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MAP Pyrometallurgy |
Exploring traditional, innovative, and revolutionary issues in the minerals, metals, and materials fields. |
"Advances in Furnace Integrity—Partly a Materials Engineering Problem" (Commentary), R.L. Stephens, October 2005, p. 27. "Advances in High-Temperature Calorimetry: A Comparison" (Research Summary), M.E. Schlesinger and S. Jacob, December 2004, pp. 37-40. "Advances in Lead and Zinc Processing" (Commentary), F. Ojebuoboh, April 2003, p. 18. "Analyzing Furnace-Lining Integrity Using Nodal Wear Modeling" (Overview), R. Parra, L.F. Verdeja, M.F. Barbés, C. Goni, and V. Bazán, October 2005, pp. 29-36. "Anode Slimes Treatment: The Boliden Experience" (Industrial Insight), B.M. Ludvigsson and S.R. Larsson, March 2003, pp. 41-44. "Applying Ausmelt Processing to Complex Copper Smelter Dusts" (Overview), G.P. Swayn, K.R. Robilliard, and J.M. Floyd, August 1993, pp. 35-38. "Aqueous and Pyrochemical Reprocessing of Actinide Fuels" (Overview), L.M. Toth, W.D. Bond, and L.R. Avens, February 1993, pp. 35-39. "The Art of Producing Copper in a Pierce-Smith Converter" (Metallurgraphics: Special Edition), R.F. Hernández, August 1996, pp. 39-41. "Biologically Removing Sulfur from Dilute Gas Flows" (Overview), R. Ruitenberg, H. Dijkman, and C.J.N. Buisman, May 1999, p. 45. "The Behavior of Sulfur in Industrial Pyrometallurgical Slags" (Overview), M. Nagamori, August 1994, pp. 65-71. "Beyond the Peirce-Smith Converter: Recent Advances in Sulfide Smelting Processes" (Commentary), H.Y. Sohn, August 1994, p. 50. "Carbothermic Reduction of U.S. Ferruginous Manganese Resources" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), J.S. Hansen, J.E. Tress, and R.H. Nafziger, April 1993, pp. 59-63. "Combustion in Flash Smelting Furnaces" (Overview), F.R.A. Jorgensen and P.T.L. Koh, May 2001, pp. 16-20. "Combustion Processes in Pyrometallurgy" (Commentary), Robert L. Stephens, May 2001, p. 15. "Computer Software for Chemical and Extractive Metallurgy Calculations" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), A.E. Morris and J.B. Stephenson, April 1993, pp. 29-31. "Control Aspects of the Mitsubishi Continuous Process" (Industrial Insight), M. Goto, E. Oshima, and M. Hayashi, April 1998, pp. 60-63, 65. "Converting Practices at the Stillwater Precious Metals Smelter" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), G.K. Roset, J.W. Matousek, and P.J. Marcantonio, April 1992, pp. 39-42. "A Correlation-Based Model for Predicting Gas Extraction Performance in a Copper Converting Plant" (Overview), C.B. Solnordal, P.J. Witt, A. Manzoori, H. Namavari, E. Niknejad, and M. Davari, October 2006, pp. 51-55. "CSIRO's Multiphase Reaction Models and Their Industrial Applications" (Overview), L. Zhang, S. Jahanshahi, S. Sun, C. Chen, B. Bourke, S. Wright, and M. Somerville, November 2002, pp. 51-56. "Designing Modern Furnace Cooling Systems" (Design), J. Merry, J. Sarvinis, and N. Voermann, February 2000, pp. 62-64. "Designing a Noranda Reactor for the Southern Copper Smelter" (Design), R.H. Innis, W.R. Kallio, and P.G. Cooper, December 1992, pp. 30-34. "Determining Physio-Chemical Properties of Slags by Electrical Measurements" (Overview), U.B. Pal, November 2002, pp. 57-61. "Developing Basic High-Performance Products for Furnaces in the Nonferrous Metals Industries" (Overview), G. Buchebner, T. Molinari, and D. Rumpf, February 2000, pp. 68-72. "Developing Composite Furnace Module Cooling Systems" (Overview), A.K. Kyllo, N.B. Gray, D. Papazoglou, and B.J. Elliot, February 2000, pp. 66-67. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), H.Y. Sohn, April 1991, pp. 36-42. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), H.Y. Sohn, April 1992, pp. 50-55. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1993, pp. 40-44. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1996 Review of Extraction & Processing), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1996, pp. 56-61. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1997 Review of Extraction & Processing), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1997, pp. 40-44. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (Overview), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1998, pp. 48-54. "The Direct Reduction of Sulfide Minerals for the Recovery of Precious Metals" (Research Summary), Z. Szczygiel, C. Lara, S. Escobedo, and O. Mendoza, April 1998, pp. 55-59. "EnvIRONment and Other Bath Smelting Processes for Treating Organic and Ferrous Wastes" (Overview), S. Street, G. Brooks, L. Reilly, and H.K. Worner, April 1998, pp. 43-47. "Estimation Models for Molten Slag and Alloy Viscosities" (Overview), S. Sridhar, November 2002, pp. 46-50. "Extending the Life of Water-Cooled Copper Cooling Fingers for Furnace Refractories" (Research Summary), G. Plascencia, T.A. Utigard, and D. Jaramillo, October 2005, pp. 44-48. "The Extraction of Lead from Its Ores by the Iron-Reduction Process: A Historical Perspective" (Archaeotechnology), R.K. Dube, October 2006, pp. 18-23. "The Flash Reduction of Electric Arc Furnace Dusts" (Research Summary), L. Wu and N.J. Themelis, January 1992, pp. 35-39. "Flash Smelting and Converting Furnaces: A 50 Year Retrospect" (Historical Insight), I.V. Kojo, A. Jokilaakso, and P. Hanniala, February 2000, pp. 57-61. "Frontline Planning and Scheduling at INCO's Copper Cliff Smelter Complex" (Industrial Insight), A. Ross and A. MacMillan, December 2004, p. 28. "Improving Metallurgical Performance in Pyrometallurgical Processes" (Applied Technology), O.A. Bascur and J.P. Kennedy, December 2004, pp. 22-27. "Increasing the Capacity of High-Efficiency Diffusion Fiber Beds in Smelter Gas Plants" (Overview), S.A. Ziebold and D.E. Azwell, October 2006, pp. 59-62. "Increasing Profit by Improving Gas Handling Systems" (Applied Technology), K. Westerlund, H. Holopainen, and K. Westerlund, September 1992, pp. 46-49. "Industrial Development of Novel Sulfate System for Copper Pyro-Refining" (Research Summary), P. Coursol, N. Stubina, E. Carissimi, M. Zamalloa, and P.J. Mackey, December 2004, pp. 41-45. "Industrial-Scale Leadmaking with the QSL Continuous Oxygen Converter" (1996 Review of Extraction & Processing), P.E. Queneau and A. Siegmund, April 1996, pp. 38-44. "Injection in Pyrometallurgy: The Howard Worner International Symposium" (1997 Review of Extraction & Processing), M.E. Schlesinger and M. Nilmani, April 1997, pp. 46-47. "An Innovative Gas-Solid Torbed Reactor for the Recycling Industries" (Overview), V.I. Lakshmanan and C.E. Dodson, July 1998, pp. 29-31. "The International Symposium on Sulfide Smelting ’98: Current and Future Practices" (Conference Review), R. Stephens, July 1998, pp. 27-28. "JOM World Nonferrous Smelters Survey, Part I: Copper" (Industrial Survey), J.P.T. Kapusta, July 2004, pp. 21-27. "JOM World Nonferrous Smelter Survey, Part II: Platinum-Group Metals" (Industrial Survey), R.T. Jones, December 2004, pp. 59-63. "JOM World Nonferrous Smelter Survey, Part III: Nickel: Laterite" (Industrial Survey), A.E.M. Warner, C.M. Díaz, A.D. Dalvi, P.J. Mackey, and A.V. Tarasov, April 2006, pp. 11-20. "A Kinetic Model for the Oxidationof Selenium and Tellurium in an Industrial Kaldo Furnace" (Research Summary), M. Perez-Tello, M. Prieto-Sanchez, O. Rodriguez-Hoyos, and V.M. Sanchez-corrales, December 2004, pp. 52-55. "The Kinetics and Mechanism of Molten Copper Oxidzation by Top Blowing of Oxygen" (Research Summary), T. Marin and T. Utigard, July 2005, pp. 58-62. "Kinetics of the Reactions in the Smelting Furnace of the Mitsubishi Process" (Overview), Zenjiro Asaki, Toru Taniguchi, and Mineo Hayashi, May 2001, pp. 25-27. "Lead Smelting in a Submerged Arc Furnace" (Overview), G. Rath, T. Vlajcic and O. Metelmann, June 1990, pp. 39-40. "Magnesium Production by Plasma-Powered Processing" (1990 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), A.M. Cameron, D.L. Canham and V.G. Aurich, April 1990, pp. 46-48. "Making Improvements in Smelting Capacity at Onsan Copper Smelter" (Industrial Insight), Y.C. Kang and S.S. Park, October 1997, pp. 44-46, 48. "Mass Balance Calculations in Copper Flash Smelting by Means of Genetic Algorithms" (Research Summary), V.M. Sanchez-Corrales, J.A. Valera-Gonzalez, P. Flores-Perez, and M. Perez-Tello, December 2004, pp. 29-32. "Mercury Retorts for the Processing of Precious Metals and Hazardous Wastes" (Overview), C. Washburn and E. Hill, April 2003, pp. 45-50. "Metallurgical Processes for the Year 2000 and Beyond" (Conference Review), H.Y. Sohn and E.S. Geskin, April 1990, pp. 32-34. "Mineralogical Changes Occurring during the Fluid-Bed Roasting of Zinc Sulfide Concentrates" (Research Summary), T.T. Chen and J.E. Dutrizac, December 2004, pp. 46-51. "The Mineralogical Transformation of a Polymetallic Sulfide Ore during Partial Roasting" (Overview), L.J. Evrard, December 2001, pp. 42-44. "Modeling Peirce-Smith Converter Operating Costs"(Research Summary), J.P.T. Kapusta, R. Harris, A.E. Wraith, and R. Parra, July 2005, pp. 52-57. "A Novel Process for Extracting Precious Metals from Spent Printed Circuit Boards and Automobile Catalysts" (Research Summary), B.-S. Kim, J.-C. Lee, S.-P. Seo, Y.-K. Park, and H.Y. Sohn, December 2004, pp. 55-58. "Opportunities in the Electrowinning of Molten Titanium from Titanium Oxide" (Overview), D.S. van Vuuren, A.D. Engelbrecht, and T.D. Hadley, October 2005, pp. 53-55. "The Oxidation Mechanism in Copper Smelting and Converting" (Overview), J.W. Matousek, April 1998, pp. 64-65. "Oxygen Pyrometallurgy at Copper Cliff—A Half Century of Progress" (Industrial Insight), P.E. Queneau and S.W. Marcuson, January 1996, pp. 14-21. "Oxygen Removal from Blister Copper by Copper Oxide Formation" (Research Summary), P. Coursol, B. Daivs, A. Roy, and M. Lebel, July 2005, pp. 64-67. "Praxair's Dilute Oxygen Combustion Technology for Pyrometallurgical Applications" (Overview), M.F. Riley, H. Kobayashi, and A.D. Deneys, May 2001, pp. 21-24. "Predicting Slag Visocsities in Metallurgical Systems" (Overview), A. Kondratiev, E. Jak, and P.C. Hayes, November 2002, pp. 41-45. "The Predictive Control of Furnace Tapblock Operation Using CFD and PCA Modeling" (Overview), T. Plikas, L. Gunnewiek, T. Gerritsen, M. Brothers, and A. Karges, October 2005, pp. 37-43. "Predictive Thermochemistry and Phase Equilibria of Slags" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), T.I. Barry, A.T. Dinsdale, and J.A. Gisby, April 1993, pp .32-38. "Process Management in Pyrometallurgical Operations" (Commentary), R.L. Stephens, December 2004, pp. 20-21. "Producing Bismuth Trioxide and Its Application in Fire Assaying" (Overview), Zack Kelly and Funsho Ojebuoboh, April 2002, pp. 42-45. "Producing Titanium by Reducing TiCl2-MgCl2 Mixed Salt with Magnesium in the Molten State" (Research Summary), A. Fuwa and S. Takaya, October 2005, pp. 56-60. "Progress in the Pyrochemical Processing of Spent Nuclear Fuels" (Overview), R.D. Pierce, T.R. Johnson, C.C. McPheeters, and J.J. Laidler, February 1993, pp. 40-44. "The Pyro- and Hydrometallrugical Processing of Uranium-Containing Waste" (Overview), R.G. Reddy, January 2001, pp. 21-24. "Pyrometallurgy Near the End of the 20th Century" (Industrial Insight), N.J. Themelis, August 1994, pp. 51-57. "The Recovery of Metals from Electronic Scrap" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), E.Y.L. Sum, April 1991, pp. 53-61. "Refining Primary Lead by Granulation–Leaching–Electrowinning" (Overview), F. Ojebuoboh, S. Wang, and M. Maccagni, April 2003, pp. 19-23. "Reflecting on the New Goals in Nonferrous Extractive Research" (1990 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), R. Winand, April 1990, pp. 24-30. "The Regulatory Encouragement of Metals Recycling: Vete a Otro Perro Con Ese Hueso" (Opinion), L.M. Southwick, July 1998, pp. 21-26. "Remediating Copper Smelter Dusts: The Arsenic Problem" (Commentary), J.E. Hoffmann, August 1993, pp. 30, 31. "Removing Arsenic from Copper Smelter Gases" (Overview), F. Dalewski, September 1999, pp. 24-26. "Reversible Reactions Between Pyrite and Pyrrhotite in SO2" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), D.M. Hausen, April 1991, pp. 31-34. "Reviewing Highlights from the EPD Congress 1992" (Conference Review), D.R. Gaskell, October 1992, pp. 6-9. "S-Furnace Roof Modifications at Xstrata Copper, Timmins, Canada" (Overview), A. MacRae and J. Lenz, October 2006, pp. 56-58. "A Sampling of Highlights from EPD Congress 1998" (Conference Review), M.E. Schlesinger, April 1998, pp. 34-38. "Selecting an Oxygen Plant for a Copper Smelter Modernization" (Industrial Insight), K.H. Larson and R.L. Hutchison, October 1994, pp. 19-21. "Size Distribution Analysis for Copper Matte Particles Oxidized Under Flash- Converting Conditions" (Research Summary), Manuel Pérez-Tello, José A. Tirado-Ochoa, Hong Yong Sohn, and Víctor M. Sánchez-Corrales, October 2002, pp. 27-30. "SO2 Abatement, Energy Conservation, and Productivity at Copper Cliff" (Applied Technology), C.A. Landolt, A. Dutton, J.D. Edwards, and R.N. McDonald, September 1992, pp. 50-55. "And So It Begins: Introducing the JOM World Nonferrous Smelters Survey" (Commentary), T.P. Battle, July 2004, p. 20. "The Solubility of Silica in Calcium Ferrite Slags" (JOM-e: Research Summary), C.M. Acuña and A. Yazawa, October 1997. "A Soviet Design for Roasting Zinc Concentrates in a Fluidized Bed" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), M.S. Zak, N.V. Hodov, E.Ja. Serebrennikova, A.E. Grinberg, V.D. Khripin, and A.I. Doverman, April 1992, pp. 44, 45. "Sulfide Smelting Using Ausmelt Technology" (Overview), E.N. Mounsey and K.R. Robilliard, August 1994, pp. 58-60. "The Thermal Treatment of Galvanic Sludges for Environmental Compatibility" (Research Summary), A.M. Bernardes, I. Bohlinger, and W. Wuth, March 1996, pp. 59-62. "Thermodynamic Considerations in Copper Pyrometallurgy" (1997 Review of Extraction & Processing), R. Sridhar, J.M. Toguri, and S. Simeonov, April 1997, pp. 48-52. "A Thermodynamic Investigation into Reactive-Metal Melting-Furnace Explosions" (Overview), S.C. Evans and D.F. McLaughlin, October 2005, pp. 49-52. "Thermophysical Properties of Molten Slags" (Commentary), R.L. Stephens, November 2002, p. 40. "Top-Blowing, Bottom-Stirring Process for Producing Blister Copper" (Applied Technology), A.W. Marcuson, C. Diaz, and H. Davies, August 1994, pp. 61-64. "Top-Blown Injection Smelting and Converting: The Mitsubishi Process" (Overview), T. Shibasaki and M. Hayashi, September 1991, pp. 20-26. "The Toyo Copper Smelter of Sumitomo Metal Mining" (Industrial Insight), K. Baba, October 1997, pp. 41-43, 48. "Treating Electroplating Residues with Thermal Plasmas" (Research Summary), R.N. Szente, O.W. Bender, R.A. Schroeter, and M.G. Garcia, July 1998, pp. 32-35. "Understanding Management of Computational Process Modeling and Simulation" (Overview), M. Wadsley, December 2004, pp. 33-36. "Using Carbonate Fluxes to Remove Oxygen and Sulfur from Blister Copper" (Research Summary), P. Coursol and P. Larouche, July 2004, pp. 42-45. "Using FEM to Determine Temperature Distribution in a Blast Furnace Crucible" (Research Summary), L.F. Verdeja, R. González, and A. Ordóñez, February 2000, pp. 74-77. "Using Microtherm Microporous Insulation in Smelter Applications" (Overview), I. Mackenzie, February 2000, p. 73. "Vessel Integrity for High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing" (Commentary), R.L. Stephens, February 2000, p. 56. "Waste Treatment and Recycling Using Pyrometallurgical Processes" (Commentary), R.L. Stephens and B. Mishra, July 1998, p. 20. |
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