Featured Overview
Needed: Materials for 24th Century StarshipsConsidering the Materials
Demands of the Star Trek Universe
André Bormanis
In the 24th century, immense starships will travel the Milky Way galaxy in
search of strange new worlds. The ships will be designed and built to tolerate
enormous stresses and extreme environments; they will travel at extraordinary
velocities through warped space while functioning as self-contained ecosystems
supporting hundreds of crew members.
This is the future universe envisioned by the four Star Trek series that have
aired on television since the mid-1960s. As science consultant to the current
seriesStar Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
and producers to create plausible representations and descriptions of future
sciences that will make the Milky Way galaxy as navigable as the oceans of Earth
are today.
Star Trek has depicted a wide array of interstellar hardwarestarships,
warpdrives, transporters, etc.that provide our heroes with the means to
travel among the stars in search of adventure and new knowledge. In a one-hour
television show, however, we simply do not have the time to let our characters
delve into the working details of these technologies. In this article, I share
a few of my thoughts on some questions raised by the presumed future existence
of these technologies. Specifically,
- What kinds of materials science problems does this fictional universe pose?
- Are there materials that currently exist, or that we can imagine, that might
solve these problems?
- What is the probability that those materials might be available in
the foreseeable future?
I will provide examples of present-day and imaginary Star Trek materials to explore
these questions.
Today, scientists and engineers are developing new materials for the next generation
of reusable launch vehicles under the auspices of NASA's
X-33 and X-34 programs. A fully reusable, single-stage-to-orbit
(SSTO) launch vehicle will require lightweight materials for structural elements
as well as a robust thermal protection system for re-entry. Aluminum-lithium composites
and various ceramics are being investigated as possible solutions to the various
problems inherent in creating a reusable SSTO
1. Starship hull layers: According to the Star Trek: The Next Generation
Technical Manual, "The exterior shell is composed of interlaced microfoam
furanium filaments. These filanents are gamma-welded into a series of contiguous
composite segments that are 4.7 cm thick and are typically two meters in
width. The substrate segments are electron bonded to three reinforcing layers
of 1.2 cm biaxially stressed tritanium fabric, which provide additional
torsion strength. In areas immediately adjacent to major structural members,
four layers of 2.3 cm fabric are used. The substrate layer is attached to
the major structural members by electron-bonded duranium fasteners at 2.5
cm intervals. . . . Thermal insulation and secondary SIF [structural integrity
field] conductivity are provided by two 3.76 cm layers of low-density expanded
ceramic-polymer composites. These layers are separated by an 8.7 cm multiaxis
tritanium truss framework, which provides additional thermal insulation
and a pass-through for fixed utility conduits. Radiation attenuation is
provided by a 4.2 cm layer of monocrystal beryllium silicate infused with
semiferrous polycarbonate whiskers. . . . The outermost hull layer is composed
of a 1.6 cm sheet of AGP ablative ceramic fabric chemically bonded onto
a substrate of 0.15 cm tritanium foil. . . . Also incorporated into the
outermost hull layer is a series of superconducting molybdenum-jacketed
waveguide conduits which serve to distribute and disperse the energy of
the tactical deflector system.1 |
The problems of engineering a hull for an Enterprise-like starship are
in some respects similar, but a thousand times more difficult. The hull of the
Enterprise (Figure 1) must be able to withstand extraordinary mechanical
stresses over many years of operation. For example, it must be able to withstand
thousands of "g"s when it accelerates to warp. It must maintain its configuration
as well as its tensile strength through repeated temperature cycles that range
from absolute zero to thousands of degrees Kelvin. And it must be able to hold
up with nary a crack for at least the duration of a nominal five-year mission.
In the original Star Trek (i.e., the series featuring William Shatner and
Leonard Nimoy), the term "tritanium" was coined to describe the principal material
used in the construction of the hull of the Enterprise. Contemporary alloys
and composites are not up to this task. Can we imagine a material that might be?
Probably the most promising class of materials available today are metal-matrix
composites. Here, fibers or whiskers of a material such as silicon carbide are
embedded in matrices of aluminum and magnesium alloys. The fibers increase the
strength and high-temperature stability of the alloys. Metal-matrix composite
materials are currently used in missile guidance systems and other applications.
The hardest substance known to materials science is, of course, diamond. It
seems likely that someday soon diamond fibers will be synthesized and embedded
in metal matrices. Perhaps Star Trek's tritanium could be created by embedding
diamond fibers in a titanium-alloy matrix. Such a composite would almost certainly
have exceptionally robust mechanical and thermal properties; conceivably, it
might even meet the demands of 24th century spacecraft designers. (Just to be
safe, the Enterprise and other starships feature a "structural integrity
field" to maintain the hull's rigidity under extreme stress. An inertial damping
field protects the crew against the extreme accelerations required to reach
warp speeds.)
Viewers of the Star Trek television series and motion pictures frequently wonder
how the warp drive works. Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda, senior illustrator
and scenic art supervisor, respectively, for the current Star Trek series (Voyager
and Deep Space Nine) have developed a novel answer to this question using
exotic materials.
*As measured by an observer on Earth, the relativistic
effect called time dilation would lead to a different reckoning of travel
time by the crew of the starship, but this introduces another set of problems
that the creator of Star Trek, Gene
Roddenberry, wanted to avoid. |
+As Figures 2-4 suggest, a more
detailed description of warp drive and other Star Trek technologies can
be found in Sternbach and Okuda's Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical
Manual, published by Pocket Books. |
In his special theory of relativity, Albert
Einstein demonstrated that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light
in a vacuum. The nearest star beyond our solar system, Alpha Centauri, is four-and-a-half
light years away. Hence, a journey to Alpha Centauri would require a minimum of
four and a half years.* Clearly, a television series about a starship that visits
a new star system every week needs a propulsion system that allows it to exceed
the cosmic speed limit. The idea of using "warped" space as a loophole to circumvent
the laws of special relativity has been a science fiction staple for decades,
and physicists acknowledge that space warps could provide short cuts between the
stars. But how does one create the space warp? According to the general theory
of relativity, the presence of matter is the only thing that warps space. An enormous
amount of very dense matteras is found in a black
hole, for examplewarps space to an extreme degree. Black
holes may also be connected to other points in space though wormholes, short
cuts through the curved space-time fabric of the universe.
In the Star Trek universe, starships, in effect, create their own wormholes.In
order to provide a consistent logic and nomenclature for the operation ofthe
warp drive (the malfunction and subsequent repair of which has figured prominently
in many Star Trek episodes!), Sternbach and Okuda have developed the following
scenario. A high-energy plasma, created by a matter-antimatter reaction, is
pumped through a series of warp coils cast from a material called "verterium
cortenide." Electromagnetic interactions between waves of super-hot plasma and
the verterium cortenide coils change the geometry of space surrounding the engine
nacelles. In the process, a multilayered wave of warped space is born, and the
starship cruises off to its next destination at hundreds of times the speed
of light relative to normal space. Within the warp field, however, the starship
does not exceed the local speed of light and, therefore, does not violate the
principal tenet of special relativity.+ Some of the starship components used
in the process are depicted in Figures 2-4.
Figure 2.The matter/antimatter reaction assembly. The reaction
chamber is constructed of 12 layers of hafnium 6 excellon-infused carbonitrium,
which have been phase-transition welded at 31 MPa. The three outer layers are
armored coated with acrossenite arkenide.
2 |
Figure 3. A detail of the matter/antimatter injectors shown in
Figure 2.3 |
Figure 4. A typical warp field coil segment.
The densified W-Co-Mg core is embedded with a casting of electrically densified
verterium cortenide. A complete pair measures 21 m x 43 m and weight nearly
35 kt. A starship such as the Enterprise is outfitted with two complete
sets of 19 coils each.4 |
Verterium cortenide is clearly a magical kind of material. By design, it has the
property that when a high-energy plasma circulates through appropriately fashioned
verterium cortenide castings, a warp field is generated. It is impossible to say
whether or not such a material could ever be fashioned. However, theoretical physicists
are busily working on a "theory of everything," a single mathematical formulation
that unifies all four fundamental forces in nature: gravitation, electromagnetism,
and the strong and weak nuclear forces. The last three forces have already been
combined into a single unified theory. Gravity is the only holdout, but physicists
are confident that someday gravity will be integrated into a grand unified theory.
If this happensthat is, if it is someday shown that gravity is simply
one manifestation of a single general forceit may then be possible to
manipulate gravitational forces through the application of electromagnetic forces,
which we know how to generate and control precisely. This could give us the
capability to control the geometry of space with electromagnetic forces. In
the Star Trek universe, we assume that the unification of the forces of nature
has been achieved, and the verterium cortenide warp coils are the medium through
which electromagnetic forces are used to alter the geometry of space.
The many technologies necessary to drive starships across the Milky Way are almost
surely a number of generations in the future. But some of the enabling technologies
may already be on the horizon. For example,
- Metal-matrix composites are currently in increasingly large-scale production.
The strength and durability of metal-matrix and other composites increases
every year.
- The rapid rate of growth in computer performance promises
corresponding improvements in our understanding of solid-state physics. This, in
turn, will someday provide materials scientists with the ability to design new
materials at the molecular level for specific performance parameters.
- Scanning tunneling microscopes and other devices are providing engineers with
the ability to build materials atom by atom.
- Theoretical physicists are closing in on a theory of everything, which
may pave the way for manipulating space-time through the application
of electromagnetic forces.
It is, of course, difficult to predict if and when any of these promising
new theories, materials, and techniques will bear fruit in the form of a
working starship. But, given the rapid pace of growth in physics and materials
science in this century, it seems reasonable to assume that significant progress
will be made in all of the areas cited above by the end of the next century.
The power of human ingenuity in solving technical problems has been
demonstrated again and again. Jules Verne once said, "What one person can
another can create." It seems to me that we are witnessing the beginnings of
a tremendous revolution in materials science. For this reason, I am very
that by the 24th century some form of piloted interstellar spacecraft will be a
1. Richard Sternbach and Michael Okuda, Star Trek: The Next
Generation Technical Manual (New York: Pocket Books, 1991), pp. 22-23.
2. In Ref. 1, p. 59.
3. In Ref. 1, p. 60.
4. In Ref. 1, p. 65.
About the Author
André Bormanis
is science consultant to the television series Star
Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Copyright held by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1996
Direct questions about this or any other JOM page to jom@tms.org.