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MAP Aqueous Processing |
Exploring traditional, innovative, and revolutionary issues in the minerals, metals, and materials fields. |
"The Activox® Process: Growing Significance in the Nickel Industry" (Overview), C.M. Palmer and G.D. Johnson, July 2005, pp. 40-47. "Advances in the Extractive Metallurgy of Selected Rare and Precious Metals" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), J.E. Hoffmann, April 1991, pp. 18-23. "Alkaline and Acidic Autoclaving of Refractory Gold Ores" (Overview), K.G. Thomas, February 1991, pp. 16-19. "Anode Slimes Treatment: The Boliden Experience" (Industrial Insight), B.M. Ludvigsson and S.R. Larsson, April 2003, pp. 41-44. "Anodes and Anode Reactions in Aqueous Electrometallurgy" (Commentary), M.B. Mooiman, March 1993, p. 40. "Applying the Haring Cell to Monitor Glue Addition" (Overview), James E. Hoffmann, April 2002, pp. 24-27. "Applying the Redox Process to Arsenical Concentrates" (Research Summary), M.J.V. Beattie and A. Ismay, January 1990, pp. 31-35. "Aqueous and Pyrochemical Reprocessing of Actinide Fuels" (Overview), L.M. Toth, W.D. Bond, and L.R. Avens, February 1993, pp. 35-39. "Aqueous Processing in Materials Science and Engineering" (Featured Overview), M.B. Mooiman and K.C. Sole, June 1994, pp. 18-28. "Aqueous Processing of Arsenic Trioxide to Crystalline Scorodite" (Research Summary), G. Van Weert and D.J. Droppert, June 1994, pp. 36-38. "The Aqueous Processing of Minerals and Materials" (1990 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), F.M. Doyle, April 1990, pp. 52-59. "Aqueous Processing of Minerals, Metals and Materials" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), F.M. Doyle, April 1991, pp. 43-51. "Aqueous Processing of Minerals, Metals, and Materials" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), F.M. Doyle and S. Duyvesteyn, April 1993, pp. 46-54. "Arsenic Immobilization by Controlled Scorodite Precipitation" (Overview), D. Filippou and G.P. Demopoulos, December 1997, pp. 52-55. "The Bioleaching and Processing of Refractory Gold Ore" (Overview), N.S. Lynn, April 1997, pp. 24-26. "Biotechnology for the Extractive Metals Industries" (Overview), J.A. Brierley, January 1990, pp. 28-30. "Case Studies in Applying Recoflo Ion-Exchange Technology" (Industrial Insight), M. Sheedy, October 1998, pp. 66-69. "A Challenge for the 1990s: The Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Wastes and Residues" (Commentary), D. Dreisinger, January 1990, p. 27. "Characterizing Gold in Refractory Sulfide Gold Ores and Residues" (Overview), T.T. Chen, L.J. Cabri, and J.E. Dutrizac, December 2002, pp. 20-22. "Chloride-Process Treatment of Smelter Flue Dusts" (Overview), R.S. Kunter and W.E. Bedal, December 1992, pp. 35-38. "Cobalt—Its Recovery, Recycling, and Application" (Overview), S. Wang, October 2006, pp. 47-50. "Cold-Weather Gold Heap-Leaching Operational Methods" (Overview), K.E. Smith, April 1997, pp. 20-23. "Combining Sulfate Electrowinning with Chloride Leaching" (Research Summary), A.W. Fletcher, R.B. Sudderth, and S.M. Olafson, August 1991, pp. 57-59. "The Commercial Status of Pressure Leaching Technology" (Featured Overview), R.M.G.S. Berezowsky, M.J. Collins, D.G.E. Kerfoot, and N. Torres, February 1991, pp. 9-15. "The Commercialization of the FENIX Iron Control System for Purifying Copper Electrowinning Electrolytes" (Overview), D.R. Shaw, D.B. Dreisinger, T. Lancaster, G.D. Richmond, and M. Tomlinson, July 2004, pp. 38-41. "Converting Jarosite Residues into Compact Hematite Products" (Research Summary), J.E. Dutrizac, January 1990, pp. 36-39. "The Commercialization of the FENIX Iron Control System for Purifying Copper Electrowinning Electrolytes" (Overview), D.R. Shaw, D.B. Dreisinger, T. Lancaster, G.D. Richmond, and M. Tomlinson, July 2004, pp. 38-41. "Copper Leaching from Chalcopyrite Concentrates" (Overview), S. Wang, July 2005, pp. 48-51. "Copper Solvent Extraction: The State of the Art" (Overview), G.A. Kordosky, May 1992, pp. 40-45. "The Cuprex Metal Extraction Process: Recovering Copper from Sulfide Ores" (Overview), R.F. Dalton, G. Diaz, R. Price, and A.D. Zunkel, August 1991, pp. 51-56. "Current Density Limitation and Diffusion Boundary Layer Calculation Using CFD Method" Research Summary), A. Filzwieser, K. Hein, and G. Mori, April 2002, pp. 28-31. "Cyanide Recycling Using Strong-Base Ion-Exchange Resins" (Research Summary), V.A. Leão, V.S.T. Ciminelli, and R. de Souza Costa, October 1998, pp. 71-74. "Developments in Ion Exchange: The Mintek Perspective" Industrial Insight, B.R. Green, M.H. Kotze, and J.P. Wyethe, October 2002, pp. 37-43. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1992 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), H.Y. Sohn, April 1992, pp. 50-55. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1993 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1993, pp. 40-44. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1995 Review of Extraction & Processing), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1995, pp. 60-66. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1996 Review of Extraction & Processing), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1996, pp. 56-61. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (1997 Review of Extraction & Processing), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1997, pp. 40-44. "Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles" (Overview), H.Y. Sohn and W.D. Cho, April 1998, pp. 48-54. "The Direct Electrorefining of Copper Matte" (Overview), D.J. McKay, March 1993, pp. 44-48. "Electric Car Batteries: Avoiding the Environmental Drawbacks via Alternative Technologies" (Overview), H. Warlimont and M. Olper, July 1996, pp. 32-34. "The Electrochemical Recycling of Printed-Wiring-Board Etchants" Research Summary), P. Adaikkalam, G.N. Srinivasan, and K.V. Venkateswaran, June 2002, pp. 48-50. "The Electrowinning of Copper from a Cupric Chloride Solution" (Research Summary), H.K. Lin, X.J. Wu, and P.D. Rao, August 1991, pp. 60-65. "The Effectiveness of Jarosite Species for Precipitating Sodium Jarosite" (Research Summary), J.E. Dutrizac, December 1999, pp. 30–32. "Evaluating and Monitoring Nucleation and Growth in Copper Foil" (Overview), Ye-Kun Lee and Thomas J. O'Keefe, April 2002, pp. 37-41. "Expanding the Cobalt Recovery Circuit at the Thompson Nickel Refinery" (Overview), P. Jebbink, R. Stefan, D. Neff, and M. Tomlinson, October 2006, pp. 37-42. "Filter Press Plugging in Zinc Plant Purification Circuits" (Research Summary), T.T. Chen and J.E. Dutrizac, April 2003, pp. 28-31. "The Fluoborate Treatment of Sludge from the Electrolytic Refining of Granulated Lead" (Overview), S. Wang, F. Ojebuoboh, and M.G. King, April 2003, pp. 24-27. "Frontiers in the Aqueous Processing of Materials" (Commentary), M.B. Mooiman, June 1994, p. 17. "Full-Scale Hydrogen Anodes for Immersed-Tank Electrowinning" (Research Summary), R.J. Allen, P.C. Foller, R.J. Vora, R.T. Bombard, and M. DeMarinis, March 1993, pp. 49-53. "Fungal Biosorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions" (Forum Feature), H.M. Saxton and D.G. Jones, January 1990, p. 47. "Heap Bio-oxidation and Gold Recovery at Newmont Mining: First-Year Results" Industrial Insight, Pragna Bhakta and Brian Arthur, October 2002, pp. 31-34. "The History of Progress in Dimensionally Stable Anodes" (Overview), P. Duby, March 1993, pp. 41-43. "Hydrometallurgically Recovering Zinc from Electric Arc Furnace Dusts" (Overview), J. Antrekowitsch and H. Antrekowitsch, December 2001, pp. 26-28. "Hydrometallurgically Treating Antimony-Bearing Industrial Wastes" (Overview), C.G. Anderson, January 2001, pp. 18-20. "Identifying Nanoscale Ferrihydrite in Hydrometallurgical Residues" (Research Summary), M. Loan, T.G. St. Pierre, G.M. Parkinson, O.G.M. Newman, and J.B. Farrow, December 2002, pp. 40-43. "Improving Copper Cathode Production Efficiency: One Company's Experience" (Industrial Insight), K. Abe and F. Shimizu, December 1997, pp. 42-44. "Impurity Control and Removal in Copper Tankhouse Operations" (Overview), S. Wang, July 2004, pp. 34-37. "Ion Exchange Resins in the Gold Industry" Commentary, Virginia S.T. Ciminelli, October 2002, pp. 35-36. "Iron Control in Zinc Pressure Leach Processes" (Overview), K.R. Buban, M.J. Collins, and I.M. Masters, December 1999, pp. 23–25. "Industrial In-Pulp Co-Ni Alloy Electrowinning at the Gecamines Shituru Plant" (Overview), K. Twite, J.-M. Dereydt, K. Mujinga, and P. Louis, December 1997, pp. 46-48, 58. "Leaching Platinum-Group Metals in a Sulfuric Acid/Chloride Solution" (Research Summary), M.H.H. Mahmoud, April 2003, pp. 37-40. "Managing the Santa Rosa Open-Pit, Heap-Leach Gold Project" (Overview), R.R. Fernández, R. Martin, and D. Bikerman, April 1997, pp. 15-17. "The Mathematical Modeling of Leaching Systems" (Tutorial), E. Peters, February 1991, pp. 20-26. "Metallurgical Processes for the Year 2000 and Beyond" (Conference Review), H.Y. Sohn and E.S. Geskin, April 1990, pp. 32-34. "Modern Hydrometallurgical Production Methods for Tungsten" (Overview), R.P. Singh Gaur, September 2006, pp. 45-49. "New R&D Opportunities in Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange" (Commentary), D.B. Dreisinger and M. Mooiman, May 1992, p. 39. "Nickel Laterite Technology—Finally a New Dawn?" (Overview), M.G. King, July 2005, pp. 35-39. "Novel Uses for Thiophosphinic Acids in Solvent Extraction" (Research Summary), W.A. Rickelton, May 1992, pp. 52-54. "Placid-A Clean Process for Recycling Lead from Batteries" (Overview), G. Díaz and D. Andrews, January 1996, pp. 29-31. "Pressure Leaching Las Cruces Copper Ore" (Research Summary), R.M. Berezowsky, T. Xue, M.J. Collins, M. Makwana, I. Barton-Jones, M. Southgate, and J.K. MacLean, December 1999, pp. 36–39. "Process Mineralogy of Gold: Gold from Telluride-Bearing Ores" (Research Summary), P.G. Spry, S. Chryssoulis, and C.G. Ryan, August 2004, pp. 60-62. "The Production and Application of Cuprous Oxide and Cupric Hydroxide" (Overview), A. Lossin and F.-J. Westhoff, October 1997, pp. 38, 39. "The Production of Ultrahigh-Purity Copper for Advanced Applications" (Overview), M. Kato, December 1995, pp. 44-46. "The Production, Recovery, Properties, and Applications of Americium and Curium" (Overview), J.D. Navratil and W.W. Schulz, February 1993, pp. 32-34. "The Purification of Copper Refinery Electrolyte" (Overview), J.E. Hoffmann, July 2004, pp. 30-33. "The Pyro- and Hydrometallrugical Processing of Uranium-Containing Waste" (Overview), R.G. Reddy, January 2001, pp. 21-24. "R&D Opportunities for Pressure Hydrometallurgy" (Commentary), D. Dreisinger, February 1991, p. 8. "Recent Advances in the Extraction and Processing of Cu, Ni, and Co" (Commentary), J.P.T. Kapusta, July 2005, p. 34. "Recent Developments in the Global Exploitation of Heap Leachable Gold Deposits" (Commentary), D.M. Hausen, April 1997, p. 14. "Recovering Bi and Sb from Electrolyte in Copper Electrorefining" (Research Summary), K. Ando and N. Tsuchida, December 1997, pp. 49-51. "Recovering Copper and Copper Chemicals from Spent Alkaline Etchant" (Overview), T. Kawashima, October 1997, p. 40. "Recovering Copper from Etchant Waste by Hydrogen Reduction" (Research Summary), C.-W. Won and Y. Kang, February 1997, pp. 41, 42. "Recovering Flake Graphite from Steelmaking Kish" (Research Summary), L.J. Nicks, F.H. Nehl, and M.F. Chambers, June 1995, pp. 48-51. "Recovering Gold from Copper Concentrate via the HydroCopperTM Process" (Overview), O. Hyvärinen, M. Hämäläinen, P. Lamberg, and J. Lippo, August 2004, pp. 57-59. "Recovering Gold from Thiosulfate Leach Pulps via Ion Exchange" Overview, Michael J. Nicol and Glen O'Malley, October 2002, pp. 44-46. "Recovering Lead from Batteries" (Overview), R.D. Prengaman, January 1995, pp. 31-33. "Recovering Metals from Hydrometallurgical Residues" (Research Summary), M.G. Sánchez Loredo, G.J. Román-Moguel, and F. de J. Carrillo Romo, June 1995, pp. 46, 47. "Recovering Metals from Red Mud by Thermal Treatment and Magnetic Separation" (Research Summary), P. Plescia and D. Maccari, January 1996, pp. 25-28. "The Recovery of Gold from Refractory Ores by the Use of Carbon-in-Chlorine Leaching" (Research Summary), J.N. Greaves, G.R. Palmer and W.W. White III, September 1990, pp. 12-14. "Recovering Metal Values Hydrometallurgically from Spent Dry Battery Cells" (Research Summary), M.A. Rabah, M.A. Barakat, and Y.Sh. Mahrous, December 1999, pp. 40–43. "The Recovery of Metals from Electronic Scrap" (1991 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), E.Y.L. Sum, April 1991, pp. 53-61. "Refining Primary Lead by Granulation–Leaching–Electrowinning" (Overview), F. Ojebuoboh, S. Wang, and M. Maccagni, April 2003, pp. 19-23. "Reflecting on the New Goals in Nonferrous Extractive Research" (1990 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), R. Winand, April 1990, pp. 24-30. "Remediating Heavy Metals, Radionuclides, and Organic Pollutants from Soils" (Overview), M. Misra and R.K. Mehta, September 1995, pp. 45-53. "Removing and Stabilizing As from Copper Refining Circuits by Hydrothermal Processing" (Research Summary), A.J. Monhemius and P.M. Swash, September 1999, pp. 30–33. "Removing and Stabilizing As in Acid Mine Water" (Overview), R.W. Lawrence and T.W. Higgs, September 1999, pp. 27–29. "Removing As from Converter Dust by a Hydrometallurgical Method"(Research Summary), E. Vircikova and M. Havlik, September 1999, pp. 20–23. "Reviewing Highlights from the EPD Congress 1992" (Conference Review), D.R. Gaskell, October 1992, pp. 6-9. "The Role of Hydrometallurgy in Treating Nuclear Waste" (Overview), M.J. Gula, G.T. Totura, and L. Jassin, September 1995, pp. 54-57. "A Rotating Disk Study of Gold Dissolution by Bromine" (Research Summary), B. Pesic and R.H. Sergent, December 1991, pp. 35-37. "Routes to Residue-Free Zinc Refining" (Overview), G. Van Weert and T. van Sandijk, December, pp. 26–29. "A Sampling of Highlights from EPD Congress 1998" (Conference Review), M.E. Schlesinger, April 1998, pp. 34-38. "The Separation and Concentration of Iron from Zinc Process Solutions" (Overview), F.T. Principe and G.P. Deomopoulos, December 1999, pp. 34–35. "The Scale-up and Design of Pressure Hydrometallurgical Process Plants" (Feature: Historical Insight), F. Campbell, W.D. Vardill, and L. Trytten, September 1999, pp. 12–15. "Separation Methods in Hydrometallurgy" (Conference Review), R.P. Singh, October 1998, pp. 64-65. "Simultaneous Oxidation and Stripping for Separating Se and Te from Sulfur" (Research Summary), H.K. Lin, March 1996, pp. 50-52. "Some Recent Developments in Ion-Exchange Resins" (Commentary), S. Duyvesteyn, October 1998, pp. 62-63, 87. "Sonochemical Technology for Processing Bauxite" (Overview), S.F. McGrath and L.C. Farrar, May 1998, pp. 34-37. "Starting Up the Sherritt Zinc Pressure Leach Process at Hudson Bay" (1994 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), M.J. Collins, E.J. McConaghy, R.F. Stauffer, G.J. Desroches, and B.D. Krysa, April 1994, pp. 51-58. "The Status of Ion-Exchange Fibers for Metallurgical Applications" (Overview), M.H. Kotze, May 1992, pp. 46-50. "The Sulfuric Acid Leaching of Bayer Electrofilter Fines: A Practical Kinetical Approach" (Research Summary), J.P. Sancho Martínez, E.J. Ayala, M.P. García Coque, P.B. Fernández, and A.D. Costales, August 2006, pp. 58-62. "Tools for Optimizing Cu Electrodeposition: Modeling and Reagent Addition Monitoring" (Commentary), Norbert L. Piret, April 2002, pp. 17-18. "Treatment of Copper Ores and Concentrates with Industrial Nitrogen Species Catalyzed Pressure Leaching and Non-Cyanide Precious Metals Recovery" (Overview), C.G. Anderson, April 2003, pp. 32-36. "Upgrading Ilmenite into a High-Grade Synthetic Rutile" (1994 Review of Extractive Metallurgy), T.S. Mackey, April 1994, pp. 59-64. "The Use of Fibrous Ion Exchangers in Gold Hydrometallurgy" Research Summary, R.M. Kautzmann, C.H Sampaio, J.L. Cortina, V. Soldatov, and A. Shunkevich, October 2002, pp. 47-51. "Using Aqueous Processing to Improve Performance in Metals Production" (Commentary), A.J. Monteiro, December 1997, p. 41. "Using CollaMat to Measure Glue in Copper Electrolyte" (Overview), Peter Stantke, April 2002, pp. 19-21. "Using Mineralogy to Optimize Gold Recovery by Direct Cyanidation" (Research Summary), D. Venter, S.L. Chryssoulis, and T. Mulpeter, August 2004, pp. 53-56. "Using Polyethylene Glycols as Alternative Inhibitors in Copper Electrorefining" Research Summary), Michael Stelter, Hartmut Bombach, and Nikolay Nesterov, April 2002, pp. 32-36. "Winning Copper via Chloride Chemistry—An Elusive Technology" (Commentary), J.E. Hoffmann, August 1991, pp. 48, 49. |
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