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MAP Precious Metals |
Exploring traditional, innovative, and revolutionary issues in the minerals, metals, and materials fields. |
"About the Pre-Hispanic Au-Pt “Sintering” Technique for Making Alloys" (Research Summary), M. Noguez, R. García, G. Salas, T. Robert, and J. Ramírez, May 2006, pp. 38-43. "Advances in the Extractive Metallurgy of Selected Rare and Precious Metals" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), J.E. Hoffmann, April 1991, pp. 18-23. "Alkaline and Acidic Autoclaving of Refractory Gold Ores" (Overview), K.G. Thomas, February 1991, pp. 16-19. "Anode Slimes Treatment: The Boliden Experience" (Industrial Insight), B.M. Ludvigsson and S.R. Larsson, April 2003, pp. 41-44. "Applying the Redox Process to Arsenical Concentrates" (Research Summary), M.J.V. Beattie and A. Ismay, January 1990, pp. 31-35. "Automating a Silver Ingot Casting and Stacking Operation" (Industrial Insight), N. Worswick, April 2003, pp. 55-56. "The Bioleaching and Processing of Refractory Gold Ore" (Overview), N.S. Lynn, April 1997, pp. 24-26. "The Biological Leaching of an Auriferous Pyrite Ore" (Research Summary), M. Riekkola-Vanhanen, S. Jeimala, C. Sivela, F. Viguera, I. Varjola, S.I. Niemela, and O.H. Tuovinen, December 1993, pp. 51-53. "Characterizing the Distribution of Gold in Pyritic Sulfide Ore" (Testing & Analysis), A. Pratt and N. Duke, April 2003, pp. 51-54. "Characterizing Gold in Refractory Sulfide Gold Ores and Residues" (Overview), T.T. Chen, L.J. Cabri, and J.E. Dutrizac, December 2002, pp. 20-22. "Cold-Weather Gold Heap-Leaching Operational Methods" (Overview), K.E. Smith, April 1997, pp. 20-23. "The Commercial Status of Pressure Leaching Technology" (Featured Overview), R.M.G.S. Berezowsky, M.J. Collins, D.G.E. Kerfoot, and N. Torres, February 1991, pp. 9-15. "Controlling SO2 Emissions in the Roasting of Gold Concentrate" (Research Summary), K. Nyavor and N.O. Egiebor, December 1991, pp. 32-34. "Converting Practices at the Stillwater Precious Metals Smelter" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), G.K. Roset, J.W. Matousek, and P.J. Marcantonio, April 1992, pp. 39-42. "Developments in Ion Exchange: The Mintek Perspective" (Industrial Insight), B.R. Green, M.H. Kotze, and J.P. Wyethe, October 2002, pp. 37-43. "Diagnostic Microbeam Tehcnology in Gold Ore Processing" (Overview), S. Chryssoulis, R. Dunne, and A. Coetzee, July 2004, pp. 53-57. "Diffusion Soldering for Stable High-Temperature Thin-Film Bonds" (Overview), T. Studnitzky and R. Schmid-Fetzer, December 2002, pp. 58-63. "The Direct Reduction of Sulfide Minerals for the Recovery of Precious Metals" (Research Summary), Z. Szczygiel, C. Lara, S. Escobedo, and O. Mendoza, April 1998, pp. 55-59. "Effects of Biodegradation and Mechanical Activation on Gold Recovery by Thiourea Leaching" (Research Summary), M. Kusnierov, V. Sepelk, and J. Briancin, December 1993, pp. 54-56. "Embrittlement in Archaeological Silver Artifacts: Diagnostic and Remedial Techniques" (Archaeotechnology), R. Wanhill, October 2003, pp. 16-19. "Energy Requirements for the Pressure Oxidation of Gold-Bearing Sulfides" (Overview), P.G. Mason, September 1990, pp. 15-18. "Events and Trends in Metal and Minerals Commodities" (Overview), T.M. Beazley, April 1998, pp. 39-42. "The Extractive Metallurgy of South Africa's Platinum Ores" (Overview), L.A. Cramer, October 2001, pp. 14-18. "Flaky Gold: Problems with Recovery and Mineralogical Quantification" (Overview), S.W. Knipe, S.L. Chryssoulis, and B. Clements, July 2004, pp. 58-62. "Gas-Phase Catalysis by Platinum-Group MetalsPast, Present, and Future" (Overview), Stan Golunski, October 2001, pp. 22-24. "Gold in the Electrorefining of Copper and the Decopperizing of Copper Anode Slimes" (Overview), T.T. Chen and J.E. Dutrizac, August 2004, pp. 48-52. "Gold Process Mineralogy: Objectives, Techniques, and Applications" (Overview), J.Y. Zhou and L.J. Cabri, July 2004, pp. 49-52. "Heap Bio-oxidation and Gold Recovery at Newmont Mining: First-Year Results" (Industrial Insight), Pragna Bhakta and Brian Arthur, October 2002, pp. 31-34. "Ion Exchange Resins in the Gold Industry" (Commentary), Virginia S.T. Ciminelli, October 2002, pp. 35-36. "JOM World Nonferrous Smelter Survey, Part II: Platinum-Group Metals" (Industrial Survey), R.T. Jones, December 2004, pp. 59-63. "Leaching Platinum-Group Metals in a Sulfuric Acid/Chloride Solution" (Research Summary), M.H.H. Mahmoud, April 2003, pp. 37-40. "Managing the Santa Rosa Open-Pit, Heap-Leach Gold Project" (Overview), R.R. Fernández, R. Martin, and D. Bikerman, April 1997, pp. 15-17. "Melting and Sintering Platinum in the 18th Century: The Secret of the Spanish" (Feature: Archaeotechnology), J.A. Pero-Sanz Elorz, J.I. Verdeja-González, J.P. Sancho-Martínez, and N. Vilela, October 1999, pp. 9-12, 41. "Mercury Retorts for the Processing of Precious Metals and Hazardous Wastes" (Overview), C. Washburn and E. Hill, April 2003, pp. 45-50. "A Method for Leaching or Dissolving Gold from Ores or Precious Metal Scrap"(Research Summary), N. Geoffroy and F. Cardarelli, August 2005, pp. 47-50. "New Developments in High-Temperature Platinum Alloys" (Overview), P.J. Hill, G.B. Fairbank, and L.A. Cornish, October 2001, pp. 19-20. "Platinum Group Metals: Past and Present" (Commentary), Michael L. Free, October 2001, p. 10 "Platinum-Group-Metal-Based Intermetallics as High-Temperature Structural Materials" (Overview), Y. Yamabe-Mitarai, Y. Gu, C. Huang, R. Völkl, and H. Harada, September 2004, pp. 34-39. "Precious-Metal-Bearing Scrap: Some Considerations in Sampling and Negotiations" (Commentary), J.E. Hoffmann, July 1992, p. 42. "The Process Mineralogy of Gold: The Classification of Ore Types" (Overview), J.P. Vaughan, July 2004, pp. 46-48. "Process Mineralogy of Gold: Gold from Telluride-Bearing Ores" (Research Summary), P.G. Spry, S. Chryssoulis, and C.G. Ryan, August 2004, pp. 60-62. "Process Mineralogy of Roasted Pyrite and Arsenopyrite" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), A.M. Hagni, R.D. Hagni, and P.R. Taylor, April 1992, pp. 36-38. "Processing Precious Metals in a Top-Blown Rotary Converter" (Research Summary), J.G. Whellock and J.W. Matousek, September 1990, pp. 23-25. "Pt-Al-Cr-Ni Superalloys: Heat Treatment and Microstructure" (Research Summary), S. Vorberg, M. Wenderoth, B. Fischer, U. Glatzel, and R. Völkl, September 2004, pp. 40-43. "Recent Developments in the Global Exploitation of Heap Leachable Gold Deposits" (Commentary), D.M. Hausen, April 1997, p. 14. "Recovering Gold from Copper Concentrate via the HydroCopperTM Process" (Overview), O. Hyvärinen, M. Hämäläinen, P. Lamberg, and J. Lippo, August 2004, pp. 57-59. "Recovering Gold from Thiosulfate Leach Pulps via Ion Exchange" (Overview), Michael J. Nicol and Glen O'Malley, October 2002, pp. 44-46. "Recovering Precious Metals from Electronic Scrap" (Overview), J.E. Hoffmann, July 1992, pp. 43-48. "Recovering Silver from Photographic Process Wastes" (Research Summary), N. Sathaiyan, P. Adaikkalam, J.A.M. Abdul Kader and S. Visvanathan, October 1990, pp. 38-40. "The Recovery of Gold from Refractory Ores by the Use of Carbon-in-Chlorine Leaching" (Research Summary), J.N. Greaves, G.R. Palmer and W.W. White III, September 1990, pp. 12-14. "Recycling Lead to Recover Refractory Precious Metals" (Overview), J.R. Parga, J.L. Valenzuela, G.G. Muzquiz, and F.K. Ojebuoboh, December 2001, pp. 19-21. "Refractory and Precious Metal-Based Superalloys" (Commentary), D.A. Alven, September 2004, p. 27. "A Rotating Disk Study of Gold Dissolution by Bromine" (Research Summary), B. Pesic and R.H. Sergent, December 1991, pp. 35-37. "Silver Cycles: The Stocks and Flows Project, Part 3" (Overview), J. Johnson, R. Gordon, and T. Graedel, February 2006, pp. 34-38. "The Status and Future of Platinum Markets" (Economics), Aran Patrick Murphy, October 2001, pp. 11-13. "The Status of Gold Resources and Developments in Gold Processing" (Conference Review), D.M. Hausen, April 1991, p. 24. "Sulfur's Impact on the Size of Pressure Oxidation Autoclaves" (Design), M.H. Conway and D.C. Gale, September 1990, pp. 19-22. "Treatment of Copper Ores and Concentrates with Industrial Nitrogen Species Catalyzed Pressure Leaching and Non-Cyanide Precious Metals Recovery" (Overview), C.G. Anderson, April 2003, pp. 32-36. "Unlocking Refractory Gold Ores and Concentrates" (Featured Overview), R.J. McClincy, September 1990, pp. 10, 11. "The Use of Fibrous Ion Exchangers in Gold Hydrometallurgy" (Research Summary), R.M. Kautzmann, C.H Sampaio, J.L. Cortina, V. Soldatov, and A. Shunkevich, October 2002, pp. 47-51. "The Use of Metal Threads and Decorations in Byzantine–Greek Orthodox Ecclesiastical Textiles" (Research Summary), A. Karatzani and Th. Rehren, May 2006, pp. 34-37. "Using Mineralogy to Optimize Gold Recovery by Direct Cyanidation" (Research Summary), D. Venter, S.L. Chryssoulis, and T. Mulpeter, August 2004, pp. 53-56. "Using Mineralogy to Optimize Gold Recovery by Flotation" (Overview), S.L. Chryssoulis, December 2001, pp. 48-50. |
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