Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
David Bahr -
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- Title: Head, School of Materials Engineering
- Affiliation: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- Quote: Receiving the Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award is truly an honor. Professional societies exist to support the members, and TMS has been instrumental in supporting students and professionals in materials engineering. I've had the privilege of helping others grow and develop, and I'm truly thankful for the opportunities TMS has provided to work across the breadth of the MSE field.
- Citation: For more than a decade of service in two technical divisions and student development activities tied to growth and vibrancy of the Material Advantage program
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Joy Forsmark -
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- Title: Technical Expert
- Affiliation: Ford Motor Company, Saint Clair Shores, MI
- Quote: It is a great honor to receive the Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award for my service at TMS. Throughout my career in Materials Science, TMS membership and service has provided me with opportunities for valuable experiences, professional growth, and amazing interactions with talented students, researchers, and leaders in the field. I truly feel that I have received far more from my activities than the time I have put in and look forward to continuing to serve the society in its mission to advance and support the field of materials science and engineering.
- Citation: For thoughtful, dedicated and self-less service and for her leadership on important initiatives that have had pervasive impacts on TMS.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Carl Cady -
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- Title: Research Engineer
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: I have been rewarded greatly over my career by working closely with so many other volunteers and TMS staff who have made our meetings and our society better. By actively participating in our society through programming for meetings, or in helping with administrative activities I feel like I have contributed in making TMS better and more inclusive for everyone. It continues to be my honor to work with so many colleagues and TMS staff that give their time and energy to make our society better. The relationships that I have developed with other volunteers have been beneficial in my career development, both in the information and knowledge that is shared by more personal interaction, but also in having a broader network of contacts within our field. I have seen over the years of my volunteerism that the most influential scientists in our field also are those people that are the most active volunteers. I am honored to be given the Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award because it means that I have contributed to the success of our society. I hope that I can inspire others to do more. Your efforts will also be rewarded as mine have.
- Citation: For dedicated and sustained service to TMS and its members, particularly to improvements in the quality of programming at TMS annual meetings and at Materials Science & Technology conferences.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Stanley Howard -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City SD United States
- Quote: As a youth, I dreamed of visiting with a metallurgist to learn more of the subject I loved. So, later being able to be a part of and serving a Society of metallurgists and materials and mineral engineers has been a joy. My friends are here at TMS: dear friends who have enriched my journey of exploration and learning. Having never sought positions or honors, I am surprised by the unlikely circumstance that they have somehow found me, but I attribute it entirely to either the kind encouragement, opportunities, or errors of my dear TMS friends. I am honored to be the 2021 face of service to TMS knowing well there are many who serve or have served devotedly and astutely including my friend and the award’s namesake Alex Scott. Lastly and most importantly, were it not for a previous recipient of this award, my former graduate advisor, colleague, and dear friend, I would never have embarked on my TMS odyssey: thank you, John Hager.
- Citation: For passionate, dedicated, exemplary uninterrupted and loyal service to The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society since 1966.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Elizabeth Holm -
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- Title: Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
- Affiliation: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Quote: Serving as a TMS volunteer has been an honor, an adventure, and a never-ending learning experience. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to participate in my profession beyond my workplace and across borders. It is especially meaningful to me to receive this award in honor of Alex Scott, a great friend and supporter, who himself gave so much to TMS over so many years.l
- Citation: For thoughtful, innovative and energetic service and leadership that has had a pervasive impact on TMS members and TMS.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Robert Hyers -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
- Quote: TMS is my main professional home. TMS is where I learned how to participate in a professional society. Volunteering for TMS gave me opportunities to meet most of the colleagues in my professional network, something to do with them so that we could build acquaintance into professional relationships, and once in a while, a chance to make a difference.
- Citation: For over a decade of selfless and dedicated service, and exceptional leadership to TMS through the organizing of Symposia, Committee Memberships, Financial Planning Officer and membership of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Tresa Pollock -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- Citation: For educating, engaging and inspiring countless TMS leaders, and for her own unwavering dedication and service to TMS and the broader materials community.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
James Foley -
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- Title: Scientist
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
- Quote: The Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award means a lot to me for many reasons. A few of those reasons are that I was very fortunate to have people I admire greatly nominate me, the award represents so many people that have given much of themselves to TMS and I treasure the time I have spent with TMS. Moreover, I have had the pleasure to serve with Alexander Scott and the subsequent executive directors of TMS who also give so much back to TMS. Being recognized at this level for my service contributions to the society and profession is truly a grand honor.
- Citation: For his dedicated and sustained service to TMS and it's members, particularly to improvements in the quality of programming at TMS annual meetings and at Materials Science & Technology conferences.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Tirumalai Srivatsan -
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- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of Akron, Akron, OH
- Quote: "Membership in TMS has enabled me to
- Citation: Far and beyond outstanding service stemming from a contagious amount of dedication inlaid with dependable diligence and shadowed with dynamism at initiating by way of proposing, all intrinsic intricacies related to organizing, from conception to completion, followed by conducting both symposia and conferences in the domain spanning the many marvels of materials.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Barry Welch -
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- Title: Retired
- Affiliation: Welbank Consulting, Whitianga, New Zealand
- Quote: During the last 20 years it has been a pleasurable experience fulfilling various roles on TMS committees - from the member-driven focus of Alex Scott to the more recent electronic information services developed under Jim Robinson's executive leadership. TMS is, and always will be a US-based professional society but it has also been the global center for meetings and information exchange between researchers and practitioners in the light metals industries. This has made it important for us international members to reciprocate and contribute to maintaining the efficiency and timeliness of the organization. I feel humble in being the recipient of the Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award as I have benefited from the many friendships made with TMS’s outstanding staff and energetic colleagues.
- Citation: For his prolonged and valuable role in promoting the objectives and the international character of TMS by serving on foundation and other committees, establishing prizes, teaching TMS international courses, and editorial roles, including leading the technical side of the first CD-Rom edition of the conference proceedings.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Ray Peterson -
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- Affiliation: Aleris International Inc., Rockwood, Tennessee
- Citation: For outstanding service in expanding TMS's reach by working with other organizations and leadership in organizing multiple materials conferences.
- Other: Based on the personal and professional knowledge I have gained through my association with TMS along with the amount of enjoyment I have received working with the many interesting TMS members over the years, I almost feel I should be giving an award to TMS. It is a great honor to receive the Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Ramana Reddy -
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- Affiliation: University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Quote: I am very honored and humbled to receive this TMS 2012 Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award. I am honored to be among those distinguished prior recipients of this service award. TMS is one of the most vibrant materials societies in the world. I am very pleased to be a member of it. TMS ha played a significant role in my professional growth and in providing contact with friends and materials science and engineering professionals worldwide.
- Citation: For his academic leadership and significant contributions as metallurgical researcher along with his numerous contributions and spirit of volunteerism to TMS.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
No award given.
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- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Brajendra Mishra -
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- Title: Professor & Associate Director Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy
- Affiliation: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
- Quote: “The membership of TMS is a privilege to me. It helped me shape my career not only as a student, but also as a practicing material engineer. The leadership opportunities provided to me by TMS have been most beneficial along with the chance to serve the profession. Recognition of my service to TMS through this Distinguished service Award is an honor that I shall forever proudly cherish as a member of TMS.”
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
No award given.
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- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
J. Jones -
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- Title: Professor Materials Science & Engineering Department
- Affiliation: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Quote: “I’m honored to receive this recognition, especially since it bears the name of Alex Scott. TMS has been my professional home for thirty years, and I have enjoyed contributing in whatever way possible. In the process, TMS and its members have rewarded my involvement many times over, through excellent technical programming, networking, and the excellent collegiality of its members and staff.”
- Citation: For decades of enthusiastic service at all levels and for implementation of society-level strategic planning processes.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Dan Thoma -
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- Title: Science Advisor
- Affiliation: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Citation: For conceiving, developing and implementing systems that impact all TMS members and staff, including the conference management system, MS&T conference, TMS Letters, strategic planning, and committee Web pages.
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
John Hager -
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- Title: Professor Emeritus
- Affiliation: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
- Quote: “TMS membership has provided a unique opportunity to interact with professionals with similar interests. In particular, my activities within TMS have provided the opportunity for foreign travel and the development of relationships that I value very much. I strongly encourage our younger members to take the opportunity to serve on committees and to take a leadership role whenever the opportunity arises.”
- Citation: For his vision, enthusiasm, knowledge, efforts, and devotion to achieve outstanding accomplishments within the global professional communities and his participation in the international recognition of TMS
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Robert Wagoner -
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- Title: George R. Smith Chair in Engineering
- Affiliation: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- Quote: “It has been and continues to be an honor and privilege to serve with the distinguished staff and volunteers of TMS.”
- Citation: "For pervasive career-long service to TMS, for spearheading the new TMS/ISS Headquarters building, and for representing TMS to AIME and Acta Materialia, Incorporated. "
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
No award given.
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- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Joseph Defilippi -
View Details
- Title: Division Manager Product Technology Research
- Affiliation: United States Steel, Pittsburgh, PA
- Quote: “As an institution dedicated to developing a fundamental understanding of materials phenomena, pursuing excellence, and fostering the highest level of professional conduct, TMS has profoundly influenced my career. Without doubt, TMS uses the highest standards of any professional society to admit professionals to the rank of Fellows, a group that numbers only about 100 in the entire history of TMS. I have been fortunate to have been taught at Carnegie Tech and/or worked at USS with about 20 percent of this group. What I learned from studying their work and emulating their example became the building blocks of my success as a steel development engineer. Naturally, I wanted to give something back to TMS, and am humbled that such an august group of professionals believed my contributions worthy of the 2002 Distinguished Service Award.”
- Citation: For outstanding leadership, dedication, and service in advancing the financial well-being of TMS."
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Carl McHargue -
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- Title: Director & Professor of Center for Materials Processing
- Affiliation: University of Tennessee, Tennessee
- Quote: “Membership in TMS has provided an opportunity for professional service and growth. Each of my activities in TMS has contributed much to my professional development. I am pleased that my activities in the area of education are recognized by this award. It reflects the TMS mission of promoting the education and development of current and future professionals and representation of the profession in accreditation of engineering educational programs.”
- Citation: "For decades of leadership in implementing new initiatives for the TMS Board of Directors, International Affairs Committee, Nuclear Materials Committee, and Accreditation Committee."
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
William Clark -
View Details
- Title: Associate Dean, Graduate School
- Affiliation: Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- Quote: "TMS has been invaluable to me in establishing my career. It provides a unique drum for presenting research accomplishments and ideas to others in the profession and for building a network of helpful contacts. My particular enthusiasm has been in showing young people what TMS can offer them and seeing the energy that they contribute. It is especially gratifying to receive an award of this kind as it signifies a recognition by one's peers of a contribution which has been valued by the Society."
- Citation: "For outstanding contributions to the growth of TMS student, student chapter, and local chapter programs and to the development of the Society's information distribution systems."
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Gerald Liedl -
View Details
- Title: Professor & Head of School of Materials Engineering
- Affiliation: Purdue University, Indiana
- Quote: "Throughout my career TMS has been the focal point for educational activities in the field. In this function, TMS has offered me many exciting challenges to participate in the coordination of education-related activities among materials societies. Throughout these activities to create a new vision for the future of the field, I have had the pleasure to work with outstanding people in the field along with some exceptional TMS staff people. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this effort and to be selected for the Distinguished Service Award."
- Citation: "For tirelessly championing the educational activities of TMS; Accreditation, Student Affairs, and the Career Resource Center for Materials Science and Engineering."
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Fiona Doyle -
View Details
- Title: Professor
- Affiliation: University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California
- Quote: "TMS provides the technical information and professional contracts that one would expect from an international professional society. In addition, I have benefited enormously from the support and encouragement of a large number of TMS members who offered me opportunities to demonstrate my technical and organizational abilities. Young members don't need an established track record to get involved; they just need interest and enthusiasm."
- Citation: "For her outstanding organization of, and contribution to, the EPD Division and for her overall dedication to the programming and student affairs activities of TMS."
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Garry Warren -
View Details
- Title: Professor Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Affiliation: University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Quote: "My association with TMS has been the most rewarding professional society relationship in my career. Not only has TMS provided me with an outlet for my research, but is has also been an avenue for both my students and I to make important contacts with other professionals. However, in my opinion the most rewarding aspect of TMS membership has been my attendance at the annual meetings--I haven't missed one since 1977--and the opportunity they offer to recharge my batteries with stimulating papers and conversations with colleagues."
- Citation: "For exceptional dedication and commitment to the professional development of students and for being a tireless and most effective worker for TMS."
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
No award given.
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Iver Anderson - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
John Jacoby - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Richard Connell, Jr. - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A
Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award
Morris Nicholson, Jr. - Details Not Available
- Title:
- Affiliation: ,
- Quote: N/A
- Citation: N/A
- Other: N/A