About the 8th Biennial Workshop on OMVPE: General Information
April 13-17, 1997 ยท Dana Point, California
This 8th Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (OMVPE), sponsored by the Electronic Materials Committee of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society's (TMS's) Electronic, Magnetic & Photonic Materials Division will be held at Marriott's Laguna Cliffs Resort, Dana Point, California, Sunday, April 13 through Thursday, April 17, 1997.
All attendees are encouraged to register in advance to avoid delays in registering at the meeting. Also, preregistration fees are lower than on-site fees. To advance register, complete the registration form. Advance registrations will be accepted until March 21, 1997.
On-site registration will be held beginning Sunday and continue through Thursday during the following hours:
- Sunday, April 13, 3:00 pm-5:00 pm
- Monday, April 14, 7:30 am-1:30 pm and 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
- Tuesday, April 15, 7:30 am-12:30 pm and 7:00 pm-9:00 pm
- Wednesday, April 16, 7:30 am-12:00 noon
- Thursday, April 17, 7:30 am-9:30 am
A variety of social functions are planned to supplement the formal technical workshop, including the Sunday evening Welcoming Reception and the Wednesday evening Workshop Reception. These functions are included in the registration fee for full-conference registrants. Tickets for students and accompanying persons may be purchased using the registration form. Also, a pre-set Monday luncheon will be available for the convenience of attendees and guests. Luncheon tickets may be purchased on the registration form.
ATTENTION: Nonmember Attendees |
Join TMS as part of your meeting registration and receive a one-time seven-month TMS membership (June-December 1997) for $42.50 (dues normally require a full-year membership at $85 per year). This offer is available to first-time members only.
Membership benefits include:
- A complimentary subscription to JOM
- Potential participation on any of the 30 plus TMS technical committees
- A listing in the TMS Membership Directory
- Access to TMS OnLine's searchable version of the TMS Membership Directory
- Discounts on registration fees at TMS-sponsored meetings
- Reduced rates on TMS-published periodicals and books.
- The distinction of affiliation with a leading international professional society dedicated to promoting the science and engineering professions concerned with minerals, metals, and materials.
To take advantage of this offer, complete the membership application (put $42.50 in "Dues Total" box) and submit it soon after submitting your OMVPE registration form. |
The OMVPE technical program will commence at 8:30 am on Monday, April 14, 1997. Sessions will be held at the Marriott's Laguna Cliffs Resort. Session and paper titles are included in this on-line view of the program. Major session topics include:
- Growth and doping mechanisms
- In-situ diagnostics
- Alternative sources
- Nitrides
- Selective-area growth
- Heterostructures and strained-layer epitaxy
- Nanostructure growth
- ALE/CBE techniques
- Novel device structures
- Materials characterization
- Production and safety issues
Written requests must be sent to TMS Headquarters. No refunds will be issued after March 21, 1997. A $30 processing fee will be assessed on all cancellations.
Audio and Video Recording
TMS reserves the rights to any audio and video reproduction of all presentations at every TMS-sponsored meeting. Recording of sessions (audio, video, still photography, etc.) intended for personal use, distribution or copyright without the express written consent of TMS and the individual authors is strictly prohibited. Contact Peggy Weiss, weissp@tms.org, at TMS Headquarters to obtain a waiver release form.
Late News Papers
Potential presenters are encouraged to consider submitting Late News Papers. Authors of accepted papers will be notified before the workshop. Abstracts are limited to 18 typed lines, double spaced, along with additional supplemental information for reviewing purposes (one attached page). Submit the material no later than Monday, March 24, 1997 to
Dr. Rajaram Bhat
Bellcore, 331 Newman Springs Road, NVC 32-203 Bellcore, Red Bank, NJ 07701
Telephone (908) 758-3385; fax 908-758-4372; e-mail bhat2@nyquist.bellcore.com
Publication of the Workshop Papers
The papers accepted for the conference will be reviewed for inclusion in the workshop proceedings, which will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Electronic Materials (JEM). Important: If you wish to submit your workshop paper to this special issue of JEM, please mail the full manuscript to Dr. Bhat at the above address. Do not wait until the workshop to submit your manuscript. Manuscript formatting information and the TMS Transfer of Copyright form has been mailed to all authors.
Workshop Program
A complete program with abstracts of papers to be presented at the workshop will be distributed to all registrants at the conference.
A block of rooms has been reserved for meeting attendees at the Marriott's Laguna Cliffs Resort, Dana Point, California. As the hotel is nearly sold out over the workshop dates, it is imperative that you make your reservations prior to the March 13, 1997, deadline. After March 13, rooms may be available but cannot be assured.
Marriott's Laguna Cliffs Resort may be reached by mail or fax:
Marriott's Laguna Cliffs Resort, 25135 Park Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629
Telephone: (714) 661-5000; fax: (714) 661-5358
If you call the resort, identify yourself as an attendee of the OMVPE Workshop in order to be given the workshop housing rate of $138/single or double. For those attendees wishing to arrive early or stay after the conference dates, the special rate of $138 will remain in effect three days prior to and three days after the conference dates, based on availability. A deposit equal to one night's room and tax will be required when making your reservation. All major credit cards will be accepted for advance deposit. Upon arrival, the room payment will apply to the last confirmed night of the stay and, in the event of early departure, the payment will be nonrefundable. Guaranteed rooms will be held for the night of arrival only. For any guaranteed reservations that "no show," a one night's room and tax charge will be billed to the individual. Payments for canceled reservations will be refunded if the hotel is notified at least four days prior to the guest's scheduled arrival date.
The information on this page is maintained by TMS Customer Service Center (csc@tms.org).