John Bardeen Award
Darrell Schlom -
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- Title: Tisch University Professor
- Affiliation: Cornell University,
- Quote: This award means a tremendous amount to me. John Bardeen was a scientific gentleman—a gentle role-model for how science should be done—who improved the world through his research on semiconductors and superconductors, all while remaining humble. I recall seeing him speak at a superconductivity conference when I was a graduate student, and it warms my heart to join those receiving this award given in his memory.
- Citation: For his pioneering work on the synthesis of functional oxide materials using molecular beam epitaxy.
John Bardeen Award
Junqiao Wu -
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- Title: Chancellor's Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Quote: I feel extremely humbled to receive the award named after John Bardeen, a giant in science that I have been looking up to since middle school. It is a special honor to be on a list of awardees that includes so many great figures in our fields! I would like to thank my advisors, collaborators, students and postdocs over the years who have made this possible.
- Citation: For his pioneering research in narrow-gap nitride semiconductors, semiconductor alloys, layered semiconductors, and vanadium dioxide.
John Bardeen Award
Long-Qing Chen -
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- Title: Hamer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- Quote: I feel truly honored and humbled to receive an award associated with such a giant in science, John Bardeen, a two-time Nobel Prize winner in Physics. I would like to express my deep appreciation of all the contributions by the former and current graduate students and postdocs in my group to the body of research work being recognized by this award.
- Citation: For pioneering and sustaining theoretical contributions to the understanding of domain structures and properties of electronic oxides.
John Bardeen Award
James Chelikowsky -
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- Title: W. A. "Tex" Moncrief Jr. Chair of Computational Materials
- Affiliation: University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
- Quote: I am deeply honored to receive this award, especially one named for John Bardeen, a true icon of condensed matter physics. His fundamental work on surfaces and interfaces continues to be an ongoing inspiration in my career. I am truly humbled to be included within the group of previous winners whose body of work encompasses some of the best science in electronic materials. TMS deserves credit for its tireless work in promoting the science and technology of materials.
- Citation: For his leadership and pioneering contributions within the science of electronic materials
John Bardeen Award
James Coleman -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Texas at Arlington, Celina, TX
- Quote: I am humbled and honored to receive the John Bardeen Award. I did my graduate work at Illinois and had the opportunity to meet and briefly work with Bardeen, although he was retired at the time. He brought semiconductor research and low temperature physics research to Illinois and was an inspiration to several generations of graduate students in physics, materials science, and electrical engineering. His enduring message, which I have tried to fully embrace, is that science and engineering are inextricably intertwined, and both are necessary for technical excellence.
- Citation: For seminal and sustained contributions to strained layer semiconductor lasers and selective area epitaxy for integration of optoelectronis devices.
John Bardeen Award
Eric Chason -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Brown University, Barrington, RI, US
John Bardeen Award
Justin Schwartz -
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- Title: Department Had & Kobe Steel Distinguished Professor
- Affiliation: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
- Quote: I am truly honored to receive the TMS John Bardeen Award. To have my name affiliated with him, and the previous recipients of the award, is humbling. I overlapped briefly with Professor Bardeen during my time at Illinois, and discovered that he was as wonderful a person as he was a scientist. It is also gratifying to have been nominated and supported for this award by my colleagues. I thank TMS, and also my students, post-docs and collaborators for sharing the joy of science and engineering with me.
- Citation: For continuing excellence and contributions in electronic materials, especially in high temperature superconductors for high field devices, and magnetic materials for high frequency communications.
John Bardeen Award
Carol Handwerker -
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- Title: Professor of Materials Engineering
- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Quote: Since joining TMS as a graduate student in 1983, I have been very grateful to be a member of the TMS community of scholars, working together to advance both scientific knowledge and engineering practice for the public good. I feel incredibly honored to receive the 2017 John Bardeen Award from the Functional Materials Division for my research in electronic packaging and interconnection and am indebted to my colleagues at Purdue, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and TMS for creating a culture of creativity and joy in exploring the fundamental basis of metallurgy and materials science.
- Citation: For continuing excellence and contributions made in the field of electronic materials, especially in the areas of tin whisker growth and lead-free solders
John Bardeen Award
Ilesanmi Adesida -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
- Citation: "For sustained contributions to compound semiconductor materials processing and leadership in nanofabrication.
John Bardeen Award
Chris Van de Walle -
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- Title: Professor of Materials and Herbert Kroemer Endowed Chair in Materials Science
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Quote: I am thrilled to receive this award, and very grateful to TMS for naming it after John Bardeen, a giant of science who made numerous contributions to electronic materials. The work for which I am being recognized would not have been possible without the mentorship from luminaries such as Richard Martin, Walter Harrison, Sokrates Pantelides, Eugene Haller, Matthias Scheffler, and Klaus Ploog; and the creative interactions with collaborators such as Joerg Neugebauer and Anderson Janotti. I am deeply honored to now be included among the previous recipients, all highly distinguished scientists. My hope is to continue to make TMS proud.
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the theory and understanding of semiconductor band offsets, doping, defects, and loss mechanisms, and the role of hydrogen in electronic materials.
John Bardeen Award
Ramamoorthy Ramesh -
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- Title: Deputy Director
- Affiliation: Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
- Quote: Needless to say, I am thrilled to be recognized by this award and would like to thank TMS for this recognition. Just being associated with Professor Bardeen’s name means a lot to me. He epitomized the consummate scientist/engineer, someone who transcended traditional disciplinary boundaries to explore the frontiers of science in the interest of mankind. I hope and aspire to become one like Professor Bardeen. I do wish to gratefully acknowledge all of my past and present collaborations with amazingly smart and committed colleagues, students, and postdocs.
- Citation: For pioneering research in the field of functional oxide materials.
John Bardeen Award
King-Ning Tu -
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- Affiliation: University of California, Los Angeles, CA
- Quote: I am delighted to have been chosen for the 2013 John Bardeen award, and it is a great honor to me. I teach a course on diffusion at UCLA. On vacancy mechanism of diffusion, there is a correlation factor introduced by Bardeen to modify random walk due to reverse jumps. When Bardeen co-invented transistor, he understood the importance of dopant diffusion in p-n junction formation and in turn the importance of materials science and engineering in microelectronics. I would like to encourage out students to work on electronic, magnetic, and photonic materials.
- Citation: For his seminal scientific accomplishment on the metallization of semiconductors and his noteworthy contribution in electronic packaging and the reliability of electronic devices
John Bardeen Award
John Morris, Jr. -
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- Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley, CA
- Quote: It is an open secret that my primary contribution to the field of electronic materials has been the many outstanding students whom I have been privileged to educate and send out into the field. They permeate the field, in positions that range from laboratory researchers to productive engineers to college professors to senior executives in critical industries. This award to me is principally a tribute to their contribution, which are manifold, and will continue long after I have left the scene.
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the fundamental understanding of the metallurgy of electronic interconnects.
John Bardeen Award
Stephen Pearton -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Quote: “TMS is an enormously respected society and the John Bardeen award is one of its premier honors. I am deeply grateful to the society for this recognition and to the collaborators I have worked with over the years at the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, UC Berkeley, Bell Labs and now University of Florida for their many contributions. John Bardeen was one of the greatest scientists of the modern age and the previous winners of this award have all been esteemed leaders in the fields of semiconductors and related materials. I am very pleased and deeply honored to join this select group and to be a proud TMS member.”
- Citation: For pioneering advances in the science and application of advanced electronic and photonic device fabrication techniques for compound semiconductor devices used in cell phones, wireless communication systems, collision-avoidance radar, high density DVDs, satellite systems, wireless local area networks, GPS, broad-band satellite services and automotive radar-smart-cruise control, traffic lights and other displays.
John Bardeen Award
Eugene Haller -
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- Title: Materials Science Professor
- Affiliation: University of California , Berkeley, CA
- Quote: “Winning the 2010 John Bardeen Award of TMS is a great honor and a much appreciated recognition of the research contributions that my collaborators, students, postdocs and I have made. The award carries the name of one of my greatest heroes in the sciences, John Bardeen. I had the fortune to speak with John Bardeen on a few occasions. I was always impressed by his friendly and low-key style of discussing science. As a young postdoctoral fellow at the Rad Lab in Berkeley (now the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), I discussed our ultra-pure Germanium research and development with John Bardeen who at the time was reviewing our work for the Atomic Energy Commission (now the Department of Energy). He listened carefully with an approving smile!”
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the materials science and technology of isotopically engineered semiconductors.
John Bardeen Award
Robert Davis -
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- Title: J. Bertucci Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Quote: “John Bardeen cast a large shadow of excellence over the materials science and physics communities in terms of his considerable intelligence and his creation of new knowledge. I am pleased that TMS has chosen to recognize his genius with the John Bardeen Award. I am very honored to both be the recipient of this award for 2009 and to join the list of distinguished persons who received this award in prior years.”
- Other: Award Photo: http://www.tms.org/Society/Honors/2009/photos/RobertDavis-Apelian.gif
John Bardeen Award
Pallab Bhattacharya -
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- Title: Charles M. Vest Distinguished Professor
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Quote: “It is a distinct honor to be recognized by TMS and my peers as recipient of the 2008 John Bardeen Award. It is a tribute to all my students, research associates, and collaborators. It is very special to be associated with this award that recognizes the name of John Bardeen and his contributions to science.”
- Citation: For his pioneering contributions to epitaxy, to characterization of strained heterostructures, to self-organized quantum dots and to their device applications.
John Bardeen Award
Sungho Jin -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, San Diego, CA
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the science and technology of electronic materials, from the invention of hard magnetic materials to the practical processing of high-temperature superconductors to the discovery of colossal magnetoresistance.
John Bardeen Award
Isamu Akasaki -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Meijo and Nagoya Universities, Japan
- Citation: For his pioneering work and key discoveries in the field of GaN and related materials which has enabled their widespread development and use
John Bardeen Award
Arthur Gossard -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Quote: “It is an honor to join the very distinguished ranks of the previous recipients of the John Bardeen Award. I am pleased by the recognition from TMS and my colleagues and by what this represents. It is very special to be associated with an award that recognizes the name of John Bardeen and his many contributions to both physics and electronic materials and devices.”
- Citation: For outstanding contributions and leadership to the materials science of epitaxial crystal growth and to the physics of electronic structure and devices.
John Bardeen Award
Russell Dupuis -
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- Title: Steve W. Chaddick Chair in Electro-Optics and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar
- Affiliation: Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Quote: “I deem it indeed a great honor to be selected to receive the TMS John Bardeen award for many reasons, most importantly, the fact that this award was established to honor one of the greatest scientists and engineers of the past century, Dr. John Bardeen. I knew Dr. Bardeen when I was a graduate student at The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign during the period 1969–1973. I am also honored because this prestigious prize has also been received by others whose work I greatly admire and whom I know personally, including John Goodenough, Nick Holonyak, Jr., and Morton B. Panish. I am honored to receive this award because of the outstanding quality of the work of all of those who have preceded me in receiving this prize. I believe that Dr. Bardeen would appreciate the fact that this prize has been given previously by the TMS to these individuals who have made a big difference in the science and technology of semiconductor materials and who have made this prize important by the quality of their work.”
- Citation: "For the pioneering demonstration of high-quality III-V semiconductor materials and devices grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition."
John Bardeen Award
Gerald Stringfellow -
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- Title: Dean of the College of Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
- Quote: Electronic materials has been a late-developing area of materials science. Thus, the accomplishments of people in this area have often been overlooked. Recognition by our peers represents an important form of positive feedback to the recipient and motivation to younger researchers in the field. We all hope that what we are doing is making an impact. For this reason, it is very meaningful to me to be recognized by my materials science peers by being awarded the 2003 John Bardeen Award.”
- Citation: "For his pioneering contributions to the science and technology of semiconductors and his technical leadership."
John Bardeen Award
John Poate -
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- Title: Chief Technology Officer
- Affiliation: Axcelis Technologies, Beverly, MA
- Quote: “The TMS John Bardeen Award is particularly prestigious, and it is a great honor for me to receive the award. As a Bell Labs alumnus, the associations with John Bardeen and electronic materials are especially meaningful. I have presented many papers at TMS meetings on thin film reactions, ion implantation in Si and ion implantation metallurgy, laser annealing and diffusion in crystalline amorphous Si. TMS is a unique forum for presenting and discussing those critical areas of electronic materials.”
- Citation: "For the development of ion beam techniques for the analysis and modification of new surface properties of several classes of electronic materials."
John Bardeen Award
Alex Zunger -
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- Title: Institute Research Fellow and leader of the Solid State Theory
- Affiliation: U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC
- Quote: “I am honored and would like to thank my National Renewable Energy Laboratory post-docs and staff for exciting collaborations on this project: J. Bernard, A. Franceschetti, S. Froyen, D. Laks, K. Mader, R. Magri, J.L. Martins, T. Matilla, A. Mbaye, R. Osorio, V. Ozolins, G.P. Srivastava, D.M. Wood, S.H. Wei, and S.B. Zhang.”
- Citation: "For his seminal contributions to the theoretical understanding and prediction of “spontaneous ordering,” phase-stability, and electronic properties of semiconductor alloys; for the impact that this work has had on experimental studies of electronic materials, and for his continued leadership in the field."
John Bardeen Award
Y. Chang -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
- Quote: “I am proud to be a TMS member and extremely pleased that I have been selected to receive this great honor.”
- Citation: "For seminal contributions to under-standing of metal/compound semiconductor interactions."
John Bardeen Award
Lionel Kimerling -
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- Title: Thomas Lord Professor& Director of the Materials Processing
- Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- Quote: "TMS is the primary intellectual reservoir of the materials profession. Within TMS I have grown to appreciate the diversity of ideas and goals in the materials field. The annual TMS Electronic Materials Conference has been the testing ground for my research and a launch pad for its applications. I am grateful to be honored by my peers from who I have benefited so much."
- Citation: "Professor Kimerling is a world leader in the field of defects in electronic materials."
John Bardeen Award
Subhash Mahajan -
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- Title: Professor of Electronic Materials
- Affiliation: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
- Quote: "This award represents a recognition of the collective effort of my colleagues over the years. The field of electronic materials is so vast that complementary strengths must be brought to bear to resolve various scientific issues. During my career, I have been privileged to have worked with a large number of competent colleagues, and I dedicate this award to them."
- Citation: "For seminal contributions in understanding the origins of growth- and processing-induced defects in semiconductors and their influence on device behavior."
John Bardeen Award
John Goodenough -
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- Title: Virginia H. Cockrell Centennial Professor of Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Texas, Austin, TX
- Quote: "On graduation, I went to the MIT Lincoln Laboratory to work on ferrites for a magnetic memory for the digital computer that would enable an Air Forces defense system. In this endeavor, I found myself engaged in the design of transition-metal oxides to meet a specific engineering requirement. The challenge of molecular engineering has motivated my career ever since and is, I believe, the heart of TMS. For one of my generation to be honored by TMS for his efforts in this direction in association with the name of John Bardeen is a moving experience."
- Citation: "For his seminal contributions to the chemical and physical understanding of the transition-metal oxides and their use in novel engineering applications."
John Bardeen Award
LeGrand Van Uitert - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
John Bardeen Award
Nick Holonyak, Jr. - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
John Bardeen Award
Morton Panish - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A