Talk to the funders in this highly interactive session that will highlight funding opportunities related to the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI). Panelists will initially overview current MGI activities in their agencies and present a look to the future. Presentations will be brief allowing the majority of time for question and answers from the audience. Accommodations for one-to-one conversations with the funders will be incorporated into a networking reception afterwards. Reception sponsored by the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Program Organizers:
- Robert Shull, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Jud Ready, Georgia Institute of Technology
Session Chairs:
- Robert Shull, NIST
- Jud Ready, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Jud Ready, Georgia Institute of Technology
Presentations & Questions
4:00 – 5:15 p.m.
Reception Sponsored by the Georgia Institute of Technology
5:15 – 6:00 p.m.
4:00 – 4:10 p.m.- National Science Foundation: Looking for Transformative Approaches for the Materials Genome Initiative
Dr. Mary Galvin
Program Director
Division of Materials Research
National Science Foundation
4:10 – 4:20 p.m. - Office of Naval Research: Basic Research Challenge in Materials
Dr. Julie Christodoulou
Director, Naval Materials Division
Office of Naval Research
4:20 – 4:30 p.m. - DOE Office of Science: New Efforts on Computational Materials
Dr. Mark Pederson
Program Manager
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Department of Energy
4:30- 4:40 p.m. - Air Force Research Lab: Advancing Superalloys
Dr. Michael Caton
Senior Materials Research Engineer
Materials & Manufacturing Directorate
Air Force Research Laboratory
4:40 – 5:15 p.m. Speakers Will Answer Questions from the Audience
5:15 – 6:00 p.m. Reception Sponsored by the Georgia Institute of Technology
Continue your questions and conversations during this networking reception. Individual hospitality tables will be available for meeting and speaking with the panelists on a one-to-one basis.
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