Advances in Science-Based Processing of Superalloys for Cost and Sustainment
This symposium is focused on recent and emerging process technology advancements that will continue to increase superalloy component capabilities including mechanical design capability, quantification of uncertainty, component reliability, non-destructive inspection capability and cost. [Learn more]
Biological Materials Science
This symposium emphasizes the primacy of biological materials in the development of biomaterials and biomimetic materials. Biological materials comprise the inorganic and organic constituents of biological systems, whereas biomaterials are synthetic materials developed to replace, restore or augment biological materials. [Learn more]
Bridging Microstructure, Properties and Processing of Polymer Based Advanced Materials
This symposium will facilitate a broad discussion of significant challenges, current approaches and future strategies necessary to advance development of polymer-based advanced materials, which include biomaterials, energy materials, nanocomposites, high performance materials, high temperature materials and structural materials. [Learn more]
Coatings for Structural, Biological, and Electronic Applications II
This symposium will provide a forum to stimulate new ideas, present and discuss fundamental and applied science of smart coatings, identify critical problems, provide promising solutions, and assess possible roadmaps. [Learn more]
Commonality of Phenomena in Composite Materials II
This symposium will serve as an international forum for scientists, engineers, and technologists to discuss and exchange ideas on the state-of-the-art in metal, ceramic, polymer, nanocomposites, and biocomposites. [Learn more]
General Abstract Sessions: EMPMD
A wide range of Structural Materials Division presentations are planned. [Learn more]
Pb-Free Solders and Other Materials for Emerging Interconnect and Packaging Technologies
This symposium will address current research on microstructure-design, processing and properties of new and existing materials for emerging interconnect and packaging technologies, within the context of device/package performance and reliability. [Learn more]
Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy of Shape Memory Alloys for Actuator Applications
This symposium will provide a forum for experts to discuss Shape Memory Alloys issues with an emphasis on the relevant metallurgical properties of these alloys. The scope of the conference will include alloy development, processing, characterization, application of SMAs and theoretical models describing their behavior. [Learn more]
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Recent Developments in the Processing, Characterization, Properties and Performance of Metals This symposium will offer an opportunity for the discussion and the dissemination of knowledge on recent developments in processing, characterization, properties and performance of metal matrix composites (MMC). [Learn more]
Refractory Metals 2011 This symposium wil provide a venue to present recent advances in the processing, characterization, properties, joining, mechanical properties, environmental effects, oxidation, irradiation effects, and basic metallurgy of refractory metals and alloys based on refractory metals. [Learn more]
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Size Effects in Mechanical Behavior This symposium will feature presentations from both the experimental and modeling communities whose research addresses microstructural and geometric effects that drive size dependent deformation behavior. [Learn more]