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Topic Title: ARTICLES: Secondary Melting Processes for Wrought Products
Topic Summary: Directory of selected articles on secondary melting processes
Created On: 2/9/2007 4:40 AM

 2/9/2007 4:40 AM

Lynette Karabin

Posts: 238
Joined: 2/5/2007

The following directory provides citation information and links to a number of articles on secondary melting processes for wrought superalloy products which have been reviewed by an advisory group of TMS subject matter experts. To access the article you are interested in, simply click on the title.

Laurentiu Nastac, Suresh Sundarraj, Kuang-O Yu, and Yuan Pang. "The Stochastic Modeling of Solidification Structures in Alloy 718 Remelt Ingots." JOM, March 1998, pp. 30-35.

Wan-Hong Yang, John J. deBarbadillo, Koki Morita, T. Suzuki, Wei Chen, and Keh-Minn Chang. "A Freckle Criterion for the Solidification of Superalloys with a Tilted Solidification Front." JOM, September 2004, pp. 56-61.

Rodney L. Williamson, Joseph J. Beaman, David K. Melgaard, Gregory J. Shelmidine, and Robert Morrison. "Model-Based Melt Rate Control during Vacuum Arc Remelting of Alloy 718." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, February 2004.

W. Zhang, P.D. Lee, and M. McLean. "Numerical Simulation of Dendrite White Spot Formation during Vacuum Arc Remelting of INCONEL718." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, February 2002.

X. Xu, R. M. Ward, M. H. Jacobs, P. D. Lee, and M. McLean. "Tree-Ring Formation during Vacuum Arc Remelting of INCONEL 718: Part I. Experimental Investigation." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, June 2002.

X. Xu, W. Zhang, and P.D. Lee. "Tree-Ring Formation during Vacuum Arc Remelting of INCONEL 718: Part II. Mathematical Modeling." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, June 2002.

D.K. Melgaard, R.L. Williamson, and J.J. Beaman. "Controlling Remelting Processes for Superalloys and Aerospace Ti Alloys." JOM, March 1998, pp. 13-17.

James A. Van Den Avyle, John A. Brooks, and Adam C. Powell. "Reducing Defects in Remelting Processes for High-Performance Alloys." JOM, March 1998, pp. 22-25, 49.

L.A. Bertram, P.R. Schunk, S.N. Kempka, F. Spadafora, and R. Minisandram. "The Macroscale Simulation of Remelting Processes." JOM, March 1998, pp. 18-21.


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