The Symposium on Digital and Robotic Forming 2024 at TMS Specialty Congress 2024

The Symposium on Digital and Robotic Forming 2024

June 16–20, 2024 • Cleveland Hilton • Cleveland, Ohio, USA

The Symposium on Digital and Robotic Forming 2024, a brand new TMS event, will explore science and technology associated with numerically controlled forming methodologies that include robotics, machine learning, and/or combinations of manufacturing practices and how they can be applied to forming techniques, processing science, and the way we manufacture and make materials. This symposium will convene experts and stakeholders to discuss the supply chain challenges for large metal parts and more. Attendees will investigate how the forging industry, that has not seen many fundamental changes in the last 50 years, is poised for transformation, with advanced sensors, design methods, and machine learning.


Extended Abstract Submission Deadline:
November 13, 2023

Late Breaking News Abstract Deadline:
April 15, 2024

Discount Registration Deadline:
April 30, 2024

Housing Extended Deadline:
June 11, 2024

Congress Dates:
June 16–20, 2024

Journal Submission Deadline:
August 31, 2024


Glenn Daehn
Lead Organizer

This is an emerging and exciting area. The Specialty Congress mechanism allows us to bring together the diverse skillsets to make this real – control, robotics, metal forming, standards, applications and more. The areas of artificial intelligence and mechanical behavior that results from structure are key issues in developing process paths for digital forming. I envision many great crossovers in terms informal interactions with people, great talks to see, and keynotes of mutual interest.

Symposium Organizers

This symposium is being organized by the following individuals:

Lead Organizer: Glenn Daehn, The Ohio State University
Programming Chair: Sarah Wolff, The Ohio State University
Organizing Committee:  Jian Cao, Northwestern University
Kester Clarke, Colorado School of Mines
Babak Raeisinia, Machina Labs
Iain Todd, University of Sheffield

For More Information

For more information about this meeting, please complete the meeting inquiry form or contact:

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