Active maintenance of these web resources ceased in 2012 and they will not be updated. They are posted for archival purposes only.

New Messages ARTICLE: Compositional Effects on Aluminide Oxidation Performance: Objectives for Improved Bond Coats
 B. Pint et. al. for Superalloys 2000
0 Lynette Karabin 2/25/2008 10:30 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages ARTICLE: Degradation of EBPVD YSZ Thermal Barrier Coatings on Platinum Aluminide and NiCoCrAlY Bond Coats During High T
 N. Yanar et. al, of University of Pittsburgh, 2002
0 Lynette Karabin 2/25/2008 10:20 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages ARTICLE: A Platinum-Enriched G + G’ Two Phase Bond Coat on Ni-Based Superalloys
 Y. Zhang et. al. article for Surface Coatings and Technology, 2006
0 Lynette Karabin 2/25/2008 10:09 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages THESIS: An Investigation of the Hot Corrosion Protectivity Behavior of Platinum Modified Aluminide Coatings on Nickel-B
 R. Malush’s Masters thesis from Naval Postgraduate School, 1987
0 Lynette Karabin 2/25/2008 9:45 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Platinum Plating of Gas Turbine Components
 Process description by L. O’Neill et. al. of SIFCO Turbine Components
0 Lynette Karabin 2/25/2008 9:43 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: Platinum-Modified Diffusion Aluminide Coatings on Nickel-base Superalloys
 G. Kim et. al. of University of Pittsburgh for U. S. Army Research Laboratory
0 Lynette Karabin 2/25/2008 9:41 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages SELECTED RESOURCES: Superalloy Coating and Repair
 A compilation of links to companies involved in coating and repair of gas turbine engine components.
0 Lynette Karabin 10/16/2007 11:44 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages ARTICLE: The Thermocyclic Behavior of Differently Stabilized and Structured EB-PVD TBCs
 U. Schulz et. al. article for JOM-e, 1997
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:58 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: High Temperature Oxidation Performance of Aluminide Coatings
 B. Pint et. al. , Oak Ridge National Lab for DOE, 2003
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:56 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages PRESENTATION: High-Temperature Diffusion Barriers for Protective Coatings
 J. A. Haynes, et. al. from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2004
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:52 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages ARTICLE: Abradable Coatings Increase Gas Turbine Engine Efficiency
 F. Ghasripoor et. al. article from Materials World, 1997
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:48 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: Aluminide Coatings for Power-Generation Applications
 Y. Zhang report for ORNL, 2003
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:47 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages ARTICLE: Thermal Barrier Coating Fatigue Life Assessment
 Brodin, H., M. Jinnestrand, S. Johansson and S. Sjostrom article
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:44 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages DISSERTATION: Mechanical Behavior of Gas Turbine Coatings
 M. Eskner doctoral thesis from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2004
0 Lynette Karabin 10/11/2007 12:40 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: High-Temperature Oxidation-Resistant and Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion NiAl-Base Bond Coat
 NASA Glenn Research Center, 2003
0 Lynette Karabin 2/16/2007 10:00 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: Residual Stresses Modeled in Thermal Barrier Coatings
 Freborg, A. M.; Ferguson, B. L.; Petrus, G. J.; Brindley, W. J., NASA Glenn Research Center, 1998
0 Lynette Karabin 2/16/2007 9:53 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: Creep-fatigue behavior of NiCoCrAlY coated PWA 1480 superalloy single crystals
 Miner, R. V.; Gayda, J.; Hebsur, M. G., NASA Glenn Research Center, 1985
0 Lynette Karabin 2/16/2007 9:44 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages ARTICLES: Superalloy Coatings
 Directory of selected superalloy coating articles
0 Lynette Karabin 2/15/2007 9:53 PM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages WEB RESOURCE: Coatings for High Temperature Applications
 Extensive web site on coatings
0 Lynette Karabin 2/10/2007 7:45 AM
by Lynette Karabin
New Messages REPORT: Successful Surface Treatments for Reducing Instabilities in Advanced Nickel-Base Superalloys for Turbine Blades
 Locci et. al., NASA Glenn Research Center, 2004
0 Lynette Karabin 2/10/2007 7:41 AM
by Lynette Karabin

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