
JOM: Volume 47, Number 3--March 1995

As March is typically the month in which the Academy Awards, or Oscars, are given, this month's cover shows one of the statuettes to be handed out during this year's ceremonies as it receives one of the four nonferrous platings that are applied to its cast-pewter body. Produced by R.S. Owens & Company, the Oscar shown of the cover was manufactured during a special run to give JOM's readers a peek at the anatomy of one of the world's most famous metallic awards. The story begins on page 10.


Commentary: Is It Time to Throw in the Towel on Advanced Materials? [p. 12]
F.H. Froes

Overview: Joining Similar and Dissimilar Advanced Engineered Materials [pp. 13-15]
W.A. Baeslack III and F.H. Froes

Research Summary: Synthesizing Aluminum Alloys by Double Mechanical Alloying [pp. 16-19]
L. Froyen, L. Delaey, X.P. Niu, P. Le Brun, and C. Peytour

Research Summary: Relating the Debye Temperature and Structural Stability of Rapidly Solidified Al Alloys [pp. 20-21]
R. Dasgupta and S.K. Bose

Applied Technology: The One-Step Synthesis of Dense Titanium-Carbide Tiles [pp. 23-25]
R.V. Raman, S.V. Rele, S. Poland, J. Lasalvia, M.A. Meyers, and A.R. Niiler

Research Summary: Interconnected Metal-Ceramic Composites by Chemical Means [pp. 26-28]
E.D. Rodeghiero, O.K. Tse, and E.P. Giannelis

Conference Review: Synthesizing and Processing Advanced Materials [p. 29]
Jogender Singh and S.M. Copley


Commentary: Thin Films and Interfaces: Modeling and Characterization [p. 30]
David C. Paine

Tutorial: The Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Film Agglomeration [pp. 31-36]
David J. Srolovitz and Max G. Goldiner

Tutorial: The Modeling of Interfaces: Atoms or Continua? [pp. 37-42]
Rob Phillips

Testing & Analysis: Characterizing the Microstructure of Interfaces in Y-123 Thin Films [pp. 43-46]
Ann F. Marshall

Testing & Analysis: ITO Thin-Film Transparent Conductors: Microstructure and Processing [pp. 47-50]
Yuzo Shigesato, Itaru Yasui, and David C. Paine


In the Final Analysis [p. 2]
News & Update [pp. 4-9]
Metallurgraphics (Special Edition): Making the Oscar: Metal's Award-Winning Performance [pp. 10-11]
Archaeotechnology: The Development of Plumbate Ceramic Ware in Southern Mesoamerica [pp. 52-56]
Material Matters: Is "No-Choice" the Choice for Future Metallurgical PE Exams? [p. 63]
Meetings Calendar [pp. 70-74]
Consultants Directory [p. 78]
Classified [pp. 78-79]
Retrospect [p. 80]


Experts Consider the Future of Electronic Materials [pp. 64-65]
Materials Concepts Using Mathcad Part I: Euler Angle Rotations and Stereographic Projection [pp. 66-68]


TMS News (Special Edition: 1994 TMS Annual Report) [pp. 57-61]
Technical Emphasis Calendar [p.69 ]
Professional Preface [insert]
Division News: EMPMD Edition [insert]

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