William Hume-Rothery Award
Yunzhi Wang -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: I am absolutely thrilled and profoundly honored to receive the TMS Fellow Award, the highest accolade from this esteemed society. This recognition is a testament to the collective dedication and brilliance of everyone I've had the privilege to work, collaborate, and engage with throughout the years—especially my outstanding students, postdocs, and research scientists. As a professor, I see myself as the ambassador of their exceptional contributions, and this award is a celebration of our collaborative achievements.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to advancing fundamental understanding of solid-state phase transformations and plastic deformation and developing/implementing rigorous physics-based modeling/simulation tools for alloy design and processing.
- Other: “Deformation Pathway Engineering and Compositionally and Structurally Modulated Alloy Design"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Gerbrand Ceder -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Citation: For seminal contributions to theory and predictive computational methods for complex multicomponent alloys and ceramic solid solutions, and pioneering advances for ab-initio materials design.
- Other: Title of lecture: “Ab Initio Thermodynamics and Kinetics from Alloys to Complex Oxides"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Anton Van der Ven -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, Berkeley, CA
- Citation: For distinguished contributions to computational materials science and application of first-principles statistical mechanics methods to predict properties of alloys, oxides, and battery materials.
- Other: "Study of Ferroelectricity and Phase Transitions in Hafnia”
William Hume-Rothery Award
Ji-Cheng (JC) Zhao -
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- Title: Minta Martin Professor and Department Chair
- Affiliation: University of Maryland, College Park, MD USA
- Citation: For development of groundbreaking methodologies for systematic measurements of phase-based properties for the understanding of a very large number of alloy systems.
- Other: High-Throughput Measurements of Composition-Dependent Properties of Alloy Phases for Accelerated Alloy Design
William Hume-Rothery Award
Ursula Kattner -
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- Title: Physical Scientist
- Affiliation: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Quote: I feel very honored to be selected to receive the 2020 TMS William Hume-Rothery Award. Looking at the list of past recipients only emphasizes what a great honor it is to receive this award. Like Hume-Rothery, I am passionate about working on understanding phase equilibria and intermetallic phases. Unlike Hume-Rothery, I have the fortune of having modern computers for the study of phase equilibria in systems with more than three components and their application to practical problems. I am looking forward to the 2020 symposium to discuss advances in experimental and computational methods for the investigation of phase equilibria and intermetallic phases, as well as application to technological problems.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to the development and application of the multicomponent thermodynamic descriptions for industrial applications.
- Other: "Phase Diagrams, Computational Thermodynamics and CALPHAD"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Mark Asta -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, CA
- Citation: For his foundational contributions to the theory and simulation of the thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of bulk and interfacial inorganic alloys.
William Hume-Rothery Award
Zi-Kui Liu -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- Citation: For his pioneering contribution and leadership in the study of computational phase diagrams and thermodynamics for advanced alloy design.
- Other: Computational Thermodynamics of Materials and Its Applications
William Hume-Rothery Award
George Smith -
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- Title: Professor of Materials Science
- Affiliation: University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Quote: I am deeply honored to receive this prestigious award from TMS. It provides recognition for the achievements of the entire Oxford team for the development and application of three-dimensional atom probe analysis to the study of phase transformations and phase chemistry in metals and alloys. Professor Hume Rothery played a key role in the establishment of this field of research. I trust that he would be pleased to see this award bestowed upon one of his successors on the faculty of his old department. I would like to dedicate this award especially to the memory of my beloved wife Josie, who sadly passed away last year. She supported me steadfastly in everything I did, and believed in me more than I did myself.
- Citation: For leadership and vision in development of advanced Atom Probe instruments and their application in improving understanding of atomic scale processes in metallurgical transformations.
- Other: "The Role of Atom Probe Tomography in Decoding the Materials Genome"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Brent Fultz -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
- Quote: I have deep respect for the previous recipients of the Hume-Rothery Award, so it will be a deep honor to receive this award at the TMS annual meeting. I am a regular attendee of these meetings, where I never fail to learn something important from my forward-looking colleagues. My own interest is the entropy of materials, and how the major part of it comes from the vibrations of atoms. New experimental methods of inelastic scattering and the new power of ab initio calculations are now quantifying the individual components of entropy from atoms and electrons. I am optimistic that these new approaches to alloy thermodynamics will empower the next generation of TMS members to better understand and design new materials and devices.
- Citation: For leadership in establishing the importance of vibrational entropy to the phase stability of alloys and for transformational advances in measurement techniques.
- Other: "The Origin of Entropy in Materials"
William Hume-Rothery Award
William Boettinger -
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- Title: Metallurgist - NIST Fellow
- Affiliation: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
- Quote: I am honored to be chosen for the 2015 William Hume-Rothery Award of TMS. I have been a frequent speaker and learner at TMS meetings since 1972. TMS is the best materials society that combines the engineering and science of metallurgy. Hume-Rothery embodied the transformation of metallurgy from an empirical practice to one embracing the increasing knowledge of materials obtained from all fields of science during the mid-twentieth century. I am humbled to be added to the list of awardees.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to thermodynamics and kinetics of metallurgical systems and their application to the understanding of alloy microstructures and the relationship to processing conditions.
- Other: "Solidification of Multicomponent Alloys"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Rainer Schmid-Fetzer -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal Zellerfeld, Germany
- Quote: It is a major honor for me to be chosen as recipient of the 2014 William Hume-Rothery Award. The phase formation in materials is in the focus of my research ever since leaping - after my graduation in physics with a thesis in quantum theory - to a foundry technology institute, facing the production of real alloys, to earn my Ph.D. in Engineering. It is this fusion of theory with real life that fascinates me. I try to follow the great pioneer Hume-Rothery in the field of constitution of metals and alloys by elaborating quantitative thermodynamic descriptions of phase stability in truly multicomponent alloys with applications to phase and microstructure formation in processing technology. The quote of my peers in TMS says "an outstanding scientific leader in recognition of exceptional contributions to the science of alloys", which heartens me to join the ranks of the William Hume-Rothery Awardees. I am looking forward to the special symposium in 2014 and to stimulating discussions at the TMS Annual meeting, which I enjoyed so many times. And I hope being able to make some more contributions in the future.
- Citation: For his seminal contribution in alloy thermodynamics and phase diagrams both computationally and experimentally.
- Other: "Phase Diagrams - The Beginning of Wisdom"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Alex Zunger -
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- Affiliation: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
- Other: First Principles Alloy Theory - A Retrospective
William Hume-Rothery Award
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
John Agren -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Other: "Thermodynamics and Diffusion Coupling in Alloys - Application Driven Science", which is being presented on Monday, February 28, 2011 in Rm 31A, beginning at 8:40 a.m.
William Hume-Rothery Award
Didier de Fontaine -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Quote: "When I was a Metallurgical Engineering student in my native Belgium, at the Catholic University of Louvain, the instructor taught the Physical Metallurgy course out of a textbook by William Hume-Rothery. That in itself was quite unusual. In Europe in those days, instructors taught from their own notes (which they had often pirated from English-language textbooks), but this professor was different. He had obtained an MS degree from Stanford and was familiar with Anglo-Saxon ways of doing things. As a result, I learned about the great Oxford Physicist/Metallurgist Hume-Rothery very early on and his excellent textbook played no small role in the orientation of my career. Hume-Rothery was a hero in undergraduate school, but of course, I could not even dream that some day my name would be associated with that of the great man himself."
William Hume-Rothery Award
John Perepezko -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI
William Hume-Rothery Award
Lih Chen -
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- Title: National Chair Professor MSE
- Affiliation: National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Other: Nanoscale Metal Silicides
William Hume-Rothery Award
Simon Moss -
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- Title: M.D. Anderson Chair of Physics
- Affiliation: University of Houston, Houston, TX
- Other: How Big is an Atom?
William Hume-Rothery Award
William Oates -
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- Title: Honorary Visiting Professor
- Affiliation: University of Salford, United Kingdom
- Other: Entropies of Formation and Mixing in Alloys
William Hume-Rothery Award
Uichiro Mizutani -
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- Title: Professor of Crystalline Materials Science
- Affiliation: Nagoya University, Japan
- Quote: “My interest in the research on phase stability and the work and ideas of Professor Hume-Rothery developed during my stay in the USA, as a post-doctoral Fellow at the Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh. Hume-Rothery’s ideas needed further support and development, particularly in the physics of basic property measures, and in the calculations of energy, starting from first principles. With several associates, I devoted a major part of my research in Nagoya to this field. Particularly rewarding has been the possibility of linking more closely the observed occurrence and structural features of typical electron phases like the gamma-phase, and more recently the stability of quasicrystals, and approximants, to their electronic band structure and the concept of the Billouin zone. I am very happy that this work of mine has been recognized by members of TMS as worthy of the prestigious Hume-Rothery award. I am looking forward to presenting some of my most recent research at the TMS 2005 Annual Meeting.”
William Hume-Rothery Award
Hubert Aaronson -
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- Title: R.F. Mehl University Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Quote: “The Hume-Rothery Award represents to me recognition of more than 50 years of continuous effort to understand the atomic mechanisms of diffusional nucleation and growth. For more than 50 years, TMS has been my technical ‘ home’ and my main channel of communication with the physical metallurgical community. TMS Fall and Winter Meetings provide the technical highlights of each year and I continue to look forward to each one.”
- Other: “Low Energy and Low Mobility Structures at Irrational Interphase Boundaries, and Compliance with Nucleation Theory”
William Hume-Rothery Award
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Larry Kaufman -
View Details
- Title: Lecturer & Consultant MSE
- Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
- Quote: “This award has special meaning for me because of the personal relationship I had with Professor William Hume-Rothery. I was the Institute of Metals – London Hume-Rothery awardee in 1996. As a student I studied his book Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy. I first met him in 1960 when I chaired an AIME meeting on Phase Equilibria at which Hume-Rothery presented a paper. We corresponded for 6 years until we met again in Geneva at the Battelle conference on Phase Stability of Metals and Alloys. He invited me to write a review for Progress in Materials Science, which he edited (published 1969, vol. 14, pp. 55-96). This collaboration led to more correspondence, which is recounted in N. Saunders and A.P. Miodownik CALPHAD Pergamon/ Elsevier (1998) pp. 9-15. We were in the midst of an extensive correspondence when Hume-Rothery passed away suddenly in 1968.”
- Other: Calphad Thermodynamics
William Hume-Rothery Award
Balazs Gyorffy -
View Details
- Title: Professor of Theoretical Physics
- Affiliation: University of Bristol,
- Quote: “Working in a department where ‘Metals and Alloys’ by Mott and Jones was written in 1936 and only a short distance from Oxford where Hume-Rothery did his seminal work and wrote his influential ‘The Structure of Metals and Alloys’ at about the same time, I always thought of the application of the KKR-CPA method to calculations of the electronic properties of metallic alloys as a continuation of the work of these pioneers. This award pleases me because it recognizes that the continuation turned out to be progress.”
- Other: “On the Quasi-Particle Spectra of Superconducting Random Alloys””
William Hume-Rothery Award
Armen Khachaturyan -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Rutgers University,
- Quote: “It is a great honor to be named a recipient of the 2000 W. Hume-Rothery Award for my work in the theory of phase transformations in alloys. I also consider this award a sign of a growing recognition of the role played by the theoretical research in the science of materials. It gives me a feeling of deep satisfaction to learn that my work is regarded by peers in TMS as an important contribution to the field. I would like to express my appreciation of the invaluable opportunities for a stimulating exchange of knowledge and ideas that TMS provides to the scientific and engineering community.”
William Hume-Rothery Award
Mats Hillert -
View Details
- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Other: "Interactions of Solutes with Migrating Interfaces in Alloys"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Ryoichi Kikuchi -
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- Title: Visiting Scholar
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Other: "Space is Continuous"
William Hume-Rothery Award
Bruno Predel -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Max Planck Institute , Germany
- Quote: "This award serves as acknowledgement of decades of effort in research and teaching and incites me to further scientific activities in the field that has been pioneered by Hume-Rothery."
- Other: "Constitution and Thermodynamics of Monotectic Alloys"
William Hume-Rothery Award
William Johnson - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
David Pettifor - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
ole Kleppa - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
John Cahn - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
James Phillips - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Erwin Parthe - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Bill Giessen - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Y. Chang - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Michael Ashby - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Andre Guinier - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
David Turnbull - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Richard Watson - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Henry Ehrenreich - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Leo Brewer - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Pol Duwez - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Andries Miedema - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Thaddeus Massalski - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Lawrence Darken - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Karl Gschneidner, Jr. - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Jacques Friedel - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Charles Barrett - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
William Pearson - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
William Hume-Rothery Award
Paul Beck - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A