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Volume 26A, No. 5, May 1995 This Month Featuring: The 1994 Distinguished Lecture in Materials and Society; Alloy Phases; Transformations; Transport Phenomena; Mechanical Behavior; Environment; Welding and Joining; Surface Treatment. View May 1995 Abstracts.
Phase Stability and Microstructure of Al-Ti-Fe near Al3Ti [pp. 1029-1033]
T.Y. Yang and Edward Goo
Homogeneous Formation of Epsilon Carbides within the Austenite during the Isothermal Transformation of a Ductile Iron at 410°C [pp. 1045-1060]
I. Gutierrez, J. Aranzabal, F. Castro, and J.J. Urcola
Two-Dimensional Grain Growth in Rapidly Solidified Succinonitrile Films [pp. 1061-1066]
M. Palmer, K. Rajan, M. Glicksman, V. Fradkov, and J. Nordberg
Communication: Amorphization Promoted by Mechanical Alloying of Aluminum-Rich Al-Ti-Fe Mixed Powders [pp. 1305-1307]
Shigeoki Saji, Yutaka Neishi, Hideki Araki, Yoritoshi Minamino, and Toshimi Yamane
Cracking of Duplex Stainless Steel Due to Dissolved Hydrogen [pp. 1079-1085]
J.-H. Huang and C.J. Altstetter
Powder Metallurgy by Bidimensional Compression [pp. 1087-1091]
S.M. Joslin and K.H.G. Ashbee
Transformation Strengthening by Thermomechanical Treatments in C-Mn-Ni-Nb Steels [pp. 1093-1100]
Sunghak Lee, Dongil Kwon, Young Kook Lee, and Ohjoon Kwon
Study on the Relationship between Intermediate-Temperature Embrittlement and Triaxial Stress Induced by the Ellipsoidal Graphite in Hot-Rolled Ferritic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron [pp. 1101-1106]
Y.F. Lin, T.S. Lui, and L.H. Chen
Deformation of Two C36 Laves Phases by Microhardness Indentation at Room Temperature [pp. 1107-1110]
Yaping Liu, Samuel M. Allen, and James D. Livingston
High-Temperature Low-Cycle Fatigue and Lifetime Prediction of Ti-24Al-11Nb Alloy [pp. 1113-1121]
G. Malakondaiah and T. Nicholas
Crack Detection by Resonant Frequency Measurements [pp. 1123-1127]
Shaun M. McGuire, Morris E. Fine, and Jan D. Achenbach
Fiber Fracture during Processing of Continuous Fiber, Metal-Matrix Composites Using the Foil/Fiber/Foil Technique [pp. 1129-1139]
P.D. Nicolaou, H.R. Piehler, and S.L. Semiatin
Fracture Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-5Al-2.5Fe with Refined Microstructure Using Hydrogen [pp. 1141-1151]
M. Niinomi, B. Gong, T. Kobayashi, Y. Ohyabu, and O. Toriyama
Characterization and Analysis of Low-Temperature Superplasticity in 8090 Al-Li Alloys [pp. 1153-1166]
H.P. Pu, F.C. Liu, and J.C. Huang
Thermal Fatigue of a SiC/Ti-15Mo-2.7Nb-3Al-0.2Si Composite [pp. 1167-1181]
W.C. Revelos, J.W. Jones, and E.J. Dolley
Effect of Cooling Rate after Hot Rolling and of Multistage Strain Aging on the Drawability of Low-Carbon-Steel Wire Rod [pp. 1183-1193]
A. Karimi Taheri, T.M. Maccagno, and J.J. Jonas
Effects of Be and Fe Additions on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A357.0 Alloys [pp. 1195-1205]
Yen-Hung Tan, Sheng-Long Lee, and Yu-Lom Lin
A Comparative Evaluation of Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Type 316LN Base Metal, 316 Weld Metal, and 316LN/316 Weld Joint [pp. 1207-1219]
M. Valsan, D. Sundararaman, K. Bhanu Sankara Rao, and S.L. Mannan
Classification of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior [pp. 1221-1234]
A.K. Vasudévan and K. Sadananda
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Spray-Deposited Al-17Si-4.5Cu-0.6Mg Wrought Alloy [pp. 1235-1247]
Yue Wu, William A. Cassada, and Enrique J. Lavernia
Stable Nonlinear Relaxations in Multiphase Al-Zn Alloy [pp. 1249-1255]
Xianfang Zhu and Lide Zhang
Communication: Discussion of "Interstitial Precipitation in Fe-Cr-Al Alloys" [pp. 1311-1312]
Igor S. Golovin
Communication: Authors' Reply [p. 1313]
W.S. Spear and D.H. Polonis
Communication: SCC Path in Forged AerMet 100 Steel [pp. 1313-1316]
E.U. Lee
The Relaxation of Residual Stresses with Postweld Heat Treatment in a High-Performance Weld Measured with Neutron Diffraction [pp. 1287-1295]
R.A. Winholtz and A.D. Krawitz
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