ICME 2011: Technical Program
July 10-14, 2011 • Seven Springs Mountain Resort • Seven Springs, PA
All presentations will be held in the
Exhibit Hall. Interactive discussions will
follow keynote presentations and groups
of speakers during each session. Download the
Final Technical Program (PDF) and view the sessions sheets online.
In its most advanced form, ICME
holistically integrates manufacturing simulation, advanced materials models and component performance analysis. There is a growing
global awareness of this methodology, also known as Through-Process Modeling. Over the past decade there has been a significant
increase in focused computational activities within materials research and engineering programs around the world; these efforts are
rather diverse, encompass a wide range of length and temporal scales, and are increasingly integrated with experimental studies for
model verification and enhancement. Integrated multiscale modeling is also an important element of ICME.
While some programs are
based largely upon fundamental atomistic calculations which provide insights into local deformation mechanisms, others rely upon
continuum approaches or data-mining to assess structure-property relationships in complex systems. Similarly, ab-initio calculations
provide details regarding local bonding and structure, while approaches such as the phase field method allow for the assessment
of processing-structure relationships at the mesoscale. The emergence and maturation of the various computational approaches
has necessarily resulted in specialization by individual researchers. However, the promise of Integrated Computational Materials
Engineering (ICME) motivates a wider understanding of the advantages and limitations offered by the various computational (and
coordinated experimental) tools.
The following sessions and keynote speakers are planned:
- Sunday: Congress Welcome and Keynote
- Monday (a.m.): Modeling Processing-Microstructure Relationships – I:
Armen Katchaturyan, Rutgers University, USA
- Monday (p.m.): Modeling Processing-Microstructure Relationships – II:
Gunter Gottstein, Aachen University, Germany
- Tuesday (a.m.): Modeling Microstructure-Property Relationships – I:
Peter Gumbsch, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
- Tuesday (p.m.): Modeling Microstructure-Property Relationships – II:
Elizabeth Holm, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
- Wednesday (a.m.): ICME in Education:
Greg Olson, Northwestern University, USA
- Wednesday (p.m.): Information Infrastructure:
Alan Blatecky, National Science Foundation, USA
- Thursday (a.m.): Success Stories:
David Furrer, Pratt & Whitney., USA
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