Announcing the MDiscovery Challenge
The MDiscovery Challenge is set to take place during the TMS Specialty Congress 2025! This exciting machine learning challenge invites researchers, industry professionals, and students to predict properties such as hardness and electrical resistivity from process and microstructural data. Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative methodologies while tackling real-world problems in materials and manufacturing. The challenge will officially launch soon and will culminate in a presentation at the congress. Participation is highly encouraged to advance research and innovation in the field. Stay tuned for more details and visit this page for updates.
Steering Committee
The TMS Specialty Congress 2025 is being organized by the following experts in the field.
Stephen DeWitt, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Rémi Dingreville, Sandia National Laboratories
Ali Riza Durmaz, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoffmechanik IWM
Robert Maass, Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
Victoria Miller, University of Florida
Henry Proudhon, Mines Paris, PSL University
Tim Rupert, Johns Hopkins University
Can Yildirim, The European Synchrotron (ESRF)
Learn more about the Steering Committee that is stringently curating programming for and coordinating this meeting here.
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