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Topic Title: Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science
Topic Summary: G. Was. Book describing fundamentals of the effects of radiation on metals and alloys
Created On: 5/31/2007 10:29 PM

 5/31/2007 10:29 PM

Cathy Rohrer

Posts: 584
Joined: 2/6/2007

This book, available at discount to TMS members after July 4, 2007, will benefit professionals in laboratories, reactor manufacturers and specialists working in the utility industry, as well as students pursuing a materials science or nuclear engineering degree. The book teaches readers the fundamentals of the effects of radiation on metals and alloys. When energetic particles strike a solid, numerous processes occur that can change the physical and mechanical properties of the material. Metals and alloys represent an important class of materials that, by virtue of their use in nuclear reactor cores, are subject to intense radiation fields. Radiation causes metals and alloys to swell, distort, blister, harden, soften and deform. This textbook and reference covers the basics of particle-atom interaction for a range of particle types, the amount and spatial extent of the resulting radiation damage, the physical effects of irradiation and the changes in mechanical behavior of irradiated metals and alloys. Concepts are developed systematically and quantitatively, and supported by examples; references for further reading and problems are included at the end of each chapter.

CITATION: Was, G.S., Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science, Springer (2007). ISBN: 978-3-540-494713.

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