Workshop Overview This workshop will focus on the development of a standard reference database for the self diffusion mobilities for the pure elements. Development of this diffusion reference database is critical for the efficient development of multi-component diffusion mobility databases, which are essential for the modeling microstructure evolution of many industrial applications.
The organizers are seeking input from all types of users of solid state diffusion data to ensure that the needs of the community are being meet when the developing a standard reference diffusion mobility database for the pure elements.
Workshop Topics
The following topics will be the focus of the workshop:
- Diffusion mobility databases using a CALPHAD method
- Reference diffusion mobilities for fcc-Al, fcc-Cu, fcc-Ni and fcc and bcc Fe.
- Measurement and calculations of Cr self-diffusion in bcc Cr
- Diffusion behavior in anomalous diffusers (beta-Zr, beta-Ti)
- Tracer diffusion experiments
- First-principles studies of diffusion
- Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
- Diffusion correlations
Date and Time:
Thursday, March 3, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Presenters Include:
 | John Ågren
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | |
Sergii Divinsky
Institute for Materials Physics, University of Münster, Germany |
Graeme E. Murch
The University of Newcastle, Australia | |
Nils Sandberg
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Anton van der Ven
University of Michigan, USA | |
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