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EMPMD "About the Journal of Electronic Materials," March 1992. "Can We Get Spunkey Back Home?," K.S. SreeHarsha, October 1992. "Chemistry and Physics of Materials Committee" (EMPMD Edition), October 1996. "Darrel Frear Becomes New Chair of the EMPMD," October 1995. "Delegates Meet at Electronic Materials Summit," October 1995. "Division Launches Young Leadership Group," March 1993. "Division Seeks Nominees for 1995 Bardeen Award," March 1994. "Division Seeks Nominations for Open Council Positions," October 1995. "Electrical and Electronics Professionals Head South in June 1995 for the 37th Electronic Materials Conference," March 1995. "Electronic Materials Committee Distributes Knowledge through Conferences and Publication," March 1995. "Electronic Materials Committee Sponsors Electronic Materials Conference" (EMPMD Edition), March 1996. "Electronic Materials Committee Sponsors Popular Electronic Materials Conference" (EMPMD Edition), October 1996. "Electronic Materials in 2000: Remembering Gil Chin," October 1992. "Electronic Materials Research: A Crisis of Confidence--An Editorial," L.C. Kimerling, February 1991. "Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Materials Committee Addresses Future Materials Needs," October 1995. "EMC Encounters Electronic Publishing," June 1991. "EMC Packs in Programming," September 1994. "The EMPMD Approves New Officers," June 1991. "EMPMD Initiates Student Travel Fellowships" (EMPMD Edition), March 1996. "EMPMD Meets during Materials Week, Plans Upcoming Activities," March 1993. "EMPMD Monographs Distill Specific Fields of Materials Science; Welcome New Proposals," March 1994. "EMPMD Participates in TMS/JIM Joint Meeting," March 1995. "The EMPMD Plans Programming for the 1992 TMS Annual Meeting," June 1991. "EMPMD Solicits Candidates for John Bardeen Award," October 1995. The EMPMD Sponsors a New Monograph Series," June 1991. "EMPMD Strategic Plan Focuses on Cooperation, Programming, and Publications," March 1992. "EMPMD Will Sponsor and Array of Symposia at Materials Week," September 1994. "EMPMD Young Leaders Committee Consolidates with Other Divisions," March 1995. "From the Division Chair," B. Wessels, September 1994. "From the Division Chair," B. Wessels, March 1995. "Gilbert Y. Chin Completes Term as First EMPMD Chair," February 1991. "Gordon Conference in Metallurgy Focuses on Materials Modeling" (EMPMD Edition), March 1996. "Interconnection Workshop Planned for November," September 1994. "JEM Incorporates New Editorial Board, Production Process," March 1993. "Join the EMPMD Young Leadership Group," March 1992. "Letter from the EMPMD Chair" (Division News), D.R. Frear, March 1996. "A Letter from the EMPMD Chair" (Division News), D.R. Frear, October 1996. "The 1980s: A Decade of Discovery in Electronic Materials," February 1991. "1995 OMVPE Scheduled for Florida," September 1994. "Optoelectronic Materials and TMS: Forging New Alliances," K. Rajan, March 1992. "Planning for the 1991 Electronic Materials Conference," February 1991. "Regular Meetings Highlight the EMPMD's Programming Year," March 1993. "A Request for Advice from the Chair of the EMPMD," L.C. Kimerling, March 1992. Review of the book Chemical Vapor Deposition o Tungsten and Tungsten Silicides for VLSI/ULSI Applications, A.O. Ibidunni, October 1993. Review of the book Fabrication, Properties, and Applications of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors (Division News), October 1996. Review of the book Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Division News), March 1996. Review of the book The Molecular Dynamics of Liquid Crystals (Division News), March 1996. Review of the book Phase Equilibria Diagrams: Phase Diagrams for Ceramists. Volume IX: Semiconductors and Chalcogenides, N.B. Dahotre, October 1993. Review of the software Optimatr(TM), October 1995. "Santa Barbara Hosts 35th Electronic Materials Conference," October 1993. "Special Issues Highlight JEM's Technical Coverage," June 1991. "Starting a Company in the 1990s," L.P. Allen, October 1992. "Thin Films and Interfaces Committee: A Profile" (EMPMD Edition), March 1996. "36th EMC Planned for Colorado," March 1994. "TMS and JIM Program in Hawaii," March 1994. "Young Leaders Program Marks First Meeting," September 1994.
"Committees Offer A Wealth of Activities," September 1995. "Continuing Education: An Ongoing EPD Initiative," October 1991. "Critical Research and the Impact of Emerging Technologies in Steelmaking," R.J. Fruehan, October 1994. "The Division Awards Its First Undergraduate Scholarship," September 1992. "The Division Develops a Programming Handbook," April 1992. "EPD Announces Short-Course Offerings for the 1994 TMS Annual Meeting," September 1993. "The EPD Congress Volume and How It Has Grown," April 1992. "EPD Council Highlights," April 1995. "EPD Council Meets in Anaheim" (EPD Edition), April 1996. "The EPD Five Years Later: The Chair Assesses the State of the Division," C.O. Bounds, April 1993. "EPD/LMD Recycling Committee Organizes TMS Extraction & Processing Symposium," September 1995. "EPD Plans Copper 91-Cobre 91," April 1991. "EPD Plans Its Continuing Education Program for the 1993 Annual Meeting," September 1992. "The EPD Plans Upcoming Meetings," April 1992. "EPD Proceedings Review," M. Schlesinger, October 1991. "EPD Prospers in 1994; Sets Operating Plan for 1995," April 1995. "EPD Sponsors 13 Symposia at Annual Meeting," April 1995. "EPD Symposium Draws International Views on Waste Management and Minimization," April 1994. "EPD Symposium Honors a Leader in Extractive Metallurgy: Paul E. Queneau," April 1993. "The EPD: A Unifying Perspective," J.K. Brimacombe, April 1991. "The Extraction & Processing Division's Financial Situation: We All Share in the Responsibility," J.D. Defilippi, April 1992. "Facing the Challenge of Better Times in the Metal Mining Industry," G.F. Joklik, April 1991. "How to Acquire the Queneau Proceedings," April 1993. "How to Acquire the Waste Minimization Proceedings," April 1994. "A Personal Tribute to Julian Szekely" (Division News), H.Y. Sohn, April 1996. "A Plenary Preview of the Savard/Lee Symposium" (excerpts from the paper "Savard and Lee--Transforming the Metallurgical Landscape"), P.J. Mackey and J.K. Brimacombe, September 1992. "Process Mineralogy: The Year in Review" (Division News), W. Petruk, April 1996. "Programming: EPD's Cornerstone," October 1991. "Reflecting on the State of the Extraction & Processing Division," C.O. Bounds, September 1994. Review of the book Hydrometallurgy '94, September 1995. Review of the book Kinetics of Metallurgical Reactions, M.E. Schlesinger, September 1993. Review of the book Principles of Metal Refining, M.E. Schlesinger, September 1993. Review of the book Resources of the Earth: Origin, Use, and Environmental Impact, Second Edition (Division News), August 1996. Review of the book Steelmakers and Knotted String (Division News), August 1996. Review of the book Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry, September 1995. Review of the book The First International Congress on Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI '94), April 1995. Review of the book Thermodynamics of Materials, Volumes I and II, April 1995. "TMS and MMIJ Meet in Hawaii for PMP '93," September 1993. "TMS Fall Extractive Meeting Focuses on Waste Minimization" (EPD Edition), August 1996. "The Yanacocha Project: An Example of Challenges and Opportunities in Peru," L. Harris, April 1994.
"Aluminum Committee Chair Reviews the Industry," U. Mannweiler, November 1993. "Aluminum Committee Establishes JOM Best Paper Award," May 1993. "Aluminum Committee Fabricates a Strip Casting Symposium for 1995," May 1994. "Aluminum Committee Meets in San Diego," S.K. Das, May 1992. "Aluminum Committee Surveys Their Membership," May 1993. "The Aluminum Industry and TMS: Integration and Cooperation," S.K. Das, November 1992. "Aluminum Smelting, the Environment, and the European Community," W. Hale, November 1991. "An Invitation," November 1994. "Annual Meeting Sales of Light Metals 1993 Set Brisk Pace," May 1993. "Delegation from the Aluminum Committee Represents TMS at Russian Conference," U. Mannweiler, May 1992. "The Evolution of the Light Metals Committee," W.S. Peterson, May 1991. "George Haymaker Speaks at the LMD Luncheon," November 1995. "Honors & Professional Recognition Committee Approves Two New LMD Awards," May 1995. "How Can You Become Involved in the LMD?" E. Cutshall, November 1994. "JOM Expands Aluminum and News Coverage; Seeks Papers," November 1992. "The LMD Announces Its 1994 TMS Annual Meeting Continuing Education Program," November 1993. "LMD Announces Plans for 1997 TMS Annual Meeting in Orlando" (LMD Edition), November 1996. "LMD Continues Successful Short-Course Program," November 1992. "LMD Council Meets and Plans Activities," May 1993. "LMD Council Meets During 1995 TMS Annual Meeting," May 1995. "LMD Council Meets in Anaheim" (LMD Edition), May 1996. "LMD Honors Award Recipients at Annual Meeting Luncheon," May 1995. "LMD Member Pioneers Research into the Point of the Washington Monument," November 1995. "LMD Luncheon Features Bestowment of Divisional Awards," May 1994. "LMD Recognizes Award Winners at LMD Luncheon and Appreciation Reception" (LMD Edition), May 1996. "The LMD Recognizes Several Notable Papers," May 1992. "The LMD's Plans for the 1992 Annual Meeting," November 1991. "Numerous Regulatory Actions Are on the Horizon for the U.S. Aluminum Industry," May 1992. "Primary Aluminum in the United States--Is the Past Prologue?," R.E. Boyle, May 1994. "A Program No Company Can Be Without," E.R. Cutshall, November 1991, insert. "Recent Trends in the Aluminum Industry," May 1991. "Remembering Who Pays the Bills," R.D. Zabreznik, November 1991. Review of the book Light Alloys--Metallurgy of the Light Metals (Division News), November 1996. Review of the book Materials Used in the Hall-Héroult Cell for Aluminum Production (Division News), November 1996. "Rodney D. Zabreznik Becomes New Chair of the LMD," November 1995. "South Carolina School District Welcomes Transformations," November 1993. "Stock Levels and Aluminum Prices: The Full Contango Factor," P. Greenberg, May 1992. "TMS Showcases Aluminum Industry Publications," November 1993. "TMS Sponsors Session at Alumitech '97" (LMD Edition), November 1996. "Transformations Foot Soldier Reports from the Front Line," May 1993. "Tutorial Luncheon Lecture Highlights Molten Salts," November 1993. "Upcoming Conferences of Note to LMD Members," November 1994. "Upcoming Conferences of Note to LMD Members," November 1995. "Your Input is Needed," November 1991.
"Deadlines Near for Two Calls for Papers," September 1991. "The Division Announces MaD '93 Competition Results and Plans for MaD '94," February 1994. "Division Elects New Officers," February 1994. "Division Plans Materials Week and Annual Meeting Programming," August 1993. "Excerpts from Winning MaD '93 Projects," February 1994. "From the MDMD Chair," P. Follansbee, August 1995. "Highlights of MDMD Symposia at the 1992 TMS Annual Meeting," September 1991. "Materials Design Contest Undergoes Transformation" (MDMD Edition), February 1996. "The MDMD Aggressively Pursues a Redefined Proactive Mission," P.S. Follansbee, August 1992. "MDMD Announces Selection of 1995 Chair," August 1994. "MDMD Annual Meeting Technical Symposia in Brief," January 1991. "MDMD Awards Powder Metallurgy Student Presentation Awards," August 1995. "MDMD Cancels Megatrends in Manufacturing Symposium" (MDMD Edition), February 1996. "MDMD Council Meets at Materials Week '94," February 1995. "MDMD Council Studies Need for New Materials Design Journal," August 1993. "MDMD Executive Council Meets, Plans Division Activities," February 1993. "MDMD Plans Computer Modeling Short Course for the 1992 Annual Meeting," September 1991. "MDMD Prepares for Materials Week and Annual Meeting Symposia" (MDMD Edition), September 1996. "MDMD Report Considers the Need for a New Journal on Materials Design," February 1994. "MDMD Solidification Committee Reviews Mission," August 1993. "MDMD Sponsors 4th Megatrends in Manufacturing Symposium this Month," February 1995. "MDMD Welcomes New Chair: Phillip A. Parrish," September 1991. "Megatrends in Manufacturing Symposium Grows in Scope for 1996," August 1995. "New Award Honors Presentations in Powder Metallurgy by Graduate Students," February 1993. "New MDMD Short Course Addresses Intelligent Process Monitoring and Control," January 1991. "Past MDMD Chair Earns Presidential Nomination," August 1995. "Powder Metallurgy Committee Plans Upcoming Symposia," August 1992. "Powder Processing Education for the Year 2000," K. Vedula, W. Frazier, and G. Janowski, August 1994. "Programming, Short Courses and Awards--Some of the MDMD's Initiatives," January 1991. Review of the book Foundations and Industrial Applications of Microwaves and Radio Frequency Fields: Physical and Chemical Processes (Division News), September 1996. Review of the book Investment Casting (Division News), September 1996. Review of the book Materials Issues in Machining II and the Physics of Machine Processes II, August 1995. Review of the book Modern Grinding Process Technology, February 1995. Review of the book Modifications of Passive Films--European Federation of Corrosion Publications Number 12 (Division News), February, insert 1996. Review of the book Nanophase Materials--Synthesis, Properties, Applications (Division News), February 1996. Review of the book Powder Metallurgy Science (Division News), February 1996. Review of the book Principles of Ceramics Processing, Second Edition (Division News), February 1996. Review of the book Problems of Technological Plasticity, August 1995. Review of the book Quenching and Carburising: Proceedings of the Third International Seminar of the International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, February 1995. Review of the book Rapidly Solidified Alloys--Processes, Structures, Properties, Applications, February 1995. "SCAMP Committee Evolves from Merger," August 1992. "Shaping and Forming Committee Plans Periodic Symposia on Sheet Forming and Superplasticity," February 1993. "Shaping and Forming Committee Prepares Fall Meeting Symposia," August 1992. "Shaping and Forming Committee Sponsors Symposium on Nanocrystalline Materials,". "The Solidification Committee Explores Numerous Topics," August 1992. "The Solidification Committee Introduces Four New Proceedings Volumes," February 1993. "Surface Modification Committee Joins the MDMD," August 1993; (Now named Surface Engineering Committee, July 1998). "The Symposium on Advances in Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming," N. Chandra, August 1993. "Symposium on Computer Applications in Shaping and Forming is Ready for Denver," February 1996. "Upcoming MDMD Publications for 1991," January 1991.
"Abstract Deadline Reminders for Upcoming Structural Materials Meetings," June 1992. "A Call for Papers on Solid-State Amorphizing Transformations," March 1991. "Division News Needs Your Input for Upcoming Issues," R.B. Bhagat, January 1993. "Fall SMD Short Courses Earn Favorable Responses," January 1993. "Here's Your Chance to Contribute to SMD's Division News," R.B. Bhagat, March 1991. "High-Temperature Materials Advances Shape a New Mission for the Refractory Metals and Materials Committee" (Division News), J. Wittenauer, January 1996. "Hume-Rothery and Nanocrystalline Materials Symposia Draw Highest SMD Attendance," June 1993. "Industry News," January 1992. "International Conference on the Damping of Multiphase Inorganic Materials," R.B. Bhagat, June 1993. "A Message from the First Chair of the SMD," R. Kossowsky, March 1991. "A Message from the New Chair of the SMD," K. Mukherjee, March 1991. "On Publishing a Call for Papers," January 1993. "Recent Activities of the SMD," March 1991. Review of the book Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials--1993 (Division News), January 1996. Review of the book Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials--1994 (volumes 1-7) (Division News), June 1996. Review of the book Atomization--The Production of Metal Powders, R.B. Bhagat, January 1993. Review of the book Intelligent Structural Systems, June 1994. Review of the book Measurement of Residual and Applied Stress Using Neutron Diffraction, June 1994. Review of the book Mechanics of Composite Materials (Division News), June 1996. Review of the book Mechanics of Fracture Initiation and Propagation, reviewed by R.B. Bhagat, June 1992. Review of the book Microbiological Degradation of Materials and Methods of Protection, January 1994. Review of the book Progress in the Understanding and Prevention of Corrosion, January 1995. Review of the book Sintering of Multiphase Metals and Ceramic Systems, reviewed by R.B. Bhagat, June 1992. Review of the book Structure and Properties of Ceramics, Volume 11, June 1995. Review of the book Transmission Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry in Materials Science, January 1994. "SMD Approves Two Division Awards during Anaheim Meeting" (SMD Edition), June 1996. "SMD Council Meets at 1995 TMS Annual Meeting," June 1995. "SMD Council Meets at Materials Week '94," January 1995. "SMD Council Meets in Anaheim" (SMD Edition), June 1996. "SMD Council Meets in Denver," June 1993. "SMD Enjoys Successful TMS Fall Meeting as Part of Materials Week" (SMD Edition), January 1996. "SMD Introduces Luncheon Lecture and Plans Several Symposium for the 1992 Annual Meeting," January 1992. "SMD Members Represent TMS at Composites Meeting in Bangalore," June 1995. "SMD Offers Short Course on Patent Law," January 1994. "SMD Organizes 13 Symposia for Materials Week '95," June 1995. "The SMD Plans an Array of Symposia and Short Courses for the 1992 Fall Meeting," June 1992. "SMD Plans Annual Meeting Short Courses," January 1993. "SMD Plans Honorary Symposia to Supplement Regular Annual Meeting Programming," January 1994. "SMD Plans Symposia for the Annual Meeting," January 1995. "SMD Sponsors Successful Symposia and Reviews Division Initiatives at 1994 TMS Annual Meeting," June 1994. "SMD Sponsors Ten Symposia at Materials Week '96" (SMD Edition), June 1996. "The SMD: Understanding and Building Upon Traditions and Trends," K. Mukherjee, January 1992. "To the Attention of Symposium or Conference Organizers," March 1991. "Understanding SMD's Objectives and Operation," March 1991. "Upcoming Conference Dates to Remember," January 1993. "Upcoming Items of Interest for SMD Members," March 1991.
"About the Fall Whereabouts of the Extraction & Processing Division" (Fall Meeting Edition), July 1991. "Division Luncheon Lecturers Offer Views and Visions of Materials Field" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1992. "Divisional Views on the Economic Situation" (Special Edition), February 1992. "Divisions Offer Courses in Connection with 124th TMS Annual Meeting" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1994. "Divisions Plan Intellectual Fare for Luncheons" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1993. "Fall Extractive Meeting Scheduled in Southern Resort" (Special Edition), July 1995. "Invited and Keynote Speakers an Integral Element of Division Programming at 1992 Annual Meeting" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1991. "LMD Plans Four Short Courses for Engineering Professionals" (Special Edition), December 1995. "Short Courses Introduce Annual Meeting Topics to the Uninitiated" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1992. "SMD Plans Two Special Materials Week Symposia" (Fall Meeting Edition), July 1993. "Speakers Announced for Two Technical Divison Luncheons" (Special Edition), December 1995. "Technical Divisions Announce Luncheon Topics" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1994. "Technical Division Programming at TMS Annual Meeting Offers Something for Everyone" (Special Edition), December 1995. "Three Divisions Plan Short Courses for the Annual Meeting" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1993. "TMS and ASM Solicit Proposals for Nontraditional Programming at Materials Week '95" (Materials Week Edition), July 1994. "TMS Chooses Western Setting for Fall Extractive Meeting" (Materials Week Edition), July 1994. "TMS Divisions Complete Plans to Converge at Three Rivers for TMS/ASM Materials Week '9" (Fall Meeting Edition), July 1993. "TMS Divisions Finalize Plans for Materials Week Programming in Rosemont" (Special Materials Week Edition), July 1994. "TMS Divisions Finalize Technical Programs and Short Courses for Cincinnati Fall Meeting" (Fall Meeting Edition), July 1991. "TMS Divisions Offer a Plethora of Programming at Materials Week" (Special Edition), July 1995. "TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Meeting Salutes Milton Wadsworth" (Fall Meeting Edition), July 1993. "TMS Responds to Recession by Expanding Job-Search Services" (Special Edition), February 1992. "TMS Will Offer Seven Concurrent Proceedings in San Francisco" (Annual Meeting Edition), December 1993. "Tutorial Lectures and Other Special Presentations" (Fall Meeting Edition), July 1991, insert.
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