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About the 4th International Symposium on 718 and Others: Technical Program, Monday Afternoon Sessions (June 16)

June 15-18, 1997 · Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The following papers will be presented at the 4th International Symposium on Superalloys 718, 625, 706 and Derivatives, on Monday afternoon, June 16th, 1997.

J. Hyzak, Wyman-Gordon, North Grafton, MA
L. Jackman, Teledyne Allvac, Monroe, NC

Session II: Advances in Processing

Ultra Fine Grain Processing for Superplastic Forging of U-718
C.A. Petri, T. Deragon, and F.A. Schweizer, Special Metals Corporation, New Hartford, NY

Uniformity of Properties in Alloy 706 Through Control of Forging and Heat Treatment
Martin M. Morra, Peter Jepson, Wyman Gordon Company, North Grafton, MA

Effect of Processing Parameters on the Kinetics of Grain Coarsening in P/M 718
A.S. Watwe, D.M. Weaver, Wyman Gordon Forgings, Houston, TX; J.M. Hyzak, Wyman Gordon Company, North Grafton, MA

First and Second Tier Properties of HIP'ed and Forged P/M Inconel 706
U. Habel, F.J. Rizzo, J.J. Conway, Crucible Materials Corporation; R. Pishko, V.M. Sample, G.W. Kuhlman, Alcoa Forging Division, CLeveland, OH

Effect of Hot Deformation Parameters on the Grain Size of Wrought IN718
J.M. Zhang, L.Z. Ma, J.Y. Zhuang, Q. Deng, J.H. Du, Z.Y. Zhong, Department of Superalloys, Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing, China; P. Janschek, Thyssen Umformtechnik, Remscheid, Germany

Thermomechanical Behavior and Microstructure Development of Alloy 706
Samual V. Thamboo, GE Power Systems, Schenectady, NY

Evolution of Microstructure during Hot Rolling of Alloys 625 and 718
D.E. Camus, R.A. Jaramillo, J.A. Plyburn, F.S. Suarez, Inco Alloys International, Inc., Huntington, WV

Clean Metal Spray Forming
W.T. Carter, M.G. Benz, J.K. Browning, R.J. Zabala, B.A. Knudsen, GE Corporate R & D, Schenectady, NY; R.M. Forbes-Jones, R.M. Davis, Teledyne Allvac, Monroe, NC

Process Modeling the Superplastic Forming Behavior of Inconel Alloy 718SPF
Gaylord D. Smith, H. Lee Flower, Inco Alloys International Inc., Huntington, WV; Terence G. Langdon, Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering, Los Angeles, CA; and Robert B. Leholm, Rohr, Inc., Chula Vista, CA

Room Temperature Formability of Inconel Alloys 625LCF, 718 and 718 SPF
P. Roamer, C.J. Van Tyne, D.K. Matlock, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO; H. Ruble, F.S. Suarez, INCO Alloys International, Huntington, WV

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