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Topic Title: PDF REPORT: High Temperature Spin Testing of a Superalloy Disk With a Dual Grain Structure
Topic Summary: J. Gayda and P. Kantzos, NASA Glenn Research Center, 2002
Created On: 2/10/2007 6:18 AM

 2/10/2007 6:18 AM

Lynette Karabin

Posts: 238
Joined: 2/5/2007

Comparative spin tests were run on superalloy disks at an elevated temperature to determine the benefits of a DMHT disk, with a fine grain bore and coarse grain rim, versus a traditional subsolvus disk with a fine grain structure in the bore and rim. The results of these tests showed that the DMHT disk exhibited significantly lower growth at 1500 °F. Further, the results of these tests could be accurately predicted using a 2D viscoelastic finite element analysis. These results indicate DMHT technology can be used to extend disk operating temperatures when compared to traditional subsolvus heat treatment options for superalloy disks.However, additional research is required to ensure the safe operation of a DMHT disk under more realistic engine operating conditions. This includes testing to determine the burst margin and cyclic capability of DMHT disks in a spin pit, at a minimum, and ultimately running an engine test with a DMHT disk.

SOURCE: Gayda. J.,and P. Kantzos. High Temperature Spin Testing of a Superalloy Disk With a Dual Grain Structure. NASA Glenn Research Center. NASA TM-2002-211684 (June 2002.)


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