As a sponsor of TMS2013, your company’s name and logo will be showcased in high visibility areas before a
global audience of thousands. Packages are available on the Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Friends of TMS level.
The benefits of each package are outlined below. Select a specific attendee event or amenity on the Sponsor Options Form (PDF) and market your
company as a supporter of TMS2013!
Other TMS Sponsorship contacts:
Phone: (724) 776-9000 ext. 231
E-mail: exhibits@tms.org
Choose from exclusive sponsorship of one of these attendee amenities:
- Attendee tote bags
- Wireless internet service
- TMS Honors & Awards Dinner
- President’s Welcoming Reception
Benefits include:
- Four full-conference registrations
- Full-page ad in the conference program
- Recognition in print, online, and at-meeting signage
- Pre- and post-conference registrant mailing list
Choose from exclusive sponsorship of one of these attendee amenities:
- Attendee lanyards
- Internet workstations or registration counters
- Happy Hour in the exhibition
- Division luncheons or coffee breaks
- Plenary session sponsorship
Benefits include:
- Three full-conference registrations
- Full-page ad in the conference program
- Recognition in print, online, and at-meeting signage
- Pre- and post-conference registrant mailing list
Choose from exclusive sponsorship of one of these attendee amenities:
- Women in Science Breakfast
- TMS Materials Bowl game show
- Attendee lunch vouchers
- Student networking mixer
- New Member/Young Leader reception
Benefits include:
- Two full-conference registrations
- Half-page ad in the conference program
- Recognition in print, online, and at-meeting signage
- Pre- and post-conference registrant mailing list
Benefits include:
- One full-conference registration
- Pre- and Post-conference registration lists
- Recognition in print, online, and at-meeting signage
Benefits include:
- Recognition in print, online, and at-meeting signage