Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Long-Qing Chen -
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- Title: Hamer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- Quote: My entire academic career has been devoted to developing computational models for studying and understanding microstructure evolution processes during phase transformations, grain growth, and precipitate coarsening. I feel truly honored to receive the TMS Society Award named after Professor Cyril Smith who made pioneering and inspiring contributions to the science of materials microstructure and grain topology.
- Citation: For outstanding contributions to computational understanding of materials microstructures.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Kristin Persson -
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- Title: Professor in Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- Quote: I am deeply honored to receive the Cyril Stanley Smith Award. I like to imagine that Professor Smith would have appreciated ‘at-your-fingertips’ access to systematic, quantitative materials data, as he examined archeological artifacts and art work from all over the world. I am also intensely grateful to the TMS for their tireless support of fundamental materials science and metallurgy.
- Citation: For pioneering contributions to data production and dissemination, advancing data-driven science of materials structure and its link to properties for materials discovery and design.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Gregory Olson -
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- Title: ThermoCalc Professor of the Practice
- Affiliation: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- Quote: This award has very special meaning to me. Through inspiring interactions with Cyril in the 1980s, his vision of a systems approach to hierarchical microstructure formed the foundation of the materials design methodology on which my career has been based.
- Citation: Pioneering contributions in materials design methodologies using a systems-based approach to accelerate materials development.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Amit Misra -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI Unitd States
- Quote: I feel privileged to have been a TMS member throughout my career in the United States spanning three decades. The opportunities provided by TMS have been significant in my professional development, particularly in fundamental research in structural materials. I feel honored to be recognized with the Cyril Stanley Smith Award and am grateful to the support from my colleagues, friends and family.
- Citation: For seminal contributions to the fundamental understanding of defects, interfaces and nanomechanical behavior in nanolayered and multiphase metallic materials
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Yunzhi Wang -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- Quote: It is truly a distinct honor to receive this award named after Cyril Stanley Smith, a giant and pioneer in the field of microstructure science, whose seminal work on homo-phase and hetero-phase interfaces in materials has inspired me since I was a graduate student and during my entire career development. I would like to share this recognition with my students and colleagues, because it is their contributions that have made possible what I have accomplished. I also acknowledge TMS, my home professional society, for providing a vibrant platform for close interactions and long-lasting collaborations with other researchers in the field, which has shaped my career path.
- Citation: For outstanding achievements in fundamental and computational study on microstructural evolution during solid state phase transformations, grain growth, and plastic deformation in metals and alloys
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
No award given.
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Cyril Stanley Smith Award
No award given.
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Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Raja Mishra -
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- Title: Technical Fellow
- Affiliation: General Motors R&D Center, Warren, MI
- Quote: I am honored to receive the TMS award named for Cyril Stanley Smith, a pioneer in the study of materials microstructures, and to join the company of prior award recipients whom I have long admired. Smith was a leader in shaping the early foundations of microstructure based understanding of metallurgy and materials behavior. Our work to integrate quantitative microstructure in computational materials innovation for automotive lightweighting has been built on that foundation. My research group wants to recognize and thank the numerous colleagues who have greatly inspired, assisted and contributed to this work and especially acknowledge TMS for the key role it has played by providing the platform where many of these collaborations were established and nurtured.
- Citation: Advancing the science of automotive lightweighting through the integration of experimental and computational materials development with design innovation.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Stephen Foiles -
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- Title: Distinguished Member of Technical Staff
- Affiliation: Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
- Quote: I am honored and thrilled to receive this award named for Cyril Stanley Smith, a pioneer in the study of material microstructures. Like him, I have a long-standing fascination, some might say obsession, with grain boundaries and how they impact microstructural evolution. I want to recognize and thank the numerous colleagues who have greatly inspired, assisted and corrected me in this work. TMS has also played a key role by providing the venues where many of these collaborations were established and nurtured.
- Citation: For pioneering development of the Embedded Atom Method interatomic potentials, which laid the foundation for nearly three decades of molecular dynamics simulations of metals.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Carlos Tomé -
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- Title: Technical Staff Member
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: I am honored by the recognition bestowed on me by TMS. I would like to acknowledge that the body of work that this award recognizes is a paradigm of how scientific research works at its best: it builds upon the foundations previously developed by gifted mechanics and materials scientists; it results from teamwork and continuity; and its character reflects contributions from collaborations with a variety of first-class researchers. As a consequence, this award represents not only a personal recognition but also a recognition of all of the above. TMS and, more specifically, the TMS annual meetings have provided the venue for interacting with colleagues and staying abreast of ongoing developments in the field of materials research. This has given me the possibility of broadening my field of knowledge, keeping up-to-date on recent advances, and benefiting from other researcher’s work.
- Citation: For pioneering the development of physically-based, multi-scale, microstructural models that capture the mechanical response of highly textured, anisotropic materials.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Michael Loretto -
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- Title: Emeritus Professor of Materials
- Affiliation: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, Great Britain
- Quote: This totally unexpected award means that the fun I have had for over 50 years, which is its own reward, apparently merits recognition. The recognition should be shared with the numerous colleagues and students, with whom I’ve had the pleasure to work. My acceptance is a thank you to them.
- Citation: For the use of electron microscopy to further our understanding of the internal structure of metals and the application of this understanding to metal processing.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Anthony Rollett -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Quote: This Award is particularly significant to me because I have been interested in microstructure all my career. Accordingly Cyril Stanley Smith was always one of my heroes because his ideas were so seminal in the field. There is also the local connection that CS Smith was the advisor of William Mullins, who was a Professor at Carnegie Mellon and who also made many contributions to microstructural science. Lastly, I was the Chair of the International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth for several years, in which we also honor Smith’s contributions.
- Citation: For insights into grain growth and texture development derived from quantitative, mesoscale, computer modeling using anisotropic grain boundary properties.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Leonid Bendersky -
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- Affiliation: National Institute of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
- Citation: For his use of transmission electron microscopy which unraveled complex and interwoven microstructural patterns of multiphase and multicomponent materials formed by solidification and solid state phase transformations.
Cyril Stanley Smith Award
Mats Hillert -
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- Affiliation: Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Quote: It is an honor and a great pleasure to receive an award honoring Cyril Stanley Smith. His pioneering work on the principles behind the microstructural development in metallic materials was an important inspiration for me when entering the fascinating field of what is now called Physical Metallurgy. Metallographic information is still a basis for interpreting and modeling various phenomena and metallography provides an important testing ground for models. I may be the last professor to hold a chair named Metallography but the importance of the field should always be appreciated.
- Citation: For his exceptional contributions to the theory of microstructural evolution, addressing fundamental aspects of diffusional transformations and thermodynamics.