The 2012 NanoNuclear Workshop - Background
June 5-7, 2012 • Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center Gaithersburg, Maryland
These 11 presentations from the 2012 NanoNuclear Workshop: Nuclear Fuels and Materials Nanotechnology R& D, Rice University, in Houston, Texas, held February 27 - March 1, represent the foundation for the 2012 NanoNuclear Workshop:
- Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: James Tour, Rice University (11mb)
- Experiment Insertion in a High Power Test Reactor: Debra Utterbeck, Idaho National Laboratory (17mb)
- Heat Transfer in Nuclear Systems: Steven Winston, Lockheed Martin (1.5mb)
- Challenges for Reactor Materials: J.T. Busby, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (22mb)
- Nuclear Fuels and Materials: Jon Carmack, Idaho National Laboratory (13mb)
- Introduction to Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Advanced Nuclear Fuels: Jon Carmack, Idaho National Laboratory (8mb)
- Introduction to Nuclear Reactors, Fuels, and Materials: Heather MacLean Chichester, Idaho National Laboratory (10mb)
- Potential Role of Nanotechnologies in Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems – DOE Perspectives: John Herczeg, Office of Nuclear Energy (3mb)
- Advanced Cladding Materials for Fuels: Stuart Maloy, Los Alamos National Laboratory (11mb)
- Overview and Welcome to Smalley Institute: Daniel Mittleman, Smalley Institute (11mb)
- Transient Effects and Severe Accidents (BDBAs) in LWRs: L.J. Ott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (11mb)
Glossary of Terms (1mb)
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