Nagy El-Kaddah Award for Best Paper in MHD in Material Processing

This award was established to recognize the memory of Professor Nagy El-Kaddah for his contributions in the field of material processing. It recognizes an original contribution to the field of "MHD in Material Processing."

The primary author of the best paper will receive $500 with certificates going to each author. Additionally, the work published in proceedings publications may be revised and submitted to Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.

This award committee will consist of the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) Award Subcommittee along with help from the award creator, Thinium Natarajan.

For more information on this award, view the bylaws.


  1. Scientific manuscripts published in the field of material processing at conferences such as the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, AISTech, MS&T, EPM, and ECCC, in addition to journal manuscripts published in the current year will be considered. The eligibility date of nominated journal articles should be considered the online publication date of the individual article, not the publication date of the issue in which the article appears.
  2. Nominees may be TMS members or nonmembers involved in material processing.

How to Nominate

Submission Deadline:
April 1 of each year.

Please submit the following documents to complete the nomination process:

  1. Completed nomination form.
  2. Nominator's Supporting Statement: This statement is to be included within the principal nominator's cover letter of endorsement. The supporting statement should outline the qualifications of the nominee for the specific honor/award. The nominator's supporting letter should be no more than two pages.
  3. Photocopy or PDF of the nominated paper.

Send complete nomination packet to TMS Awards.

Current Year Awardee(s)

2024 Nagy El-Kaddah Award for Best Paper in MHD in Material Processing
Kenneth Coley
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2024 Nagy El-Kaddah Award for Best Paper in MHD in Material Processing
Andre Phillion
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2024 Nagy El-Kaddah Award for Best Paper in MHD in Material Processing
Angshuman Podder
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Past Years Awardees

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