Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Jonathan Madison -
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- Title: Program Director
- Affiliation: National Science Foundation, Upper Marlboro, MD
- Quote: Frank Crossley’s life and accomplishments have demonstrated that even in science, while challenges exist, if there can be a first, there can be many more. I am honored to be one of the “many more”. Frank forged a trail, and these many years later, I am beyond honored to look past my challenges to be able to follow in his footsteps as a metallurgist and a materials scientist.
- Citation: For overcoming personal and cultural adversity to achieve a successful career in materials science and leveraging his experiences to enable the success of others.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Jenifer Locke -
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- Title: Associate Professor
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: Being awarded the Frank Crossley Diversity Award serves as a reminder that my resilience, ever present energy and smile, hard work, persistence, and tenacity, even when told I shouldn’t, or couldn’t, or wouldn’t, not only served me well, but has been recognized and appreciated by those around me. I hope this award can help another have the strength to not settle for what is expected or recommended by others based on any facet of their identity, but to push onward towards their own personal goal, even when they don’t know if it is achievable for a person like them. One might find, like me, that they can come out the other side achieving what seemed impossibly difficult and still smiling. I’d like to thank TMS and the TMS Foundation for being unique in that they provide and cultivate an environment that continuously strives to improve and always focuses on becoming more inclusive, equitable, and welcoming. There are many societies one can choose to volunteer in, I choose TMS because it has created a space where I feel welcomed, supported, and championed for all facets of myself. TMS not only allows me to share my technical work and thinking, but also bring my whole self and help them work to create a better community for the future.
- Citation: A rising leader and a shining example that tenacity, humility, and hard work can realize extreme success despite economic, social, family, or institutional roadblocks.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
T. Britton -
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- Title: Reader in Metallurgy and Microscopy/Associate Professor
- Affiliation: Imperial College London/University of British Columbia, London United Kingdom
- Quote: TMS creates and sustains an international community of scientists and engineers, drawing together academics and industrialists via its annual meeting, and paper and digital media. This makes the world smaller and more accessible, enabling us to share ideas and know-how and build friendships across the world. I am especially impressed at the contributions of the TMS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and its work to understand and address current and historic imbalances in our community, as well as drawing in more members and enabling us to create a more robust and sustainable community for all. As we all work together, I hope that more people will continue to reflect on their own journey, and look around the room more often to see, and address, instances where conscious, unconscious and systematic bias create and sustain barriers which limit equal participation for all, especially the most marginalized and those at the start of their careers.
- Citation: As LGBTQ+ individual, Britton has overcome barriers to become a world-leading materials scientist and engineer and he fights for increasing equality for all.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Raul Rebak -
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- Title: Corrosion Engineer
- Affiliation: GE Global Research, Schenectady, NY
- Quote: I had my TMS membership since I was a graduate student at The Ohio State University some thirty years ago. I have been a volunteer for TMS for many years, for example by keeping alive in times of low participation two Structural Materials committees, (the Corrosion and Environmental Effects committee and the Nuclear Materials committee) for which I received the 2016 Structural Materials Division Distinguished Service Award. I have also contributed extensively to JOM as a guest editor, an author, and a reviewer. As a guest editor I am proud that I was able to secure two manuscripts in separate years and dissimilar subjects which went on to receive the JOM Best Paper award. As a gay man in an engineering field, I was deeply moved to receive recognition through the Frank Crossley Award. Being a member of a minority group implies that one must spend extra energy and charm to overcome prejudice and barriers to be included and respected in the engineering community. This award is a testament that maybe one was effective in these goals of claiming equality and inclusion. I hope this award will serve as a motivation for many younger people to be comfortable to be themselves whenever they are. Being proud and out-of-the-closet saves a lot of energy and makes the professional more efficient in the work place. This is a win proposition for both the company and the employee.
- Citation: For conquering GLBT bias from family, culture, and the education system to make outstanding contributions to the corrosion and nuclear fields.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Olivia Underwood -
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- Title: Product Realization Team Leader
- Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
- Quote: TMS membership and the TMS Foundation benefits me by providing a platform to share my latest work with the research community along with the opportunity to be able to attend the different talks and workshops of others when attending the TMS conferences. It allows me to network and collaborate with others. It also allows me to stay connected to my colleagues. Last but not least, it is great to have access to the free journals and to be able to serve on different committees.
- Citation: For a first generation college graduate, exemplifying persistence in her academic degree, a professional career leader, and outreach to under-represented women in STEM.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Shadia Ikhmayies -
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- Title: Associate Professor
- Affiliation: Al Isra University, Amman, Jordan
- Quote: I have been a member of TMS since 2009. Through the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, I was able to publish my work in the proceedings and JOM. In this period, I had the chance to organize symposia, where I worked as the leading organizer for different symposia several times. I was also the chair of the Characterization Committee for two years. In addition, TMS meetings enabled me to meet experts and scientists from around the globe.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Lawrence Crosby -
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- Title: Ph.D. Candidate
- Affiliation: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
- Quote: As a lifelong lover of learning, membership in TMS is a milestone in my journey to make the world better through scientific discovery. As a man who has overcome losing his father to statistics and his mother to diabetes, I can relate to Frank Crossley's road through trials and tribulations. As a grandson of a teacher, I have been taught the value of education and perseverance from a young age. While my work is not yet finished, I am very grateful to receive recognition through the Frank Crossley award, which truly sets a high bar embodied by the accomplishments of its namesake.
- Citation: For overcoming extraordinary barriers to become a successful young scientist, and being a role model to disadvantaged youth.
Frank Crossley Diversity Award
Carolyn Hansson -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
- Quote: TMS has been by professional home for 47 years. When I joined as a freshly minted Ph.D., recently arriving from the U.K. and working for Martin Marietta, it was my "boss" and mentor, Bert Westwood, who taught me the importance of becoming an active participant in the large professional community of metallurgists, and I have never looked back. I received the TMS Robert Lansing Hardy Gold Medal at the AIME 100th anniversary meeting in New York and have tried to live up to that promise ever since. I left the U.S. in 1980 and spent nine years in Denmark before emigrating to Canada in 1989. Attending my first TMS annual meeting after nine years felt very much like a homecoming to a very large, very warm family. I trust it will continue to do so for many years to come.
- Citation: For overcoming professional, educational, cultural, and institutional challenges and adversity while pursuing a successful scientific research and management career within U.K. and U.S. universities and industry, Danish research laboratories, and Canadian academic institutions.