Light Metals Digital Library

The Light Metals Digital Library offers an online collection of more than 6,300 technical papers published from 1971 to 2015 as part of TMS’s signature Light Metals proceedings series, which publishes the collected proceedings from Light Metals symposia held at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition each year. The collection can be searched by author, year, or title keyword, or browsed using the alphabetical list.

Individual articles can be purchased for $10 each for TMS members or $25 for nonmembers. TMS members can purchase a subscription to the library for $50 per year, providing them access to the complete collection of articles. For information on how to apply for TMS membership, visit the Society’s membership web pages. Institutional subscriptions are also available; contact for more information.

The annual Light Metals proceedings volume is a project of the TMS Aluminum Committee. Special thanks to Yvon Menard for assistance with file preparation for the digital library.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
Title Author(s) Publish Year Price
Nonmember / Member
10% Strontium Master Alloy Modification Performance in A356 as a Function of Al4Sr Size and Temperature S.H. Sebacher and R.W. Hyland, Jr. 2002 $25/$10
12 Years of Experience with Wet Oxidation André Lalla and Rolf Arpe 2002 $25/$10
15 Ton / HR Computer Controlled Ballmill Mike Shouse and Mike Benton 2001 $25/$10
15 Years of GTC Operation at Aldel: Long-Term Assessment of GTC Performance Anita Folkers, Jan de Weerdt, Peter Klut, Erik Dupon, and Edo Engel 2014 $25/$10
180 kA Booster Cells Operation at Albras José Eduardo Macedo Blasques, Guilherme Epifânio da Mota, Handerson Penna Dias, and Giancarlo De Gregoriis 2006 $25/$10
1998 Visions of the Future Bayer Process Lester A.D. Chin 1999 $25/$10
20 Years of Bath Recycling Using Autogenous Mills André Pinoncely 2004 $25/$10
20 Years of Continues Improvements in TALUM Smelter Zlatko Cus and Avgust Sibila 2008 $25/$10
20 Years of LiMCA Utilization in the Aluminum Industry: A Review of the Technology Development and Applications Thomas L. Buijs, Daniel Gagnon, and Claude Dupuis 2014 $25/$10
2008 Global Anode Effect Survey Results Jerry Marks and Chris Bayliss 2010 $25/$10
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