15th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors
August 7-11, 2011 * Cheyenne Mountain Resort * Colorado Springs, Colorado
This is the fifteenth in the highly regarded series and promises to be another
highly stimulating forum, which offers insights into materials problems, new
methods, and innovative techniques from an international perspective. The conference will continue to focus on the degradation
of nickel base alloys, stainless steels, pressure vessel
& piping steels, zircaloys, and other alloys in water
environments relevant to reactor vessels and internals,
steam generators, fuel cladding, irradiated components,
fuel storage containers, and balance of plant components
& systems.
The conference will be of interest to utility engineers,
reactor vendor engineers, plant architect engineers,
and consultants involved in design, construction, and
operation of water reactors, as well as to researchers
concerned with the fundamental nature of materials
degradation in reactor systems, and regulators around
the world.
Scientists and engineers concerned with environmental
degradation processes (corrosion, mechanical, and
radiation effects) will exchange views and present
their latest results through a combination of invited and
contributed presentations.
This meeting promises to be a highly beneficial forum with
new insights into materials, methods, and techniques. View the Final Program for a complete schedule of technical sessions and topics which include:
- Primary- and secondary-side degradation of reactor components
- Irradiation effects on mechanical properties
- Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking
- Water chemistry issues and control
- General and localized corrosion, stress corrosion, corrosion fatigue.
- Remedial measures to prevent and mitigate problems
- Materials degradation in spent fuel and radioactive waste disposal
- Life management from the laboratory to the plant
- Balance of plant environmental degradation problems
- Corrosion associated with weldments.
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Co-Sponsors: |
General Chair: | Jeremy T. Busby
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Phone: 865-241-4622
Fax: 865-241-3650
Email: busbyjt@ornl.gov
Technical Program Chair: | Gabriel Ilevbare
Electric Power Research Institute
Palo Alto, California
Phone: 650-855-2047
gilevbare@epri.com |
Asst. Technical Program Chair: | Peter Andresen
General Electric
Schenectady, New York
Phone: 518-387-5929
Email: andresen@ge.com
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