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About the 1996 International Symposium on Extraction and Processing for the Treatment and Minimization of Wastes: Treatment of Wastes Containing Arsenic, Selenium and Mercury - II

October 27-30, 1996 · Phoenix, Arizona

Wednesday, AM
Room: Pueblo/Sonora
October 30, 1996

Session Chairs: R. Reddy, Dept. of Met. and Materials Engineering, University of Alabama, PO Box 870202, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0202; Co-Chair: Luis Pommier, ISO Inc., 8 Calle Espolon, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.

9:00 am

An Experimental Study of the Stability of Phases in the Hg-O-S System for Removal and Recovery of Mercury from Sulfur-Containing Wastes: Guy L. Fredrickson, J. P. Hager, Deptartment of Metal and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401-1887

9:25 am

Removal of Arsenic and Selenium from Wastewaters - A Review: A. H. Mirza, V. Ramachandran, ASARCO Incorporated, 3422 South 700 West,
Salt Lake City, UT 84119

9:50 am

Mercury Recovery Using a Fluidized Bed: Cecil Harriss, D. L. Baum, W. L. Read, Phillips Environmental Services Corp., 210 W. Sand Bank Road, Columbia, IL 62236

10:15 am BREAK

10:30 am

Arsenic Removal from a Lead Smelter Waste: J. Perez, P. Tinoco Gonzalez, G. J. Roman - Moguel, I. Cisneros G, and S. Meza E, Departmento de Ingenieria Metalurgica E.S.I.Q.I.E. Instituto Politechnico Nacional, Apdo. Postal 75-874, Mexico, 07360, D.F. Mexico

10:55 am

Alkaline Dissolution of Arsenic from a Copper Smelter Flue Dust: Victor M. Sanchez, Ramon A. Castrejon, Departmento de Ingenieria Quimica y Metalurgia, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, C.P. 83000

11:20 am

Speciation and Complex Formation Effects on Mercury Adsorption in an Oxisol Soil: Ricardo Melamed, C. Villas Boas, Center for Mineral Technology, Rua 4, Quadra D, Cidade Universitaria, IIha do Fundao, 21941-590, Rio de Janeiro, R.J., Brazil

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