Wednesday, PM
Room: Kachina
October 30, 1996
Session Chairs: V. I. Lakshmanan, ORTECH Corporation, 2395 Speakman Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L5K 1B3, Canada; Co-Chair: Ms. Ana Elizabet Serna, Mexicana de Cobre, S.A. de C.V. Gerencia Fundicion, Apartado Postal No. 20, Nacozari, Sonora 84340, Mexico
The Metal Containing Wastes from the Plating Industry: Luis W. Pommier, ISO Inc., 8 Calle Espolon, RSM, CA 92688
2:25 pm
Process Development for Recovery of Lead as Lead Monoxide from Lead-bearing Waste: Carl C. Nesbitt, Sui Xue, Dept. of Met. & Materials Eng., Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI 49931
2:50 pm
Analysis of Copper Smelter Dusts: A. K. Kyllo, G. K. Williams Cooperative Res. Center for Ext. Metallurgy, Dept. of Chemical Eng., University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 3052; G. G. Richards, Cominco Research, PO Box 2000, Trail, B.C. Canada V1R 4S4; D. Verheist, Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd., Flin Fion, Manitoba, Canada R8A 1N9
3:15 pm BREAK
3:30 pm
An Integrated Bioremediation Route for Heavy Metal Contaminated Land Based on the Sulphur Cycle: H. Eccles, C. P. Holroyd, Company Research Laboratory, British Nuclear Fuels Plc, Springfield Works, Preston, PR4 OXJ, U. K.; P. N. Humphreys, Environmental Services Section, British Nuclear Fuels plc, Warrington, Cheshire, WA3 6AS, UK
3:55 pm
Innovative Use of Activated Carbon for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Ground Water Sources: Tom Lewis III, Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., R. J. Casey Industrial Park, Pittsburgh, PA 15233
4:20 pm
Electrolytic Removal of Cadmium with Reticulated Vitreous Carbon
Cathodes: A. Espinola, P. P. Borges, A. J. B. Dutra, Programa de
Engenharia Metalurgica de Materials, Caixa Postal 68505, 21945-970, Rio de
Janeiro, R. J. Brazil
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