Solar Cell Silicon: Production and Recycling
Lead Organizer: Anne Kvithyld, SINTEF
Session topics will feature recycling silicon from "off- cut" from the ingot, electronic components, trashed cells, and reclaiming values in the swarf, refining technologies of silicon based on settling, filtration and directional solidification, and new silicon feedstock technologies.
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Advanced Materials and Fuels Enabling Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor Systems Lead Organizer: Joseph Collin Farmer, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory This symposium will be a forum for research scientists and engineers from national laboratories, universities and industry to discuss unique materials challenges for hybrid reactor technology, including materials modeling, development, characterization and testing to chart a path for further development of new, high-temperature radiation-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials.
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Alternative Energy Resources for Metals & Materials Production Symposium Lead Organizer: Ann M. Hagni, Geoscience Consultant
New and developing technologies, as well as traditional methods will be explored. [Learn More]
Modeling of Multi-Scale Phenomena for Batteries
Lead Organizer: Adrian S. Sabau, Oak Ridge National Laboratory This symposium will provide a forum for the presentation of computational techniques and experimental studies for the modeling of multi-scale phenomena in batteries. [Learn More]
Mechanical Performance for Current and Next-Generation Nuclear Reactors Lead Organizer: Dylan Morris, NIST
This symposium will provide a forum for researchers engaged in experimental or theoretical investigations of the mechanical behavior of materials in nuclear reactors.
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Nuclear Energy: Processes & Policies
Lead Organizer: Brajendra Mishra, Colorado School of Mines This symposium will cover new ideas on component manufacturing and processing, as well as development and testing of materials for high dose reactor applications. [Learn More]
Energy Conservation in Metals
Lead Organizer: Cynthia K. Belt, Superior Industries International This symposium will present current and potential technology and methodology for the extractions of metals and processing materials.
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Materials in Clean Power Systems V: Clean Coal-, Hydrogen
Based-Technologies, Fuel Cells, and Materials for Energy Storage Lead Organizer: Xingbo Liu, West Virginia University
Sessions will cover an array of technologies, including various materials in fuel cell systems, clean coal technologies, carbon sequestration, membrane-based gas separation, biofuel production from different sources, etc., as well as efficient energy storage. [Learn More]
Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gas Reduction Metallurgy - 2010 Lead Organizer: Neale R. Neelameggham, US Magnesium LLC
This third symposium on CO2 reduction metallurgy will include reduction and other greenhouse gases and pave ways to accomplish this in a cost effective manner, utilizing all available energy sources including solar and stored energy in the form of wastes. [Learn More]
Carbon Management for Minerals, Metals, Materials and Manufacturing Industries
Lead Organizer: Subodh K. Das, Phinix LLC
This symposium explores the critical need to study and devise implementable technology-based strategies for the U.S. and global materials in light of pending EPA legislation. [Learn More]
"Sustainable" Materials Processing and Production
Lead Organizer: Christina Meskers, Umicore
This symposium will offer presentations on efforts to minimize the use of energy and resources in the production and processing of materials. [Learn More]
Recycling General Sessions
Lead Organizer: Joseph Pomykala, Argonne National Laboratory Sessions will cover innovative research work, advances in ongoing research, and general industrial practices from recycling of metals and materials.
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General Poster Sessions Visual presentations on electronic materials will be showcased.
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