
of six binaries and four ternaries
and the database for the quaternary can
be built up by combining the descriptions
of these six binaries and four ternaries
using a geometric model. It is
found that the binary interactions are
strong, the ternary interactions are less
strong, and the quaternary and higher
order interactions are several orders of
magnitude smaller than those of the binaries.
It is for this reason that a multicomponent
system can be well predicted when the thermodynamic descriptions
for the constituent binaries and
ternaries are well developed. However,
a 20-component system consists of 190
binaries and 1,140 ternaries. Not only
are the assessments of so many binaries
and ternaries not realistic, the lack
of experimental data for some of these
subsystems has made the development
of a complete 20-component thermodynamic
database impossible. As a result,
a reasonable alternative is to focus
on some key systems that are important
for industrial applications and have
abundant experimental information.
Nickel-based superalloys are very
complex, and typically contain ten or
more components in the system. The
alloying elements usually belong to
one of the three groups according to
their effects. The first group of elements
comprises those which partition
to the γ matrix and impart solid solution
strengthening, such as Co, Cr, Fe, Mo,
and W. The second group consists of
those which partition to the γ' precipitate
and promote precipitation strengthening,
such as Al, Ti, Nb, and Ta. The
last group of elements comprises those
which segregate to grain boundaries
and aid ductility, such as boron and
zirconium. Previously, we developed
a database for nickel alloys, PanNi,1
which has 19 components and includes
elements from all three groups. In this
work, we add Pt, Ru, and Ir into this database
to study the properties of PGM modified nickel-based superalloys. To
thoroughly understand the interaction
of these three elements with all the 19
components currently included in the
PanNi database would involve development
of thermodynamic descriptions
for 60 binaries and 571 ternaries, which
is not a realistic task. In this study, we
have focused on the Ni-Al-Cr-(Pt, Ru,
Ir) system due to key roles played by
Al and Cr in the Ni-based superalloys.
The key binaries and ternaries for this
subset are: Ni-Pt, Ni-Ru, Ni-Ir, Al-Pt,
Al-Ru, Al-Ir, Cr-Pt, Cr-Ru, Cr-Ir, Ni-
Al-Pt, Ni-Al-Ru, Ni-Al-Ir, Ni-Cr-Pt,
Ni-Cr-Ru, and Ni-Cr-Ir. Thermodynamic
descriptions for these systems
have been developed and published by
the authors of this work.4–7 Readers are
referred to these papers for details on
the phase equilibrium and thermodynamic
properties of these key subsystems.
In addition to the thermodynamic
database for the Ni-Al-Cr-(Pt, Ir, Ru)
system, interactions of the PGMs with
other elements, such as Re, Ta, W, and
Hf, need to be considered as well in
order to understand the PGM-modified
nickel-based superalloys. In this study,
such interactions were developed only
for the key phases, such as liquid, γ,
and γ'. The database thus developed
was then used to study the phase relationship
for the PGM-modified nickelbased
superalloys with special focus
on these three phases. In particular, we
will use this database to calculate liquidus,
solidus, γ'-solvus, phase fraction
and phase composition of γ and γ', and
other properties for a variety of nickel
alloys containing PGMs.
The database was first applied to the
Ni-15Al-5Cr-0.1Hf-2.5Pt (at.%) and
the Ni-15Al-5Cr-0.1Hf-2.5Ir (at.%) alloys.
The fraction of γ' as a function of
temperature is calculated for these two
alloys and compared with the experimental
data13 as shown in Figures 1 and
2. The calculated phase composition of
γ and γ' and the partition coefficients
for these two alloys at 1,000°C are listed
in Table I and compared with the experimental
data13 (in parentheses).
![Table 1](/pubs/journals/JOM/1010/Table1.gif)
can be seen from these two figures and
the table, the calculated phase fractions
of γ' agree with the experimental data
very well for both alloys, while the calculated
phase compositions are also in reasonable accord with the experimental
data. The calculated hafnium composition
in the γ phase is too low for
both alloys, which leads to the strong
partitioning of hafnium to the γ' phase.
This is because the overall concentration
of hafnium is very low and a small
variation in either calculation or experimentation
will lead to a big difference.
For the Ni-15Al-5Cr-0.1Hf-2.5Pt alloy,
the measured chromium concentration
in the γ' phase is more than 1 at.% higher
than that calculated, while the measured
chromium concentration in the γ phase
agrees with that calculated value very
well. The measured chromium concentration
in the γ' phase is believed to be
too high when mass balance is applied.
As can be seen from Figure 1, the calculated
and measured phase fraction for
the γ' phase match each other perfectly
(0.34) at 1,000°C. The overall concentration
of chromium is then calculated
by the following equation:
By taking the experimental measured
concentration of chromium in the two
phases into the above equation, we get
the overall composition of chromium
to be 5.35 at.% which is higher than its
nominal composition of 5 at.%. On the
other hand, the calculated phase composition
meets the mass balance and
gives the perfect overall composition of
5 at.% Cr.
The database is then applied to alloys
containing Re, Ta, Ru, and W. The
compositions of the four groups of alloys
studied in this work are listed in
Table II. The purpose is to understand
the effects of a variety of elements on
the phase transformation temperatures,
the amount of γ', and the partitioning of
elements in the γ and γ' phases.
![Table 2](/pubs/journals/JOM/1010/Table2.gif)
Group I
alloys are based on Ni-15Al-1Re-0.1Hf
(at.%) with Pt varying from 2.5 to 5
at.%, Ir 0 to 2.5 at.%, Cr 2.5 to 5 at.%,
and Ta 0 to 2 at.%. Figure 3 shows the
comparison between the calculated and
measured14,15 liquidus and solidus for this
group of alloys, and Figure 4 compares
that of the γ' solvus for the same group
of alloys. It is seen that the calculated
liquidus temperatures agree with the experimental
measured values very well.
The calculated solidus temperatures for
this group of alloys tend to be higher
than those measured experimentally,
while the difference is less than 20°C
for the majority of these alloys. Group
II alloys are based on Ni-15Al-2.5Ir-
5Cr-1Re-2Ta-0.1Hf (at.%) with Pt varying
between 2.5 and 5 at.%, Ru between
1 and 2 at.%, and W between 1 and 2
at.%. The major difference between
Group II and Group I is the use of Ru
and W in Group II. Group III and IV alloys
reduce the Al content while increase
the Cr content as compare to Group II.
Figure 5 compares the calculated and
measured14,15 liquidus and solidus for
Group II-IV alloys. It is interesting to
see that the calculated solidus are lower
than those experimentally determined
values for Group II-IV alloys, which is
contrary to the Group I alloys. Yet, the
agreement between the calculated and
measured phase transformation temperatures
for all these alloys is in general
quite satisfactory. A similar plot for the
γ' solvus was not shown for Group II-IV
alloys due to the lack of experimental
data. Figure 6 compares the calculated
and the measured14 percentage of the
γ' phase for several alloys from Group
While Figures 1 to 6 serve as a validation
of the database, the ultimate goal
of this study is to predict the effects of
a variety of elements on the phase relations
of multi-component nickel alloys
containing PGMs. In particular, it would
be interesting to see which elements enhance
the γ' precipitation (i.e., increase
the fraction of the γ' phase) and how the
phase transformation temperatures vary
with the alloy composition. Heat treatment
window (HTW), which is defi ned
as the temperature range between the
solidus and the γ' solvus, plays a key
role in the selection of heat treatment
temperature. A very narrow HTW will
certainly lead to the difficulties in solutionizing
the alloy. It is therefore of
great help if the effect of different elements
on the HTW can be predicted.
The first example is to study the effect
of the chromium content on the
properties of the Ni-15Al-5Pt-0.1HfxCr
based alloy. As listed in Table III,
the liquidus, solidus, γ' solvus, heat
treatment window, and the amount of γ'
at 1,000°C are calculated for this alloy
with different amounts of chromium.
Both liquidus and solidus decrease with
the increase of the chromium content,
while γ' solvus increases to the maximum
at ~5 at.% Cr, then starts to decrease
with higher chromium content.
![Table 3](/pubs/journals/JOM/1010/Table3.gif)
The heat treatment window decreases at
first, and stays at almost constant value
with chromium content greater than 10
at.%. The amount of γ' reaches the maximum
at ~10 at.% Cr, and starts to decrease
as more chromium is added. The
trend can also be illustrated by the phase
diagram shown in Figure 7. As is seen in
this figure, the liquidus and solidus keep
going down as more chromium is added
to the Ni-15Al-5Pt-0.1Hf-based alloy,
while the γ' solvus reaches the maximum
at ~5 at.% Cr. A similar trend is
also observed for the Ni-Al-Cr alloys as
shown in Figure 8, which compares the
calculated and experimental measured16
γ' solvus lines for a variety of Ni-Al-Cr
ternary alloys.
The effect of small amounts of Pt and
Ir on the liquidus and solidus of the Ni-
15Al-0.1Hf-xCr based alloys is shown
in Figure 9. It is seen that 2.5 at.% Pt
slightly increases the liquidus but marginally
decreases the solidus of the Ni-
15Al-0.1Hf-xCr based alloy, while 2.5
at.% Ir increases both the liquidus and
solidus of the Ni-15Al-0.1Hf-xCr-based
alloy. In general, depending on the concentration
of chromium, the liquidus
is ~5–20°C higher when 2.5 at.% Ir is
used rather than platinum.
Tantalum has a significant effect on
the γ' precipitate of nickel-based superalloys.
One example is shown in Figure
10 for the Ni-15Al-5Cr-0.1Hf-2.5Ir-
2.5Pt-1Re alloy. It is seen that 2 at.% of
tantalum greatly enhanced the precipitation
of γ', which is beneficial in view
of materials strength. On the other hand,
2 at.% Ta decreases the liquidus and solidus
of the above alloy by ~20°C, while
increasing the γ'solvus by ~150°C. This
dramatically decreases the heat treatment
window, which imposes a practical
heat treatment challenge.
Aluminum is found to have an effect
similar to tantalum. It is seen from
Figure 11 that reducing Al content by 2
at.% for the Ni-15Al-5Cr-0.1Hf-2.5Ir-
2.5Pt-1Re-2Ta alloy increases the liquidus
and solidus by ~20°C, while decreasing
the γ' solvus by ~50°C. This
opens up the heat treatment window by
~70°C, but the strengthening γ' phase is
reduced by more than 15% in the temperature
range shown in this figure.
The effects of Ru and W on the thermodynamic
properties of the Ni-15Al-
5Cr-0.1Hf-2.5Ir-2.5Pt-1Re-based alloys
are listed in Table IV. It is seen that 1–2
at.% Ru increases the liquidus slightly,
but decreases the solidus slightly; it has
almost no effect on the γ' solvus and the
fraction of γ'. On the other hand, 1–2
at.% W does not change the liquidus,
but somewhat decreases both the solidus
and the γ' solvus. Tungsten does increase
the fraction of γ' a little. Overall,
a small amount of ruthenium and tungsten
has a minimal effect on the phase
transformation temperatures and phase
amount for the Ni-15Al-5Cr-0.1Hf-
2.5Ir-2.5Pt-1Re-based alloys.
![Table 4](/pubs/journals/JOM/1010/Table4.gif)
Elemental partitioning, which affects
the shape of γ' precipitate and the coherence
between γ and γ', plays an important
role in determining the mechanical
properties of nickel-based superalloys.
It is therefore interesting to see how the
elemental partitioning is affected by a
variety of factors, such as temperature
and other alloying elements. Figure 12
demonstrates two examples of such calculations.
Figure 12a shows the temperature
effect on the elemental partitioning
of every element in alloy Ni-15Al-5Cr-
0.1Hf-5Pt. It indicates that temperature
has significant effect on the partitioning
of chromium for this alloy, while
its effect on that of nickel is very small.
Figure 12b shows the effects of chromium
and tantalum on the partitioning
of platinum for the Ni-15Al-5Pt-based
alloy. It is seen that 5 at.% Cr has a marginal
effect on the partitioning behavior
of platinum, while tantalum reduces the
partitioning tendency of platinum to the
γ' precipitate.
The traditional development cycle of
nickel-based superalloys using a trial-and-error experimental approach may
last for many years due to the difficulty
of finding the optimum alloy composition
with desired mechanical properties
and material stability. Modern material
design inevitably involves a computational
approach which provides guidance
for the selection of alloy chemistry
and processing conditions. In this study,
thermodynamic calculation is used to
understand the phase stability and thermodynamic
properties of multi-component
nickel alloys containing PGMs,
in particular, the calculated liquidus,
solidus, and γ' solvus provide the temperature
windows for processing. The
calculated fraction of γ' precipitate as
a function of alloy compositions helps
to identify the alloys that have potential
for high strength, and the partitioning
of elements is used to understand
the γ/γ' misfit. These calculations are
therefore used to guide the selection
of optimum chemistry with balanced
properties. For example, alloy chemistry
needs to be carefully adjusted so
that a high volume fraction of γ' precipitate
is obtained for high strength,
while a reasonable heat treatment window
is maintained. Thermodynamic
calculation in combination with key
experiments shows great potential for
accelerating the process of materials
development and optimization.
A portion of this work was conducted
due to the PMMS project sponsored
by the Air Force Research Laboratory
(AFRL) in collaboration with Rolls-Royce, University of Michigan, and
Iowa State University. The authors
acknowledge D. Ballard (AFRL), B.
Gleeson (University of Pittsburgh),
A. Heidloff (Iowa State University),
T. Pollock (University of California at
Santa Barbara), J. Van Sluytman (University
of Michigan), A. Bolcavage and
R. Helmink (Rolls-Royce) for technical
1. PanNi–Thermodynamic Database for Multicomponent
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3. B. Gleeson et al., Materials Science Forum, 461-464
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4. C. Zhang et al., Acta Materialia, 56 (2008), pp.
5. J. Zhu, “Thermodynamic Description of Multicomponent
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Wisconsin-Madison, 2008).
6. C. Zhang et al., Calphad, 33 (2) (2009), pp. 420–
7. J. Zhu et al., Acta Materialia, 57 (2009), pp. 202–
8. Y.A. Chang et al., Progress in Materials Science, 49
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9. M. Hillert, NATO ASI Ser., Ser. E, 276 (1994), pp.
10. L. Kaufman, Computer Calculation of Phase Diagrams
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11. N. Saunders and A.P. Miodownik, CALPHAD: A
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Materials Series, 1998).
12. K.-C. Chou and Y.A. Chang, Ber. Bunsenges, Phys.
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13. A.J. Heidloff et al., Metallurgical and Materials
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14. J.S. Van Sluytman and T.M. Pollock, Private Communication
(University of Michigan at Ann-Arbor,
15. J.S. Van Sluytman et al., Acta Materialia, 58 (2010),
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16. Y.M. Hong et al., ISIJ Int., 29 (1) (1989), pp. 78–84.
F. Zhang and W. Cao are with CompuTherm, LLC,
Madison, WI; J. Zhu is with the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI; and C. Zhang and Y.A. Chang
are with the Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Dr. F. Zhang can be reached at |