MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Rajiv Mishra -
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- Title: Regents Professor
- Affiliation: University of North Texas,
- Quote: TMS-MPMD, particularly the Shaping and Forming Committee, provided me a wonderful opportunity to organize the friction stir welding and processing symposium that became an integral part of my career growth. Much of my research contributions correlating the processing-microstructure-properties came out from these activities, and ultimately that led to founding of the start-up named Optimus Alloys.
- Citation: For broadening the friction stir welding technology into a generic microstructural modification and manufacturing process, known as friction stir processing, and developing its scientific understanding.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Somnath Ghosh -
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- Title: Michael G. Callas Chair Professor
- Affiliation: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Quote: Receiving the MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award from TMS is a tremendous honor for me. It is a highlight of my research career that I will cherish always. I am truly honored to be in the company of the very distinguished colleagues who have received this award before me. Thank you, TMS!
- Citation: "For pioneering contributions to Materials Engineering through the innovation of spatial and temporal multiscaling methods like PHCMs and WATMUS, that are game-changers for fatigue prediction"
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Jian Wang -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
- Quote: This is a highly prestigious award which recognizes my efforts in understanding structure-properties relations of structural materials. This award will continuously encourage and inspire me to conduct the cutting edge research in the field of materials science and engineering, and serve our society.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Eugene Olevsky -
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- Title: Dean & Distinguished Professor
- Affiliation: San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
- Quote: I am extremely proud and honored to receive this award. TMS is one of the oldest and broadly internationally-recognized professional societies in materials engineering. TMS activities are very important for me, my colleagues, and my students. I am very grateful to my nominator, referees and the members of the MPMD Nominations & Awards Committee for granting me this prestigious distinction!
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to materials engineering education and sintering research including development of the modern sintering theories and fundamental studies of field-assisted powder consolidation technologies.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Yunzhi Wang -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Colombus, OH
- Quote: I am deeply honored and humbled by the recognition of my MPMD peers for this prestigious award. I would like to share this recognition with my students and colleagues, because it is their contributions that have made possible what I have accomplished. I also acknowledge TMS, my home professional society, for providing a vibrant platform for close interactions and long-lasting collaborations with other researchers in the field, which has shaped my career path.
- Citation: For outstanding achievements in fundamental and computational study on microstructural evolution during solid state phase transformations and plastic deformation in metals and alloys.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
David Furrer -
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- Title: Senior Fellow
- Affiliation: Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, CT, US
- Citation: For pioneering contributions to the development and implementation of ICME technology, tools, and methods for the introduction of new materials and manufacturing processes.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Irene Beyerlein -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Citation: For the manufacturing and multiscale modeling of texture and interface-driven plasticity in deformation processed metals and composites.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Neville Moody -
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- Title: Retired
- Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA
- Quote: It is an honor to be recognized with this award. I have been a part of TMS since graduate school and for many of those years active in MPMD. TMS has provided me the opportunity to meet and work with many scientists and engineers across the materials science and engineering community. My involvement in committees and organizing symposia has added opportunities and benefited my professional career.
- Citation: For ground-breaking work in hydrogen embrittlement, thin film mechanical behavior, novel uses of nanoindentation, as well as inspiring and mentoring future generations of materials scientists
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Xiaodong (Chris) Li -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Quote: I am very grateful and honored to receive this award because TMS has been a great home for me. Since I joined back in 1981 I have gained valuable experiences and professional career growth through involvement and interactions within TMS. TMS meetings and events allow me to stay connected with people in both academia and industry. I am humbled to be recognized by my peers for this award.
- Citation: For his pioneering nanomechanical research in nanomanufacturing, nanomaterial-enabled energy systems, biological and bio-inspired systems and devices, and mechanics and tribology in turbine energy systems.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Narendra Dahotre -
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- Title: Distinguished Research Professor and Chairman
- Affiliation: University of North Texas, Denton, TX
- Quote: I have been a member of TMS since the 80s as a graduate student and gained valuable experiences through involvement and interactions within TMS community/activities. These experiences and activities have provided opportunities to develop my professional career in the most fulfilled manner. This award is recognition from my colleagues and peers of my dedication, achievements, and service to the materials community in general and materials processing in particular.
- Citation: For pioneering contributions to fundamental understanding and engineering applications of laser-materials interactions along with implementation of high power lasers in materials processing.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Thomas Bieler -
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- Affiliation: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
- Quote: This award strongly reflects these community building dynamics, and clearly many others have a large part of the success that these awards represent. I am especially grateful to the dozen or so close collaborators and grad students with skills different from mine, which we have been able to leverage together to discover many interesting physical metallurgy mechanisms and related phenomena.
- Citation: For seminal scientific and technological contributions to the understanding of the influence of grain boundaries and texture on the processing and properties of engineering alloys.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
John Morral -
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- Affiliation: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: For a person having an academic career there is no better way to develop leadership skills, meet a broad spectrum of people, and learn about new scientific and engineering developments than by being active in a technical society. TMS has given me those opportunities. Serving on award, meeting, and journal committees, organizing symposia, and attending annual TMS meetings has influenced nearly everything that I do.
- Citation: For outstanding achievements in fundamental and applied research on solid state diffusion and phase equilibrium in multi-component systems.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Amit Misra -
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- Title: Technical Staff Member
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Quote: “I am proud to be a TMS member since I was a graduate student. I feel deeply honored and humbled by this recognition from MPMD of the research contributions of my team.”
- Citation: For fundamental understanding of processing-structure-property relations in nanolayered composites for structural and nuclear energy applications and for championing nanomechanics in the MPMD of TMS.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Yuntain Zhu -
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- Title: Professor in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering
- Affiliation: North Carolina State University,
- Quote: “It is a great honor to be recognized with this award by colleagues. For my entire academic career, TMS has provided me with essential and great opportunities for academic growth, service, and networking with colleagues. The importance of membership in TMS cannot be overstated for professionals in materials science and engineering.”
- Citation: For outstanding achievements in the understanding of deformation mechanisms and processing for commercial applications of ultra-fine grain and nanostructured materials.
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
David Bourell -
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- Title: Temple Foundation Endowed Professor
- Affiliation: University of Texas-Austin,
- Quote: “It is a two-fold honor to receive such a prestigious award as this. First, it is heartening to be recognized for quality research that has been transferred to the commercial sector. Second, it is particularly meaningful to receive this award by the organization and division that I have been most strongly affiliated with over the course of my 30 years as a professional and academic researcher.”
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
Brian Thomas -
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- Title: Professor in Mechanical Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Illinois , Urbana, Illinois
- Quote: “I have been privileged to be a TMS member for over 20 years. TMS brings leading academic and industrial researchers together and fosters both scientific inquiry towards fundamental understanding and practical industrial applications to benefit society. I am deeply honored to receive this recognition from my colleagues.”
MPMD Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award
S. Semiatin -
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- Title: Senior Scientist
- Affiliation: Air Force Research Laboratory ,
- Citation: For pioneering basic and applied research contributions related to the thermomechanical processing of aerospace alloys and the implementation of processing knowledge in industry.