Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

Topic Title: Pennsylvania's STEM Center Initiative
Topic Summary: Online resource center
Created On: 11/9/2007 12:56 PM

 11/9/2007 12:56 PM

Cathy Rohrer

Posts: 584
Joined: 2/6/2007

The STEM Center Initiative develops and deploys statewide strategies and resources designed to enhance the Commonwealth’s education and workforce development efforts targeted at the development of a globally competitive science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce.

The Pennsylvania STEM Center Initiative will assist in increasing public understanding of, and support for, a P-16 STEM education redesign as an integral part of improving high school graduation rates and enhancing the state’s innovation capacity. Additionally, priority will be placed on initiatives that seek to improve the quality of STEM teachers and the ability of schools and districts to lead STEM education reform.

To increase the development of effective strategies for adult learners in STEM fields, the program will encourage alignment and development of industry-led, demand driven curricula for STEM-related occupations.

Finally, the program will facilitate the development of performance indicators for achieving goals identified by the Commonwealth’s STEM Agenda and the publication of a report that will identify and disseminate data regarding progress and challenges.

Citation: "Pennsylvania STEM Center Initiative"

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