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MAP An Article from the January 2002 JOM-e: A Web-Only Supplement to JOM |
authors of this article are with the
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Exploring traditional, innovative, and revolutionary issues in the minerals,
metals, and materials fields.
The quality of steel produced from continuous casting is greatly affected
by fluid flow phenomena in the mold region of the process. Continuous casting
is used for most of the 635 million tonnes of steel produced in the world each
year, including more than 96% of steel produced in the United States.1
Even small improvements to this established process have a large impact, so
it is an ideal candidate for optimization using advanced simulation.
Some of the flow phenomena involved in slab casting are illustrated in Figure
1. Flow enters the mold through a submerged entry nozzle, which is partly
constricted by a slide gate, or stopper rod that is used to control the flow
rate. The complex geometry of the nozzle ports can direct the steel jets into
the mold cavity at a variety of angles, turbulence levels, and swirl components.
Inside the mold cavity, the flow circulates within the liquid pool contained
within the curved sides of the walls of the solidifying dendrites. The steel
jets traverse the liquid pool to impinge against the narrow faces, where their
superheat may cause shell-thinning breakouts.2
The flow pattern is controlled by the forces of momentum, and possibly also
by electromagnetics, or the buoyancy from introduced gas bubbles.
The molten steel from the tundish carries harmful solid inclusions like alumina.
Argon gas may be injected into the nozzle to help prevent it from clogging with
alumina deposits. The inclusions and gas bubbles may be transported to the top
slab to be safely removed in the slag, or may be carried deep into the caster
to form internal defects, such as slivers and blisters.3
If the steel-flow velocity across the top surface is too great, it may shear
off some of the liquid-slag layer to form another source of harmful inclusions,
if they become entrapped.4,5
Excessive surface flow also causes transient fluctuations and waves in the top
surface level,6 which
create most surface defects at the meniscus by disrupting solidification and
confusing the level control system.
If the surface flow is too slow and cold, on the other hand, the meniscus may
solidify to form hooks or deep oscillation marks, and insufficiently mix the
liquid slag layer. Surface quality depends on a consistent balance within the
meniscus region between fluid flow, heat transfer, thermodynamics, and mechanical
interactions between the solidifying steel, solid slag rim, infiltrating molten
slag, liquid steel, powder layers, inclusion particles, and gas bubbles. Moreover,
some of the most serious quality problems occur during transients in the process,
such as ladle changes and drops in meniscus level. Plant observations have found
that defects are intermittent,7
suggesting that they are related to transient flow structures.
Turbulent flow in the mold has been studied using plant measurements, water models, and mathematical models. Experimental measurements on operating continuous-casting machines provide direct insights into the flow near the surface.8-10 However, they can be difficult, dangerous, expensive, and limited in accuracy. Because of the nearly equal kinematic viscosities of liquid steel and water, flow in the steel caster mold region has been studied extensively using water models, which are easier to operate and visualize.4,8,11-16 To quantify the velocities, particle image velocimetry (PIV)17,18 has been recently applied to measure velocity fields in sections through water models of the continuous casting mold.8,15,16 Many advanced flow computations have been applied to the continuous casting of steel, as recently reviewed.19 Most employ time-averaged turbulence models, such as K-e , to tackle this difficult three-dimensional problem. Recently, however, transient simulations using large eddy simulation (LES) are revealing further insights. The example animation in this section compares results from both of these powerful state-of-the-art tools: PIV and LES.
Table I. Simulation and Experimental
Slide-gate orientation |
Slide-gate opening, linear fraction |
SEN bore diameter |
32 mm
SEN submergence depth |
77 ± 3 mm
Port height ´ width |
32 mm ´
31 mm
Port thickness |
11 mm
Port angle, lower edge |
15° down
Port angle, upper edge |
40° down
Bottom well recess depth |
4.8 mm
Water model height |
950 mm
Water model width |
735 mm
Water model thickness |
80 mm ± 15 mm
Inlet volumetric flow rate through each port |
3.53 ´
10-4 m3/s
Averaged inlet jet angle at port |
Liquid density |
1,000 kg/m3
Liquid material viscosity |
0.001 Pa-s
Gas injection |
Measurements and modeling were conducted on a 0.4-scale closed-bottom water
model at LTV Steel8
for the conditions given in Table I and Figure
2. Figure 39
shows the time-averaged flow patterns in this typical slab-casting mold with
single-phase flow issuing from a bifurcated nozzle. This figure compares time-averaged
velocity vector results at the centerplane between the wide faces from LES and
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Figure 2. A schematic of the 0.4-scale water model. |
Figure 3. A time average velocity vector plot of (a) LES simulation and (b) PIV measurement. |
Large Eddy Simulation
The first LES simulation was achieved by computational brute force: solving
the three-dimensional Navier Stokes equations on a fine (128 ´
184 ´ 64) grid of 1.5 million nodes with time
steps of 0.0001 sec. The simulation was performed with an in-house code, LES3-D,
which uses the Harlow-Welch fractional step discretization on a staggered grid.
The second-order central differencing is used for the convection terms and the
Crank-Nicolson scheme is used for the diffusion terms. The Adams-Bashforth scheme
is employed to discretize in time with second-order accuracy. The implicit diffusion
terms are solved using alternate line inversion. The pressure Poisson equation
is solved using a direct Fast Fourier Transform solver. No subgrid scale model
was used, so this computation might be termed a course-grid direct numerical
simulation (DNS). Even with efficient parallel solution methods, described elsewhere,20
and assuming two-fold symmetry, the simulations are quite slow and take 18 central
processing units (CPUs) per time step or 13 days (total CPU time) on an Origin
2000 for each 30 sec. The second LES simulation was performed using FLUENT
and included a nozzle simulation for its inlet conditions. It employed a coarser
grid (225,000 nodes), which required the Smagorinski sub-grid scale model for
turbulence. The simulation used an implicit solver (0.01 sec time steps) but
was slower, requiring 60 days of computation for a 30 sec simulation.
Particle Image Velocimetry
The PIV measurements are obtained by illuminating tiny tracer particles in a
planar section through the flow with two consecutive pulses of laser light.
Knowing the time interval between pulses (1.5 ´
10-3 sec) and the distances moved by the tracer
particles (from image processing), a complete instantaneous velocity field is
obtained. This procedure is usually repeated every 0.2 sec and the results from
at least 50 such exposures are averaged to obtain the time-averaged velocity
field. Further details are given elsewhere.8,21
Both the model and measurement reveal the classic pair of simple recirculation
zones in each half of the mold, as compared in Figure
3. In addition to this qualitative comparison, further comparisons of the
time-averaged flow profile exiting the nozzle,9
the axial-velocity profile along the jet traversing the mold to impinge on the
narrow face,10 and the
velocities across the top surface toward the SEN10
reveal quantitative agreement as well. Traditional K-e
models produce similar agreement for the time-average flow pattern.10
Animation 1 reveals that this flow
pattern is actually much more complex than would appear from its time-average.
In the animation frames, only some of the LES velocity vectors are plotted to
make the plot resolutions comparable to the PIV measurements). Note that spurious
large vectors occasionally arise in the PIV measurements, when the digital system
matches together the wrong individual tracer-particle images in calculating
a local velocity. These errors occur in regions near the nozzle where the velocities
are greatest. They could have been removed by signal filtering, but this might
have contributed other bias errors. In addition to the qualitative agreement
shown in the brief time intervals compared, the RMS velocity fluctuations computed
with LES and measured with PIV also agree very well.20
The recirculation regions actually contain flow structures that vary greatly
with time. The jet issuing from the nozzle has a "staircase" appearance,
as it swirls in and out of the centerplane. This oscillation of the jet is revealed
more clearly in Animation 2. This
animation is simply a close-up obtained with PIV nearer to the nozzle.
The jet-oscillation effect is missing in the first LES simulation shown, owing
to the neglect of the swirl component (secondary flow velocities) at the inlet.
A different LES simulation, Animation
3, which included the inlet swirl, was able to capture this phenomenon.20,22
This reveals the importance of the inlet swirl conditions exiting the nozzle.
The staircase structure is significant because it causes more upward bending
of the jet, as the extra entrainment makes it lose its momentum faster. This,
in turn, leads to higher top-surface velocity. Lack of turbulence in the inlet
leads to a "straight" jet, and, thereby, lower top-surface velocity.
Top-surface velocity is very important to the entrainment of flux and internal
Animation 1. Instantaneous velocity vectors in the mold from (a-left) LES simulation, and (b-right) PIV measurement. |
Animation 2. PIV measurements near nozzle. |
Animation 3. A LES simulation of flow near the nozzle, which includes inlet conditions from a simulation of flow in the nozzle. |
The upper and lower roll structures each evolve chaotically between a single
large recirculation structure and a complex set of evolving smaller structures
and vortices. Note, in particular, that along the top surface, fast and slow
moving flow structures alternate chaotically, sometimes producing time periods
with velocity much greater than the mean. This could be significant for slag
entrapment. Note in the lower recirculation zone (Animation
1), that a "short circuit" flow appears in both the calculation
and the measurement. The computed time scale for this short-circuit vortex to
form, evolve, and decay has the same order as the PIV measurements (7-10 sec).
This structure could be significant for particle motion and entrapment in the
lower recirculation zone.
Understanding the flow pattern is important, but further computations of associated phenomena such as inclusion particle motion and entrapment are more practical. Inclusions exiting the submerged nozzle may either float to the top surface and become entrained harmlessly into the slag layer or may be trapped in the solidifying front, leading to defects such as internal cracks and slivers in the final rolled product. Determining where these inclusions will finally end up is, thus, quite important. Animation 4 shows the trajectories of 15,000 inclusion particles over 100 sec in a full-scale water model, computed for the conditions in Table II.
Table II. Full-Scale Water Model &
Particle Simulations.
Nozzle port size /Inlet port size (x × y) (m) |
0.051 × 0.056
Submergence depth (m) |
Nozzle angle |
Inlet jet angle |
Mold /Domain height (m) |
Mold /Domain width (m) |
Mold /Domain width (m) |
Average inlet flow rate (m3/s) |
Average inlet speed (m/s) |
Fluid density (kg/m3) |
Casting speed (m/s) |
Fluid kinematic viscosity (m2/s) |
1.0 × 10-6
Particle inclusion size (mm) |
2 - 3 (3.8 model)
Particle inclusion density (kg/m3) |
Corresponding alumina inclusion diameter in steel caster (mm) |
The simulated particles were injected at the inlet over a 1.6 sec time interval
after the turbulent flow had reached a stationary state. Lagrangian particle
trajectories were calculated using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method at each
time step, assuming a vertical buoyancy force according to the density difference
and a drag force for particle Reynolds numbers up to 800.23
The short line near the top surface is a computational "screen," which
has no effect on either the flow or trajectories, other than to record particle
Figure 4 shows four frames of the particle
trajectories from Animation 4.
Initially, the particles move with the jet after injection and start to impact
the narrow face at about 1.6 sec. Next, they split into two groups and enter
either the upper or lower recirculation rolls (10 sec). Due, in part, to their
buoyancy, many of the particles in the upper roll move to the top surface and
are quickly and safely removed. Other particles circulate for a significant
time (100 sec or more) before reaching the top surface to be removed. Finally,
a few particles flow out of the mold bottom with the outflow and would be trapped
at a deeper position, which would lead to defects in the real steel strand.
Animation 4. A 100 second animation of the trajectories of 15,000 inclusion particles in a full-scale, water model. |
Figure 4. Four frames from Animation 4, showing the distribution of 15,000 particles at four time intervals. |
Figure 5. Four typical particle trajectory computations. |
Figure 5 shows the computed trajectories
of four typical particles for 100 sec, or until they contact the top surface
(top left) or exit the domain (top right). The other two particles (lower frames)
are still moving. The irregular trajectories show evidence of chaotic motion
and illustrate the significant effect of the turbulent flow structures on particle
transport, looking in both the wide-face and narrow-face directions.
The simulation conditions were chosen to match full-scale water model experiments
conducted at AK Steel
using plastic beads chosen to approximate the behavior of 300 micrometer alumina
inclusions in molten steel.24
The flow field was measured with a hot-wire anemometer, which reasonably matches
the model predictions as discussed elsewhere.25,26
Particles reaching the top surface were trapped by a screen, removed, and weighed
after 10 sec and 100 sec.
Figure 6. Particle removal to the top surface in a full-scale water model: (a) particles removed to top surface (simulated); (b) particles removed to top surface; (c) particle removal rate to top surface; (d) particle removal rate to top surface; (e) particles removed by screen (LES); and (f) particles removed by screen (experiment). |
Next, the computed particle fractions removed by the screen are compared with
the measurements (symbols in Figure 6).
Removal is assumed when a particle touches either the top surface or the screen
from above. The removal fraction of individual groups of 500 particles differed
by a factor of over 1.5, due to the sensitivity of the particle trajectories
to transient variations in the flow field. However, the average of 15,000 particles
match the measurements reasonably well. The trajectory computations were also
processed to compute the particle-removal rate and removal fraction to the top
surface (lines) in Figure 6. The total
removal rate appears to be very large (nearly 80%) in this simulation where
the walls do not trap particles.
These results indicate that a large number of particles are required to study
their transport (at least 2,500 in this case), and that LES has the potential
to accurately predict particle trajectories and removal. Its main drawback is
slow computational speed, as this single simulation of 140 sec required 39 days
on a Pentium III 750 MHz PC for 175,000 time steps. Having simulated particle
motion in a water model, further work is needed to model the real steel caster,
where inclusion particles may also be entrapped by the solidifying shell (corresponding
to the sidewalls of the water model).
Fine-grid large-eddy simulation models can accurately capture both the time-averaged and transient features of the flow field in continuous casting and match reasonably well with the results of particle image velocimetry measurements. The animations obtained with these tools reveal important transient features of the flow. Top surface velocities can intermittently become much larger than their time-average values. The inlet conditions are shown to be very important, as swirl leads to a wobbling jet that affects the impingement point and top surface velocity. Complex vortex structures evolve and decay in both the upper and lower recirculation zones. Particle trajectories depend on the turbulent motion and can be simulated reasonably using LES, provided that a large-enough number of particles are simulated over a long-enough time interval in a large-enough domain on a fine-enough grid.
The authors wish to thank the National
Science Foundation (Grants #DMI-98-00274 and #DMI-01-15486) and the Continuous
Casting Consortium at University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for continued support of this research,
FLUENT for providing the
FLUENT code, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the
UIUC for computing time. Additional thanks are extended to former students H.
Bai, and T. Shi for related work on the project, and P. Dauby, M. Assar, and
technicians at LTV Steel
for use of the PIV system and help with the measurements.
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For more information, contact B.G. Thomas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 140 Mechanical Engineering Building, 1206 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-6919; fax (217) 244-6534; e-mail bgthomas@uiuc.edu.
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