Early Career Faculty Fellow Award

Funded by the TMS Foundation, this award recognizes an assistant professor for his or her accomplishments that have advanced the academic institution where employed, and for abilities to broaden the technological profile of TMS.

The recipient of this award will make a broad-based, nontechnical presentation at the Emerging Professionals Tutorial Luncheon at the next TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition and program a symposium at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition the year following the award presentation.

Applicants will be evaluated on their personal qualities and achievements, ways that they have advanced the institution where they are employed, along with their ability to broaden the existing technological profile of the society with the goal of engaging members in relevant activities.

The nature of this award will be one of resources, which will facilitate attendance at two consecutive TMS annual meetings, along with technical support and guidance in developing new programming. As such, honorees will receive complimentary registration and accommodation for both years and will be eligible for a travel allowance of up to $500 per meeting towards airfare and round-trip transportation from airport to hotel. Award recipients must travel to and attend the conference in order to receive the travel funds associated with this award.

Award recipients will also be given free admission to the Emerging Professionals Tutorial Luncheon in the year of their award, an invitation to attend division council meetings as well as technical and functional committee meetings.

To facilitate symposium planning, the recipient will be given technical support and guidance in developing new programming as well as conference registration waivers for up to six presenters involved in the symposium.

Faculty interested in nontraditional or traditional TMS programming topics are encouraged to apply.

For more information on this award, view the bylaws.


This program will be conducted as a competitive selection among young faculty.
  1. Must be a tenure-tracked assistant professor employed at an educational institution; Nominee must be within 8 years of professional practice (including post-doctoral position) of receiving PhD while in the Assistant Professor position (or equivalent position overseas) for no less than 2 years and no more than 6 years.
  2. Demonstrated accomplishments in advancing the academic institution;
  3. Abilities in broadening the technological profile of TMS with the goal of engaging members in relevant activities;
  4. Availability to attend two TMS annual meetings, make a presentation and organize a symposium.
  5. Must not be a previous recipient of this award.
  6. Applicants need not be a member of TMS. However, applicants with no significant evidence of interest or participation in TMS will not be given preference over young TMS members with strong academic qualifications and a demonstrable history of contributing to TMS.

How to Apply

Submission Deadline:
April 1 of each year.

Please submit the following documents to complete the application process:

  1. Completed application form.
  2. Letter of interest from applicant. No more than two pages.
  3. There are to be no more than a total of three letters of recommendation: Two letters from the applicant’s academic institution from higher level professors; and the third letter from another institution, extramural research organization (e.g., national or industrial laboratory), or a company where the applicant received a research grant. Each letter of recommendation should be no more than two pages.
  4. Abstract on a topic that the applicant would present at the Emerging Professionals Tutorial Luncheon if selected for the award. The topic of the talk should be general, not necessarily a technical talk, since given to a broader audience.
  5. Curriculum Vitae, no more than 5 pages, listing no more than 15 most relevant publications and most notable invited presentations. Include detailed list of students mentored as an assistant professor, with identification of students involved in publications with the applicant. Include relevant information that can help evaluate the application based on the criteria under “Judging” below.

Applicants will be evaluated based on the following categories and criteria:

Achievements (innovation and discovery)
  • Widely recognized research and scholarly output/ highly cited publications, patents, or books
  • Recipient of professional awards, honors and an invited or keynote speaker at reputable technical conferences, and
  • Organized symposium, utilizing research to drive applications in industry.
Advancing current academic institution
  • Setting up a funded, innovative research program/new labs,
  • Creating new programs/ interdisciplinary courses at graduate/undergraduate levels, and
  • Recruiting graduate students to enrich the technical breadth and diversity of the department.
Ability to broaden existing technological profile of TMS
  • Demonstrated ability to extend the scope of TMS to non-traditional scientific and technology topics,
  • Ability to co-organize symposia with another professional society on timely topics, editing symposium proceedings, and
  • Promoting student activities to foster affiliation with TMS, e.g. faculty mentorship of student chapters.
Personal qualities
  • Leadership, especially as an active committee member,
  • Mentoring graduate and undergraduate students, including underrepresented students, in publishing and oral/poster presentation at professional meetings,
  • Collaborative interactions with other disciplines and/or groups.

Unsuccessful applicants may update their application and resubmit for consideration for the following year’s award, provided they still meet the criterion; however, they must submit an updated CV and new/updated recommendation letters.

Send complete nomination packet to TMS Awards.

Current Year Awardee(s)

New award winners will be posted soon. Check back later.

Past Years Awardees

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