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Topic Title: WEBCAST: Structural Materials in Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems: The Need for Revolutionary Research
Topic Summary: Ronald Gibala
Created On: 6/12/2008 12:31 PM

 6/12/2008 12:31 PM

Todd Osman

Posts: 219
Joined: 2/2/2007

This webcast is a recording of the presentation given on March 10, 2008 at the TMS 2008 Annual Meeting & Exhibition as part of the 9th Global Innovations Symposium: Trends in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Materials Processing and Manufacturing symposium.

The following is the abstract of the presentation:

We present a partial overview of key findings of the DOE-sponsored BES Workshop on Basic Research Needs for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems held in August, 2006. The focus is on topics from our panel on structural materials and their performance under extreme environments. The recommendations and goals, although including dozens of specific questions to be answered, are generically three-fold: (1) discover mechanisms that render materials impervious to the interacting extreme conditions of irradiation, temperature, stress and environmental surroundings; (2) achieve seamless integration of novel experimental techniques with advances in the methodology of computational materials science; (3) bring fundamental design of materials to a new level of accomplishment that includes expanded development of functionalized interfaces for optimization of materials properties. We will also discuss related recommendations from other panels of the Workshop and give a brief 'scorecard' on how the Workshop recommendations have affected DOE program initiatives and funding.

This webcast is available to TMS members at no charge through support from the Structural Materials Division of TMS

Structural Materials in Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems: The Need for Revolutionary Research

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