

NOTE: The deadline for submitting this survey has passed.

Here's What to Do

Please take a few moments to complete this survey on JOM. Please answer only those questions for which you have an opinion. When complete, please press the "Submit" button at the end of the form. As an alternative (if, for example, your browser does not support forms), you may print and mail or fax a copy of the completed form to JOM, 184 Thorn Hill Road, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15086; fax (724) 776-3770. The survey also appears in the May 1996 issue of the journal. Regardless of the response mechanism that you choose, please complete and submit this survey only once.

Your comments will be used in considering refinements to the journal as well as in planning future editorial directions. The results will be presented in an upcoming issue (probably January or February).

The Questions

How do you rate the overall quality of JOM?
Compared to other periodicals on minerals, metals, and materials that you regularly read, do you find JOM to be
In terms of periodicals on minerals, metals, and materials that you regularly read, please identify the one that you believe to be the best:
Is JOM's coverage of your specific field . . .
How do you rate the overall quality of the following aspects of JOM?
Based on your reading interests, is JOM's coverage of . . .
With regard to JOM's World Wide Web site, how do you rate its overall quality?
If the quality and page count of the printed version of JOM were to be maintained at current levels, would you favor seeing the journal expanding electronically with a supplemental collection of papers that would be available only through the World Wide Web and be accessible only to subscribers?
What is your membership status with The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society?
If you are a member, with which division of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society are you affiliated?
Who is your primary employer?
Where do you work?

NOTE: The deadline for submitting this survey has passed.

Thank You for Participating!

Direct questions about this or any other JOM page to jom@tms.org.

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