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MAP Conference Reviews |
Exploring traditional, innovative, and revolutionary issues in the minerals, metals, and materials fields. |
"The AAES Conference on Competitiveness, Technology, and the Future
of America" (Conference Review), C.A. Bayless, December
1992, pp. 6-7.
"Abating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Metallurgical and Materials Processing" (End Notes: Things Other), T.M. Beazley, May 1999, p. 56. "The Aluminium of Siberia 2004 Conference and Exhibition" (Conference Review), V. Buzunov, February 2005, pp. 27-30. "Aluminum Alloys for Aircraft Applications" (Conference Review), W. Wang, September 1993, pp. 16-18. "Aluminum Cast House Technology" (Conference Review), M. Nilmani and P. Whiteley, May 1996, pp. 13-14. "Annual Meeting Review" (TMS News), May 1993, pp. 65-72. "Applying Process Mineralogy to Extractive Metallurgy" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), R.D. Hagni and S. Pignolet-Brandom, April 1992, p. 35. "Applying Process Mineralogy to Extractive Metallurgy" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), R.D. Hagni and S. Pignolet-Brandom, April 1993, p. 39. "The August JOM-e: The Aluminum Plenary Session" (Commentary), J.J. Robinson, August 2000, p. 34. "Biological Materials Science in the TMS World" (Conference Review), Andrea Hodge and Marc Meyers, July 2006, pp. 20-22. "Building a Better Workforce through Improved MSE Education" (Conference Review), M. Byko, June 2004, pp. 11-13. "Bureau of Mines Considers the Status of Advanced Materials" (Conference Review), C.A. Sorrell and L.J. Sousa, June 1990, pp. 30-31. "The Composites Fracture Symposium" (Conference Review), R.B. Bhagat, May 1994, p. 48. "Computer Programs for Modeling Diffusion-Controlled Processes" (Conference Review), J.E. Morral and A.D. Romig, Jr., February 1992, pp. 12-14. "Copper Council Meeting Gives Financial Advice to Industry" (News & Update), December 1993, p. 4. "Current Progress in the Use of Forming Limit Diagrams" (Conference Review), K.S. Chan, February 1990, pp. 6-7. "Defining the Core Materials Curriculum" (Education), M.A. Crimp and A.D. Rollett, October 1997, p. 10. "Design Education in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering" (Conference Review), M.E. Schlesinger and D.E. Mikkola, December 1993, pp. 11-13. "Developments in Electron-Beam and Laser Processing" (Conference Review), R. Bakish, June 1992, pp. 37-39. "Developments in the Annealing of Sheet Steels" (Conference Review), R. Pradhan, January 1992, p. 16. "Educational Approaches to Teaching Introductory Courses" (Conference Review), T.M. Beazley, May 1998, pp. 22-23. "The Eighth International Conference on Surface Modification Technology" (Conference Review), W.E. Reitz, April 1995, pp. 14-15. "The Eighth World Titanium Conference" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, July 1996, pp. 59-61. "Electron Beam Melting and Refining—State of the Art 1993" (Conference Review), R. Bakish, October 1994, pp. 25-27. "Electronic Materials Committee Hosts Sixth Biennial Workshop on OMVPE in Palm Springs" (TMS News), June 1993, pp. 65, 66. "Engineering Education in a Global Technical Community" (Conference Review), C.J. McHargue and M.J. Yacamán, July 1995, pp. 14-16. "The Environmental Durability of Refractory Metals and Alloys" (Conference Review), M. Uz and J.P. Wittenauer, August 1992, p. 25. "The Essential Elements of Totally Functional Materials Systems" (Industrial Insight), P.R. Bridenbaugh and J.T. Staley, August 1994, pp. 39-43. "European Views on Nickel and the Environment" (Conference Review), G.A. Crawford, January 1994, pp. 12-13. "Europe's East-West Symposium on Materials and Processes" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, April 1992, pp. 6-7. "The Fifth Surface Modification Technologies Conference" (Conference Review), T.A. Place, March 1992, pp. 25-26. "55th International Mg Conference" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, November 1998, p. 54. "Flow Localization and Plastic Instability during the Tensile Deformation of Al Alloy Sheet" (Research Summary), M. Aghaie-Khafri and R. Mahmudi, November 1998, pp. 50-52. "Four Days at MS&T '05: One Editor Tries Blogging on the "H" Word, Nano, Bio, Sensors, Muterials, and CSI" (Opinion), J.J. Robinson, November 2005, pp. 31-34. "4th Hydromet Symposium Honors Wadsworth" (TMS News), December 1993, pp. 57-58. "The Fourth International Conference on Hydrogen Effects on Material Behavior" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, September 1990, pp. 26-27. "Fourth International Conference on Isostatic Pressing" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, November 1991, pp. 52-53. "The 14th International Ti Applications Conference and Exhibition" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes and R.H. Jones, June 1999, pp. 40–41. "The Frontiers of Molecular and Microscale Systems" (Conference Review), D.R. Forrest, March 1990, p. 33. "Fundamental Relationships in Metal-Matrix Composites" (Conference Review), M.N. Gungor and P.K. Liaw, March 1990, pp. 34-35. "Gamma Titanium Aluminides" (Conference Review), Y.-W. Kim, July 1995, p. 38. "Government Views on U.S. Competitiveness, Technology, and Productivity" (Conference Review), D.J. Dougherty, March 1994, pp. 20-21. "High-Energy Electron-Beam Welding and Processing" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, June 1993, pp. 59-60. "High-Performance Composites: Commonalty of Phenomena" (Conference Review), K.K. Chawla, P.K. Liaw, and S.G. Fishman, February 1996, pp. 43-44. "High-Risk Technologies in Metallurgy with Commercial Potential" (Commentary), Diran Apelian, April 2005, p. 33. "High-Temperature Aluminides and Intermetallics" (Conference Review), V.R. Parameswaran, June 1992, pp. 41-43. "Highlights from the Annual Conference of Metallurgists" (Conference Review), D. Poggi, P. Hancock, M. Reist and L. St. Arnaud, June 1990, p. 32. "The History and Archaeology of Materials Symposium" (Commentary), G.J. Hildeman, May 2006, p. 19. "The History and Future of CIS's All-Union Institute for Light Alloys" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, November 1992, pp. 42-43. "Houston's Terra Firma Hosts the Silver Anniversary of the Offshore Technology Conference" (TMS News), July 1993, pp. 65, 68. "The Impact of the New Congress on U.S. Materials Policy" (Conference Review), R.A. Laudise, June 1995, pp. 12-13. "Injection in Pyrometallurgy—The Howard Worner International Symposium" (1997 Review of Extraction & Processing), M.E. Schlesinger and M. Nilmani, April 1997, pp. 46-47. "Innovations in the Processing of Inorganic Composites" (Conference Review), S.G. Fishman, November 1990, pp. 48-49. "Inorganic Ion-Exchange Materials" (Conference Review), R.P. Singh, August 1996, p. 38. "In the 21st Century, Will Titanium Come of Age?" (Conference Review), D.R. Hiatt, March 1990, p. 32. "Interconnection Technologies and Materials Science" (Conference Review), W.L. Winterbottom and S.K. Kang, June 1991, pp. 8-9. "Intermetallic Compounds: Structure and Properties" (Conference Review), D.M. Shah and D.L. Anton, February 1992, pp. 6-7. "International Conference on Powder Metallurgy Materials" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, August 1992, pp. 20-21. "International Conference on the Damping of Multiphase Inorganic Materials" (Division News—SMD Edition), R.B. Bhagat, June 1993, insert. "International Superconductivity Summit Promotes Information Exchange" (News & Update), January 1993, p. 10. "The International Symposium on Structural Intermetallics" (Conference Review), J.D. Whittenberger, May 1994, pp. 46-47. "The International Symposium on Sulfide Smelting ’98: Current and Future Practices" (Conference Review), R. Stephens, July 1998, pp. 27-28. "The International Symposium on Zinc and Lead Processing" (Feature: Conference Review), A. Siegmund, May 1999, pp. 33–34. "International Views on Titanium Science and Technology" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, March 1993, pp. 38-39. "The International Workshop on Beta Titanium Alloys" (Conference Review), R.R. Boyer, July 1994, pp. 12-13. "Issues Surrounding the Use of Lightweight Metals in the Automotive Industry" (Conference Review), G.S. Cole, April 1991, pp. 6-7. "The Key to the Future of Materials: Interdisciplinarity" (Conference Review), L.V. Azroff, February 1991, pp. 27-29. "Light Metals 1990: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), S.K. Das, July 1990, pp. 30-32. "Light Metals 1991: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), S.K. Das, M.V. Chaubal, S.C. Manaktala, K.J. Farmer, and N.B. Bryson, November 1991, pp. 47-50. "Light Metals 1992: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), S.K. Das, J. Laurier, R.D. Zabreznik, M. Reverdy, and S.A. Levy, September 1992, pp. 41-45. "Light Metals 1993: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), S.K. Das, M. Chaubal, R. Huglen, R.T. Tonti, D.N. McLeod, D. Stewart, and R. Orth, August 1993, pp. 15-20. "Light Metals 1994: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), M.V. Chaubal, J.L. Anjier, B.J. Welch, R.D. Peterson, M.A. Smith, J.H. van Linden, and G.J. Kipouros, August 1994, pp. 14-23. "Light Metals 1995: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), M.V. Chaubal, R.A. Cheatham, B.J. Sadler, and R.G. Reddy, November 1995, pp. 43-46. "Light Metals 1996: Advances in Aluminum Production" (Conference Review), M. Chaubal, C. Hendriks, F. Stevens, and L. Castonguay, November 1996, pp. 21-24. "LiMAT-93: Light Materials for Transportation Systems" (Conference Review), N.J. Kim and D.H. Kim, November 1994, pp. 44-47. "Looking Ahead to Alumitech" (Conference Preview), G.J. Gausman, August 1994, p. 12. "Magnesium and Other Reactive Metals: Have They Matured?" (Conference Preview), G.J. Kipouros, December 1995, pp. 38-39. "The Masuko Smposium of the 16th Annual Iketani Conference" (Conference Review), A.C. Powell IV, February 2007, pp. 81-82. "The Materials Informatics Workshop: Theory and Application" (Conference Review), L.M. Peurrung, K. Ferris, and T.M. Osman, March 2007, pp. 50. "Materials Issues for Advanced Electronic and Optoelectronic Connectors" (Conference Review), J. Crane and S. Wen, September 1990, pp. 37-39. "Materials and Mechanics Issues of Solder Alloy Applications" (Conference Review), K. Kinsman, D.R. Frear and W.B. Jones, September 1990, pp. 34-36. "Megatrends in Manufacturing" (Conference Review), J.J. Robinson, September 1993, p. 12. "Megatrends in Manufacturing IV: Perspectives on Metalworking and the Government's Role" (Conference Review), J.J. Robinson, June 1995, pp. 20-21. "Metallurgical Processes for the Year 2000 and Beyond" (Conference Review), H.Y. Sohn and E.S. Geskin, April 1990, pp. 32-34. "Metallurgical Processes for the Year 2000 and Beyond II: Q & A" (1995 Review of Extraction & Processing), H.Y. Sohn, April 1995, pp. 47-52. "Mineralogical Characterization of Metallurgical Products" (Conference Review), R.D. Hagni, April 1991, p. 27. "Mining Communities in History: An Industrial Legacy" (Archaeotechnology), R.M. Ehrenreich, December 1996, pp. 54-56. "Nanometer-Scale Materials and Technology" (Conference Review), R.D. Shull, November 1993, pp. 60-61. "1990 Lead, Zinc and Related Metals World Symposium" (Conference Review), R.D. Prengaman, June 1990, pp. 34-35. "1992 Materials Week" (TMS News), January 1993, pp. 57-60. "1993 Industry Summit Launches Dialog on Global Issues" (News & Update), December 1993, p. 7. "Northwest Mining Association Meeting Counsels Miners on International Arena" (News & Update), March 1993, p. 4. "Novel Materials for Electronic Packaging and Thermal Management" (Conference Review), W.H. Hunt, Jr., and M.K. Premkumar, July 1992, pp. 8-9. "The Numerical Simulation of Casting Solidification in Automotive Applications" (Conference Review), C. Kim, January 1992, p. 11. "Particle Technology towards the 21st Century" (Conference Review), R.P. Singh, March 2000, pp. 20-21. "Particulate Materials Center and Powder Injection Molding Consortium Hold Organizational Meeting" (News & Update), July 1993, p. 10. "Pennsylvania Countryside Provides Colorful Backdrop for Intermetallic Attendees" (TMS News), December 1993, p. 60. "Perspectives on the Evolution of Refractory Metals" (Conference Review), C.S. Olsen, June 1993, p. 49. "Physical Chemistry and P/M Production and Processing" (Conference Review), W.M. Small, April 1990, pp. 6-7. "Powder Metallurgy for Defense and Aerospace Applications" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, May 1990, pp. 8-9. "Powder Metallurgy in Aerospace and Defense Technologies" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, December 1991, pp. 20-21. "Powder Metallurgy—Key to Advanced Materials Technology" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, January 1991, pp. 33-34. "Process Mineralogy: The Year in Review" (Division News), W. Petruk, April 1998, insert. "Recent Advances in High-Temperature Niobium Alloys" (Conference Review), J.J. Stephens, August 1990, pp. 22-23. "Recent Developments in Applying Process Mineralogy to Extractive Metallurgy" (Conference Review & Preview), R.D. Hagni, May 1994, p. 29. "Recent Developments in the Application of Process Mineralogy" (1995 Review of Extraction & Processing), R.D. Hagni, April 1995, p. 46. "Recycling of Metals and Engineered Materials" (Conference Review), R.D. Peterson and L.G. Twidwell, March 1996, pp. 43-44. "Refractory and Precious Metal-Based Superalloys" (Commentary), D.A. Alven, September 2004, p. 27. "Researchers Meet in San Diego to Discuss Materials Concerns in Nuclear Power Reactors" (TMS News), November 1993, pp. 73, 74. "Reviewing Highlights from the EPD Congress 1992" (Conference Review), D.R. Gaskell, October 1992, pp. 6-9. "Reviewing the Status of the Science and Technology of Rare Earth Magnets" (Conference Review), S.G. Sankar, February 1991, pp. 30, 31. "REWAS ’99: The TMS Fall Extraction and Process Metallurgy Meeting" (Conference Review), B. Mishra, December, pp. 19-21. "Rhenium '97: Landmarks, State of the Art, and Outlook" (Conference Review), B.D. Bryskin, September 1997, pp. 14-15. "The Role of Technical Societies in a Changing World" (Conference Review), J.J. Robinson, June 1994, pp. 10-11. "The Russian Aluminum Industry: Strategies and Opportunities" (Conference Review), W.S. Peterson, January 1993, pp. 15-16. "A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1993" (Conference Review), M. Schlesinger, October 1993, pp. 36-41. "A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1994" (Conference Review), M.E. Schlesinger, June 1994, pp. 12-16. "A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1995" (Conference Review), M.E. Schlesinger, June 1995, pp. 42-45. "A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1996" (1996 Review of Extraction & Processing), M.E. Schlesinger, April 1996, pp. 50-54. "A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1997" (1997 Review of Extraction & Processing), M.E. Schlesinger, April 1997, pp. 28-32. "A Sampling of Highlights from EPD Congress 1998" (Conference Review), M.E. Schlesinger, April 1998, pp. 34-38. "San Diego Hosts Seventh World Conference on Titanium" (Conference Review), M.C. Munson, May 1992, p. 21. "Santa Barbara Hosts 35th Electronic Materials Conference" (Division News—EMPMD Edition), October 1993, insert. "Scrap Convention Spotlights Metals Commodity Markets" (Conference Review), R.J. Garino, November 1993, pp. 12, 14. "Second International Conference on Superalloys 718 and 625 and Various Derivatives" (Conference Review), J.F. Radavich and R.G. Carlson, January 1992, pp. 9-10. "The Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites" (Conference Review), C. Levaillant and M. Suery, December 1990, p. 26. "Separation Methods in Hydrometallurgy" (Conference Review), R.P. Singh, October 1998, pp. 64-65. "Sintering 2000: A Report" (Conference Review), G.S. Upadhyaya, December 2000, pp. 38-40. "The Sixth International Conference on Hot Isostatic Pressing" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, March 1997, pp. 10, 11. "Software for Chemical and Extractive Metallurgy" (Conference Review), A.E. Morris, J.B. Stephenson and M.W. Wadsley, April 1990, pp. 35-37. "The Sohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials" (Conference Review), F. Kongoli, November 2006, p. 95. "The Solidification Processing of Metal-Matrix Composites: The Rohatgi Symposium" (Conference Review), N. Gupta and K.G. Satyanarayana, November 2006, pp. 92-94. "Solidification Science in Cast MMCs" (Industrial Insight), Pradeep Rohatgi and Rajiv Asthana, September 2001, pp. 9-13. "The State of the Art in Electron Beam Melting and Refining" (Conference Review), R. Bakish, May 1991, pp. 42-44. "The State of the Art in Electron-Beam Melting and Refining" (Conference Review), R. Bakish, June 1993, pp. 61-63. "The Status of Gold Resources and Developments in Gold Processing" (Conference Review), D.M. Hausen, April 1991, p. 24. "Strategies for Metal Processing Industries: Competing in Today's Global Economy" (Conference Review), D. Apelian, September 2004, pp. 25-26. "The Structural Applications of Mechanical Alloying" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, December 1990, pp. 24-25. "Surface Modification Technologies VII—A Review" (Conference Review), W.E. Reitz, July 1994, p. 54. "The Symposium on Advances in Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming" (Division News—MDMD Edition), N. Chandra, August 1993, insert. "JOM-e: The Symposium on Computational Methods in Materials Education" (Commentary), Z.-K. Liu, L.-Q. Chen, and M. Asta, December 2003, p. 13. "The Symposium on Materials and Critical Societal Issues" (JOM-e), D. Apelian, January 2005, pp. 16-17. "The Symposium on Materials Processing in the Computer Age" (Conference Review), V.R. Voller, June 1991, p. 6. "The Synthesis Processing and Modeling of Advanced Materials" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, January 1998, pp. 55-56. "Synthesizing and Processing Advanced Materials" (Conference Review), J. Singh and S.M. Copley, March 1995, p. 29. "Synthesizing, Processing, and Modeling Advanced Materials" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, February 1992, pp. 9-10. "Technology Transfer Headlines TMS Washington Forum" (Conference Review), M.C. Munson, July 1990, pp. 28-29. "Ten Years (and One Week) in Superconductivity" (Review and Preview), M.C. Munson, September 1993, p. 47. "The Thermophysical Properties of Molten Materials" (Conference Review), T. Overfelt and T. Glasgow, September 1993, pp. 13-15. "The Third All-Union Conference on Rapid Solidification" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, June 1991, pp. 26-27. "The TMS Symposium on Recent Advances in Tungsten and Tungsten Alloys" (Conference Review), A. Crowson and E.S. Chen, July 1991, pp. 27-29. "The Treatment and Minimization of Wastes" (Conference Review), V. Ramachandran, February 1995, pp. 50-51. "Ukranian Views on Applying Advanced Materials" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, April 1993, pp. 17-18. "Vehicle Weight-Reduction Goals Spur Use of Aluminum in Automobiles" (News & Update), March 1993, p. 5. "Welding Science: Needs and Future Directions" (Conference Review), D.W. Keefer, S.A. David, H.B. Smartt, and K. Spence, September 1992, pp. 6-7. "The Workshop on Advanced Sintered Materials" (Conference Review), F.H. Froes, January 1995, pp. 14-15. |