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Volume 29A, No. 3, March 1998 This Month Featuring: The 1997 Institute of Metals Lecture, Alloy Phases, Transformations, Transport Phenomena, Mechanical Behavior, Welding & Joining, Surface Treatment, Solidification, Materials Processing, Composite Materials. View March 1998 Table of Contents. |
Communication: On the Characteristics of M2C Carbides in the Peak Hardening Regime of AerMet 100 Steel
Stress-Induced Martensitic Phase Transformations in Polycrystalline CuZnAl Shape Memory Alloys under Different Stress States
The effect of different uniaxial and triaxial stress states on the stress-induced martensitic transformation in CuZnAl was investigated. Under uniaxial loading, it was found that the compressive stress level required to macroscopically trigger the transformation was 34 pct larger than the required tensile stress. The triaxial tests produced effective stress-strain curves with critical transformation stress levels in between the tensile and compressive results. It was found that pure hydrostatic pressure was unable to experimentally trigger a stress-induced martensitic transformation due to the large pressures required. Traditional continuum-based transformation theories, with transformation criteria and Clausius-Clapeyron equations modified to depend on the volume change during transformation, could not properly predict stress-state effects in CuZnAl. Considering a combination of hydrostatic (volume change) effects and crystallographic effects (number of transforming variants), a micromechanical model is used to estimate the dependence of the critical macroscopic transformation stress on the stress state.
Flow Localization in Sheet Specimens with Pairs of Holes
The deformation localization behavior of sheet specimens containing geometric perturbations in the form of pairs of through-thickness holes is examined. Both experiments and computational modeling are performed in either uniaxial or equal-biaxial tension in order to examine the effect of applied loading path on the far-field strain needed to initiate localized necking in the ligament between the hole pairs. The models also examine the influence of hole spacing and matrix strain hardening on ligament localization. The far-field strain needed to cause the localization of the ligament is shown to increase as the biaxiality of the loading path increases, the hole spacing increases, and the strain- hardening exponent increases. The present study also indicates that the onset of localized necking can be predicted by employing the Hill criterion, if the local strain states within the ligament are taken into account.
Relationship between Fracture Toughness and Crack Extension Resistance Curves (R Curves) for Ti-6Al-4V Alloys
The effects of microstructure, impurity content, and testing temperature on the fracture toughness (as measured by the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD)) and microcrack extension resistance curves (R curves) of Ti-6Al-4V alloys were examined. At 0°C, microstructure is the most influential factor in the toughness-strength relationship. Acicular microstructure specimens have a higher CTOD than specimens with equiaxed microstructures, regardless of strength (0.2 pct proof stress) and impurity content. At -196°C, impurity content becomes a controlling factor in the toughness-strength relationship. Extra-low impurity (ELI) specimens, which have a lower impurity content, show a higher CTOD, irrespective of microstructure. Microcracks extended from the notch tip before the maximum load was reached during testing were investigated, and crack initiation (i) and extension- resistance properties were evaluated by obtaining exact R curves of the microcracks. At 0°C, specimens with different microstructures and different impurity contents have almost the same
i. But acicular-microstructure specimens with a higher CTOD at a given strength show a greater crack extension resistance. At -196°C, ELI specimens, which have a higher CTOD, show a larger crack extension resistance. It is concluded that the crack extension-resistance property of the microcracks extended from the notch tip before the maximum load is a controlling factor for the fracture toughness of Ti-6Al-4V alloys.
A Study on Fractography in the Low-Temperature Brittle Fracture of an 18Cr-18Mn-0.7N Austenitic Steel
The fracture mode and crack propagation behavior of brittle fracture at 77 and 4 K in an 18Cr- 18Mn-0.7N austenitic stainless steel were investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy. The fracture path was examined by observing the side surface in a partially ruptured specimen. The relationship of the fracture facets to the microstructures was established by observing the fracture surface and the adjacent side surface simultaneously. Three kinds of fracture facets were identified at either temperature. The first is a smoothly curved intergranular fracture facet with characteristic parallel lines on it. The second is a fairly planar facet formed by parting along an annealing twin boundary, a real {111} plane. There are three sets of parallel lines on the facet and the lines in different sets intersect at 60 deg. The third is a lamellar transgranular fracture facet with sets of parallel steps on it. Fracture propagated by the formation of microcracks on a grain boundary, annealing twin boundary, and coalescence of these cracks. The observation suggests that the ease of crack initiation and propagation along the grain boundary and the annealing twin boundary may be the main reason for the low-temperature brittleness of this steel. A mechanism for grain boundary cracking, including annealing twin boundary parting, has been discussed based on the stress concentration induced by impinging planar deformation structures on the grain boundaries.
The Critical Resolved Shear Stress of a Superalloy as a Combination of Those of Its Matrix and
' Precipitates
The critical resolved shear stress (CRSS), 0, of peak-aged single crystals of the
'-hardened commercial nickel-base superalloy NIMONIC 105 has been measured as a function of temperature T and orientation [hkl] of the compression axis. The same measurements have been carried out for the two constituent phases of NIMONIC 105: for the single-phase
matrix and for the single-phase L12- long-range ordered
' phase. The value of T ranged from 283 to 1150 K, and the following orientations were studied: [001], [011], [
], and [
]. The specimens were compression tested. The
0 values of NIMONIC 105 and of the
' phase are anisotropic; the anisotropy of NIMONIC 105 is similar to that of the
' phase, but less pronounced. The
0 of the
phase is isotropic. The
0 values of the
and of the
' phase vary with T, whereas the
0 of NIMONIC 105 is nearly independent of T for 400 K
1000 K. A model is presented that relates the function
0 ([h, k, l], T) of NIMONIC 105 to the analogous functions of its constituent
' phase.
Deformation Structure and Subsurface Fatigue Crack Generation in Austenitic Steels at Low Temperature
In order to progress in the understanding of fatigue crack generation for high-strength alloys, the subsurface fatigue crack initiation sites were characterized and the deformation structure was investigated for the solution-treated 24Cr-15Ni-4Mn-0.3N and 32Mn-7Cr-0.1N austenitic steels. High- cycle fatigue tests of those steels were carried out at 4, 77, and 293 K. Subsurface crack initiation was detected in the lower-peak stress and/or in the longer-life range at the three temperatures. The subsurface crack initiation sites were intergranularly formed. The localized deformation and/or strain concentration by dislocation arrays of the (111)-<110> system assisted intergranular cracking due to incompatibility at grain boundaries. Dislocation movements were restricted to their slip planes. Even at the lower stress level, dislocations had generated in more than one slip system and piled up to a grain boundary. The peak cyclic stress was lowered with the increasing size of the subsurface crack initiation site. The dependence of the subsurface crack size on the peak cyclic stress was discussed.
Communication: Effect of Temperature on Silicon Particle Damage in A356 Alloy
Observations of the Columnar-to-Equiaxed Transition in Stainless Steels
Observations are reported for the columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) in stainless steel bars which have been solidified slowly and progressively in a horizontal configuration. For ferritic, austenitic, and ferritic/austenitic stainless steels containing more than 0.085 wt pct carbon, CETs occur at about the same distance from the start of solidification at a given growth rate. With increasing growth rates, the transition occurs closer to the start of solidification. At low carbon levels, near 0.02 wt pct carbon, the ferritic/austenitic steel is entirely columnar, in most cases. Adding nickel to the ferritic/austenitic steel, which makes the leading phase austenitic, produces a CET with small equiaxed grains. This suggests that different particles which are effective with austenitic growth become operative as nucleants. The transition from a columnar to an equiaxed structure occurs abruptly across the diameter of the sample. There is extensive fluid flow in the bulk melt, which produces shallow temperature gradients in the melt prior to the onset of solidification. The bulk melt flow does not appear to interact significantly with the melt in the interdendritic region or the melt immediately ahead of this region. The width of the solid/liquid region in the present experiments is observed to be between 10 and 20 mm, depending on the growth velocity and the distance from the start of solidification.
Al-TiC Composites In Situ-Processed by Ingot Metallurgy and Rapid Solidification Technology: Part I. Microstructural Evolution
The present work was undertaken to highlight a novel in situ process in which traditional ingot metallurgy plus rapid solidification techniques were used to produce Al-TiC composites with refined microstructures and enhanced dispersion hardening of the reinforcing phases. Microstructures of the experimental materials were comprehensively characterized by optical microscopy, electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the in situ-synthesized TiC particles possess a face-centered cubic crystal structure with an atomic composition of TiC0.8 and a lattice parameter of 0.431 nm. The typical ingot metallurgy microstructures exhibit aggregates of TiC particles segregated generally at the -Al subgrain or grain boundaries and consisting of fine particles of 0.2 to 1.0 µm in size. The rapidly solidified microstructures formed under certain thermal history conditions contained a uniform, fine-scale dispersion of TiC phase particles with a size range of 40 to 80 nm in an
-Al supersaturated matrix of 0.30 to 0.85 µm in grain size. These dispersed TiC particles generally have a semicoherent relationship with the
-Al matrix. Based on the experimental results, a comprehensive kinetic mechanism of in situ TiC synthesis, which includes a solid-liquid interface reaction between the carbon particles and the Al melt and multiple nucleation and growth of TiC from the Al melt, was proposed. Then, the evolution of the aggregated TiC particles in a superheated melt before rapid solidification, i.e., dissolution, nucleation, and growth of the regenerated TiC dispersed particles, was analyzed. Furthermore, the behavior of rapid solidification kinetics, the nucleation of
-Al on TiC-dispersed particles, and the interaction between TiC particles and the solidification front were documented experimentally and theoretically. These studies provided the theoretical criteria and an experimental basis for the optimum design of this kind of composite.
Al-TiC Composites In Situ-Processed by Ingot Metallurgy and Rapid Solidification Technology: Part II. Mechanical Behavior
In Part II of this article, the high-strength Al-Si/TiC composite and the elevated-temperature-resistant Al-Fe(-V-Si)/TiC composite, developed on the basis of the in situ Al-TiC composites, (Part I of the article), have been evaluated for their room- and elevated-temperature mechanical behavior. The microstructural characteristics of ingot metallurgy (IM) or rapid solidification (RS) Al-Si/TiC and Al-Fe(-V-Si)/TiC composites could be thought of as a combination of the related alloy matrix microstructures and the IM or RS Al/TiC composites. The IM Al/TiC and the Al-Si/TiC composites show superior strength and ductility to the relevant aluminum-based composites. The RS Al/TiC and the Al-Fe-V-Si/TiC exhibit high Young's moduli and substantial improvements in room- and elevated-temperature tensile properties compared to those of rapidly solidified alloys and conventional composites. The Young's modulus values of RS Al/TiC and Al-Fe-V-Si/TiC composites are well within Hashin-Shtrikman (H-S) limits, in keeping with the strong interfacial bonding. In the micromechanics approach, the principal strengthening mechanisms for the present dispersed, particle-hardened RS in situ Al-TiC composites would include Orowan strengthening, grain-size and substructure strengthening, and solid-solution strengthening.
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